Chapter 28

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"Listen, I listened when it came to the talk of how babies were made and that statement is not at all how it works"

"Mr. Black, Ms. Asher is a special circumstance" Dippet said. "Now, go see her in the hospital wing. I've already spoken to Mr. Prewett."



I looked up to see Fabian standing there with a huge smile on his face but something about it didn't seem right. He looked at me with a slightly disappointed glance.

"Hello, love. I have a surprise for you" he said handing me a small pile of blankets. I looked down to see a small little girl. I smiled as I moved the blankets to see her. As I looked she yawned and opened her eyes to reveal grey staring up at me. She looked at me for a while before wiggling.

"Ms. Asher" I looked up to see Poppy with a letter in her hand. "It's for you"

Dearest Charlotte Annabelle Persephone Asher,

I send my deepest apologies for the confusion. Your match was quite tricky to produce, like before your results kept coming up Black. Most people's potions come up white when perfect. Yours came up Black then faded into white. Strange.

Thank you for being cooperative. You must be married within 24 hours and produce two children a year from today.

Congratulations future Mrs. Black.

Your future spouse is: Sirius Orion Black

Deepest apologies for the confusion,

Your truly,

Minister Millicent Bagnold

"Charlotte" I heard another voice. I looked up to see Black. I froze as he walked closer. I looked between Fabian and Black.


"I know, love. Dippet already spoke to me. They've decided to annul our marriage and redirect us. The baby will grow up to look like you and Black. I'm fine, love." He smiled kissing me on the forehead before walking out.


"I know that's my name" I said still looking down at the baby.

"Dippet is telling us to get married tomorrow morning, the ministry is already working on the annulment now" he said sitting down on the bed next to me. I looked from my baby up to the boy who I would marry. As soon as we made eye contact, a smirk developed on his face.

"Just think about it" he said placing a hand on my leg. "As soon as we get married, so many girls are going to be jealous of you"

"You are unbelievable!" I said, smacking him with my free hand.

"Come on, babe. So many girls would love to be in your position"


I was walking down the corridor on my way back to my new flat as Elena and Lily walked with me. Lily was holding my little girl in her arms as Elena was practically climbing over her shoulder trying to look at her.

"What's her name?" Lily said.

"Her name is Venus Luna Black" I said as one of the staircases decided to change. Elena turned to me and smiled yet I could see the devilish, mischievous look in her eyes.

"She's named after a planet?"

"Yea, why?"

"Because I think you're future husband is named after a star" Lily smirked before handing Venus over to Elena. Lily stopped before running as fast as she could over to the girl's lavatory. She ran into one of the toilets and shut the door behind her.

"Lily, we have to go to the Hospital Wing. Now. You look green" I said lifting her up after she was done emptying her stomach.

"No, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just going to go back to my flat"  she said with a small smile before heading up to Gryffindor tower.

"There's something up with her" I said as Elena nodded as she bounced Venus.

"Are we going to go all Slytherin on this?" She nodded as we both smirked.

"Who are you two killing?" I heard a deeper voice say from behind us. I turned to see Black and Fabian standing there.

"Oh, nobody" Elena and I said in unison making the two raise an eyebrow.

"Elena, can I talk to you?" Fabian said placing a hand on her side. She nodded as she handed the baby to me.

"Dippet wants to see us" Black said. I nodded and headed off in that direction. I felt him place his hand on my back softly.


"Ms. Asher, Mr. Black" Dippet smiled as we walked into his office. "As you know, tomorrow morning you two shall be wed. Your marriage with Mr. Prewett has been annulled. DNA Paternity tests have been performed on the baby and Mr. Black has been deemed the father" I froze as the older man put the piece of parchment he had being reading off of down in front of me.

"That can't be possible, professor" I said as Black shifted awkwardly in his seat.

"Ms. Asher, you are special. You are a fortinva, therefore you have circumstances that can alter the natural forms of nature"

"Is that why my baby has grey eyes?" I said. holding my baby closer. The headmaster nods slowly.

"Now, we have moved Mr. Prewett's belongings over to a different flat with his new betrothed while Mr. Black's belongings have been moved to yours. Ms. Asher, or shall I say Mrs. Black"

I nodded before getting up and silently leaving. I can't get that name out of my head.

Mrs. Black.

My parents are going to be thrilled. They've been trying to get us together since we were children. Hell, they had us stay in that damn cottage for a week or two. Felt like eternity.

After saying the password, the portrait opened and inside sat a dark trunk with quidditch stickers covering the top. I rolled my eyes before walking into the new extension that happened to be a nursery that Dippet added. I placed Venus into her crib and left her to sleep.

"Charlotte" I heard as I turned the corner to see Black standing there.

"Black" I said closing the door to the nursery quietly before crossing my arms and looking at him.

"Come on, love. We should at least be on first name basis if we're going to be married" he said, following me as I walked into the kitchen and put a kettle on.

"You are too much trouble to deal with" I said. "You and your friends go around 'pranking' people. You also practically stole Fabian's daughter. Listen, you got the short end of the stick in the situation" I said turning to get the milk out.

"What do you mean?"

"Fabian got the shag while you got the responsibility" I said with a smirk.

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