Chapter 27

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*Two Weeks Later*

"Ugh, okay. Fabian, I'm heading to the library to tutor Black" I yelled into the bathroom where he was taking a shower. He stuck his head out from around the curtain, a wet head of red hair sticking out.

"Okay babe, be careful"

"I will, I'm going to be moving pretty slow due to this round bulge of a stomach I have going for me" I say placing my hand on my stomach which has doubled in size since two weeks ago.

I heard him chuckle as I walked out and started my way down the stairs. This child better be the most well behaved little thing otherwise, so help me Merlin, they will not see the light of day. I finally made my way to the library and reached an empty table. I proceeded to remove my Ancient Runes and Potions book from my bag when I heard a voice.

"Really hitting those biscuits, aren't you?"

"No, Black. I just have a tiny human being growing inside me" I said opening to the page where we left off last time. "And I'm trying to keep the whole expedited pregnancy thing a secret"

"Well, good luck with that" he scoffs. "You appear to have just swallowed a watermelon"


*A Couple Weeks Later*

*Sirius POV*

"Hey Black" I saw one of the Prewett twins came running up to me with a worried expression on his face. "It's Charlotte"

My heart dropped. "What happened?"

"She collapsed and now she's in labor" Fabian said as he ran a hand through his already messed up hair. "What do I do?"

"Go! Run!" I said turning and running towards the castle. As we ran through the entrance hall, I heard a voice.

"Mr. Black, can I speak with you?" It was Dippet. I turned to see the older man. I turned to see Fabian standing there.

"Go! She needs you!" With that, the redhead ran off towards the Hospital Wing.

Once we got back to Dippet's office, I sat down in one of the seats that faced his desk.

"Mr. Black, there are special circumstances when it comes to Ms. Asher" he pauses. I wonder why he calls her Asher when he was there and witnessed her marry Fabian. "But, we have to annul the marriage between Mr. Prewett and Ms. Asher. Immediately"

"Why!" I said, sitting up straighter.

"The ministry doesn't think it's best that two Vampires are married. So they wish to annul the marriage and have them both marry others."

"What about the baby!"

"Ah. Another special circumstance. Ms. Asher is what we call a Fortinva. Which is, her child will look like a mixture of her soulmates"

"Aren't you only supposed to have one?"

He paused before looking down and shuffling papers before meeting my eyes again.

"The baby will come out with curly black hair and grey eyes but will be a vampire. So basically. The baby will look like it's father but be a vampire like it's mother. It will have the hair of the father and mother but the eyes of the father."

"Fabian has red hair"

"He's not the father"

"If he's not, Who is?" I said thinking to myself multiple different things. Charlotte didn't sleep around. She barely interacted with the male gender in general.

"Mr. Black. That would be you"

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