Chapter 10

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As I was sitting at the Slytherin table eating dinner, I heard a scream and suddenly had a mess of dark curly hair all over me. I looked to see it was, none other than, Elena Potter. She gave me a sinister grin before sitting down across from me. She didn't say anything just grinned as she scooped food onto her plate.

"Hello Charlie" Fabian smiled as he sat down next to me. "Ellie, Who did you kill?"

She shook her head before whimpering a bit. "I went to the Gryffindor common room to tell my brother something and ran into Black." Her grin grew, if possible. "He looked like he had been attacked! He had a black eye, scars all over his arms and legs, bruises on his face. It's great!"

"Why do you think he has those?" Fabian asked taking a bite of his corn.

"According to him, he went to get some air last night and ran into the Whomping Willow" Elena said.

"Who accidentally walks into a massive aggressive tree?" I said with a chuckle. I look behind Elena, over to the Gryffindor table, to see Black sitting there. His arm was in a sling and he seemed to be moving slower than usual.

"Why didn't Poppy fix him?" I asked, curious that he had the muggle medical treatments.

"That's the thing!" She exclaimed. "Someone put a spell on him that rejects all magic healing spells. I didn't even know there was a spell that could do that."

Oh no. My brothers and I created a spell that could do that. I got up and ran to the Ravenclaw table, grabbing Edward, before running down to the Slytherin common room where I knew Charles was in his dorm. I burst into his dorm to see Charles reading on his bed and two of his roommates, one of which was only in a towel.

"Charles and Edward Asher!" I exclaim, pushing Edward toward Charles and crossing my arms.

"Yes sister?"

"How could you go and attack Sirius Black!" I said.

"He hurt you sister, we were just protecting you" Edward said trying to walk up to me.

"You know what we are, Edward" I said. "If he started bleeding, I know you two wouldn't have been able to control yourself"

"He didn't bleed"

"And that's why he's alive!" I yell before turning to his roommates and looking into their eyes.

"You will not remember any of this conversation" I say before they got in bed.

"We're not supposed to use our powers at school" Edward said.

"We're also not supposed to attack people with our stronger selves!"

"We apologize sister" Charles said.

"Don't apologize to me! Apologize to Black and never threaten to reveal our secret again! We've gone this far in our lives without anyone knowing, I'm not going to let you two reveal to the school just over a horny joke" I said before storming down the boys hall and heading towards my dorm. I grabbed my potions book before heading over to the Potions chamber.

"Hey Charlie" Fabian smiled as I sat down next to him, not even looking up from his parchment.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"I don't know..." he trailed off as he continued to write his Charms paper.

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