Chapter 7

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"Look Pads! It's your future restraining order!" I heard Potter down the hall as I made my way towards Ancient Runes. I shook my head before continuing down the corridor.

"Hello, Gorgeous"

"Leave me alone" I say before turning down another corridor.

"Why? It's not like you can do anything" he smirked. "You're too proper to do anything wrong."

I sighed before turning to face him. He had his usual smirk on his face as he leaned against the wall. His tie loosely tied and his shirt not buttoned up all the way.

I got so mad that I tackled him making him fall to the floor with a girlish yelp. I hit him in the chest and over the head multiple times while I messed up his hair and choked him with his tie. I got up and straightened my skirt and my Slytherin cardigan before speaking.

"Listen here Black" I said crossing my arms "you might be taller but I sure as hell can do things for myself and I might be better at somethings that you. Never say I can't do anything because you. Don't. Know. Me" I say before walking off.

"I'll just have to test that"

"Try me"

"Meet me outside after lessons"


"What do you mean you're meeting Black after classes!" Elena yelled after I told her what happened in the hall.

"I had to! He treats me like a little kid who can't do anything!" I said, changing into some black tights and a Slytherin hoodie.

"You're not listening to my Stay Away warning!" She says running a hand through her curly hair.

"Elena Maria Potter! I am listening!" I laugh as I grab my wand and place it in the front pocket of my black hoodie. Elena waves me off before turning to her muggle book.


"Look who actual showed up!" I look up to see Potter, Black, Remus, and Lily standing there all bundled up since it's the end of October.

"Try me"

"James, will you get the brooms" Black smirks as his friend walks away and comes back minutes later with four brooms.

"Now can Ms. Debutante ride a broom or is she afraid she'll mess up her hair?" He smiles. "Hop on"

"Give me my own broom"

"Oh ho, are you sure you're ready?" He smirked handing me his broom. I mounted it and pushed off. I sped off towards the Quidditch pitch. My hair blew behind me, the cold wind hitting my face. I smiled as the old feeling of flying came back to me and I zipped around the quidditch pitch before landing and picking Lily up. She wrapped her arms around me and clung to my body.

"I hope you know you stunned the boys" she whispered.

"Oh I know" I said as I turned around one of the goal post. "Most people think I'm some delicate thing when I can do shit for myself. I used to be on the Slytherin quidditch team before my mother deemed it unladylike."

After a couple more minutes, I landed and let Lily get off before holding the broom next to me. Lily laughed at the boys faces.

"So Asher, you want to be on the Gryffindor quidditch team?" Potter smirked. "We have a beater position open. Our old one got suspended for making Peeves send water balloons of paint on the Ravenclaw table. As we saw earlier, you've got an arm on you. I think my mate can vouch for that."

"I can't play for another house's team and either way, my mother thinks it's unladylike. Trust me, I used to be on the Slytherin team." I smiled before walking away with Lily.

"Slytherin! Why that team!?" Black exclaimed. I stopped and turned to face him before gesturing to my hoodie and yelling "If you haven't noticed already dumbass! I am in Slytherin house! Yes, I'm in the house with all the dark and evil bitches with everyone thinking I'm helpless and can't do anything, so my life would just be waiting to get married in an arranged marriage set up by my parents to keep the bloodline pure because apparently anyone who's not Pureblood is evil and disgusting, but yet I'm friends with Lily and I was on the  team and I have no bloody idea how to use makeup, I hate dresses and anything girly. My mother will physically hurt me and my brothers and sisters if we do anything wrong. My father, oh my father will fucking torture us if we do anything wrong. So I'm sorry, I'm so terribly sorry your majesty. Your highness, if I am not a Gryffindor and I am not keen on being your next target. Go shag someone else." I said before walking away leaving the Gryffindors stunned.

"Charlie! I saw you on your broom!" Elena said as soon as I walked into the dorm. "You looked so happy! Why don't you try out for the team? Remember Jacob transferred to Beauxbatons"

"Mother would kill me"

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her" Elena smirked. "I'll inform Charlie, Edward and Elizabeth not to tell her."

"Okay yea" I said with a smile.

"I'll go tell Xavier!" She said running out of the room.

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