Chapter 19

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*Sirius' POV*

I noticed Charlotte over near the tree stumps trying to avoid Prong's sister and one of the Prewett twins.

"Tell me, Charlotte" I heard Elena say menacingly. I took this as my chance. I walked up behind her and lifted her up before running away with her in my arms. She began wiggling and squirming before lifting her hand up and feeling my face for the second time since I've known her. Her hand ran over my acne covered nose and finally stopped at my chin which really needed to be shaved. "May I know who this is?" I chuckled as she stiffened.

"Hello, love"

"I really don't want to deal with you right now" she groaned before continuing to wiggle and squirm before she fell from my hands and landed in her fox form.

One minute I'm chasing the red haired vixen the next I'm in the Black lake as Padfoot. Charlotte let out a laugh as she stood on the bank of the lake with her arms crossed. I walked up the edge of the lake after changing back to me. She smirked as she stood there taking in my wet appearance. I took this as my chance. I trapped her by wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to me making her squeal and squirm. I chuckled as she struggled against my now cold clothes.

She looked up at me with those puppy dog brown eyes. I know it was a ploy to get me to let go but I just could resist myself. I had to do it. It was me coming through.

I kissed her.

Straight on the lips.

And I was so surprised.

She kissed back! Holy shit!

I was standing here lip locked with the girl that I admitted I loved back in Chapter 17. Shit, you weren't supposed to read that. Let's try that again.

I'm standing here lip locked with the girl that I admitted I loved back in the white cottage. There we go. Much better. Sorry, Author.

I pulled away to see her staring straight forward. I pushed some of her red hair back behind her ear making her look up.

"What did we just do?" She said, her Australian accent coming through more than usual.

"I don't know, but I enjoyed it" I whispered. She grabbed my shirt and looked at me.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" she muttered. "But I enjoyed it too" she smirked before connecting our lips again.


Elena's POV

"Fabian" I said straight faced. He didn't look up. I smacked him over and over while saying his name repeatedly.

"What do you want, Woman?" He finally said.

"Are you seeing what I see?" I said pointing a finger over at Sirius and Charlotte. Sirius pulled away and looked at Charlotte who smiled. They said something before Charlotte pulled him by his shirt into another kiss.

"Oh snap" Fabian said with a smirk.

"Young Love" I said dreamily as I placed my head on my hand. I heard Fabian chuckle from beside me.

"Are you ready for Christmas holiday?" Fabian asked getting up and tugging me along with him while my dearest friend had a nice snogging with the boy that she hated.

"Fabian! I wanted to tease her about it"

"You can do that later" he said taking me into the Great Hall. "Now, what are you doing for holiday?"

"Going home... keeping my brother from blowing the bloody house up" I said thinking of my younger brother. He's such an idiot.

"Well, we leave tomorrow, so you better prepare" he chuckled.

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