Chapter 23

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"Why are we in such a rush?" I heard Sirius say as we got on the tube which ran through London. I sighed and ran a hand through my dark hair before sitting down in the very last part of the train.

"I can't be there. I couldn't control myself. I fucked up" I said directing the last part to him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sirius, I'm many things. Crazy is one of them. You know I'm a Metamorphmagus, an animagus, a witch, but you don't know something." I said, looking straight into his grey eyes. "I'm a Vampire"

I watched as his eyes widened and he began to slowly back up.

"Please, no. Sirius, I promise I won't hurt you" I say looking up at him with tears brimming in my eyes. His eyes softened as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Charlotte" he said placing a hand on my shoulder. "How did you keep this from anyone?"

"Only Dippet and the professors know. That's why every full moon, I'm allowed to go outside and turn into my fox form and go hunting in the Forrest" I said. "Please don't tell anyone. I'll be isolated if the school finds out."

"How old are you, Charlotte?"



We arrived at Hogwarts and walked through the entrance hall doors. We went into the Great Hall to see the professors sitting up at the front table. Charles, Edward, Elisabeth, and Elena were standing in front of them.

"What's going on?"

"Ms. Asher, we heard of your incident at Malfoy Manor"

"Oh no, please don't contact the ministry" I said, flashbacks of the blood lust filling my head. "If the Ministry finds out, I'll be put in isolation with a muzzle until they're happy."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Asher" Slughorn said as two wizards walked up behind me. I noticed Charles' eyes go dark and veins emerging on his skin before he pounced on Slughorn before the wizards ran over and grabbed him too.


"Charles Alexander Henry Asher and Charlotte Annabelle Persephone Asher" the Ministry judge said as he sat up on the throne like bench while Charlie and I were forced to sit in two separate chairs with muzzles around our mouths. "You two have been charged with Blood Lust and Assault of a Witch"

"Excuse me your honor" I heard two voices say. I turned to see Dippet and Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, Dippet. We've already decided on a verdict. You are not needed here"

"No, we are. They are considered young among the Vampirism Monarchy"

"106 and 104 is considered young?"

"Yes, now please give them a citation and let them go"

"They will be required to attend classes about how to control their urges and must wear fang guards around others" the Minister declared as he rapped the gavel.


It had been a week since the trail and now I'm back at Hogwarts. Only Sirius found out about my condition. I put on my robes before going into the bathroom and placing the clear caps over my canine teeth which deterred my fangs from growing out. I sighed before grabbing my bag and heading down to the Great Hall.

I heard the usual chaos from three boys over the Gryffindor table as I made my way to my table. I sat down next to Fabian.

"Don't worry Charlie, I know how you feel" he smiled.

"No, you don't Fabian" I muttered before looking up at him to see him open his mouth and point at the small caps on his canines. My eyes widened as he closed his mouth.


"Yes, Charlie, I do know how you feel" he chuckled before going back to his food.


I had discovered that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor used to go to school here and is now on his way to being an auror. I don't know why he's teaching but oh well.

"Hello class, since Professor Rami will not be returning for the rest of term due to a freak Boggart attack, I will be your professor" the young boy said. "My name is Professor Dalton"

"We're going to start off with a creature that haunts the films that muggles love" he smiled before flicking his wand just for the enchanted chalk to write in big curly writing "Werewolves vs Vampires."

I felt Remus stiffen next to me as I tended up and immediately looked down and fiddled with my thumbs. I looked up at him to see a worried expression as Professor Dalton carefully went into a detailed description of the two species.

"There have been known occurrences of hybrids. Hybrids meaning, wizard vampire witch werewolf and vice versa" he said looking over towards Remus and I.

"I hate him already" I muttered under my breath as I doodled on the piece of parchment, originally meant for notes.


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