Chapter 3

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"Class Dismissed" Professor McGonagall says before flicking her wand making the blackboard erase itself. I began gathering my books and such at my own pace as everyone else hurried to go to their next class. I had a free period so I always took my time.

"Ms. Asher, could I speak with you for a minute?" I turn toward the professor and smile.

"Yes Ma'am" I say walking over.

"I heard how you're tutoring Lily Evans in Ancient Runes and Professor Harlow tells me how well she did on her test today" I smiled at the fact that Lily passed the test she had been stressing over. "I need you to tutor one of the Gryffindors."


"I know I'm not your head of house but you just seem to be thriving in your studies especially transfiguration" she smiled. "Please. I'll speak with Professor Slughorn"

"Of course"

"The student is Sirius Black. Ever since this summer. He's been slowly failing and at this point he's on the brink of being held back."

"Sirius Black?"

"Please" she says.

I nod with a fake smile before she smiles and pats me on the shoulder. "Thank you"

With that I walk out, my bag over my shoulder. I walk out to my tree and climb the branches until I'm up at the top. I sit up there just watching the world.

"Minnie is getting me a tutor!" I hear a voice. "Can you believe that?"

"Well you have been failing"

"Hush Moony!"



Once we were all back in the dorm, I sat on my bed.

"Do you think my tutor will be as hot as that Asher girl?" I say.

"Asher?" Moony says turning around from facing his wardrobe.

"Yea, Evans was being tutored by a Slytherin girl"

"Charlotte Asher?" Remus said. I nod along with James. "Sirius you have to be careful around that girl."

"Why? She's short and she's hot."

"She's from the Asher family" he says. "The Noble House of Asher. They go back longer than your family, Sirius."

"She doesn't seem like a Pureblood obsessed freak to me" James says before going into the bathroom.

"She has older brothers, parents who are obsessed. She's probably being forced into marriage! She is a ticking timebomb" Remus says. "She's either an emotional mess or a death eater wannabe."

"You know, Lily would kill you for saying this about her friend" I say knowing Evans really likes that girl.

"Well, she may be nice but wait until holiday" He says before laying down in his bed.

"Besides mate, she's a year older" James says walking out. "I didn't know you were into older girls."

"I am when it comes to Asher."

"You have fun with your older sly bird, Pads"

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