Chapter 17

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We walk out of the tattoo parlour once Sirius' tattoo is finished. I looked at the affection list and see there is a box down near the bottom filled in. I tap Sirius on the arm and point to the square.

"Do something crazy" I read aloud. "You know tattoos are one of the craziest things one could do without bloody killing someone! You did this on purpose."

"Okay, so I might have planned it" he said as he continued walking.

"Sirius Orion Black!" I said coldly. I stomped passed him, shoving him out of the way as I went. I barged into the cottage and threw the lists on the floor before going into the one bedroom and closed the door.

I know. Classic girl move. Shut the guy out. Silent treatment, all that. Let me have my moment.

I walked over to the small mirror and pulled my shirt up to see the tattoo I got. I spelled out the words "Love You To The Moon and Back." It was written in a skinny cursive writing. I sighed before letting my shirt drop and shifting my gaze down to my wrist where it read "Mischief Managed" with small paw print interweaving the words.

"Hey, Charlotte! Open the door"

I sighed before opening the door a little.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about my plan but you wouldn't have gone through with it if I told you" he said.

I said nothing. I just looked down from his wrist to mine before shaking my head and walking out and going into the kitchen.

"We're going to be much longer than 2 days" I mutter.


It's been three days.

We were supposed to leave two days ago but we had that little snag.

"Hey! There's only one more box left" Black said coming into the room with the parchment in his hand. "Reveal True Feelings" he read. As soon as the last word left his lips, a small rectangular package came through the door and gently placed itself on the small coffee table.

"Well I'm not going to touch it" I said, my Australian accent becoming thicker. He rolls his eyes before opening it to reveal a small clear bottom with a V on it. Attached was a letter.

"Take a drop of this potion and complete the task" Again, once he has finished reading the letter, another package came through the door placing itself next to the box. I leaned forward and grabbed that box, opening it and reading the letter attached to the small pink liquid filled bottle.

"Take a smell of this"

He shrugged and placed a drop of the clear liquid into his mouth before handing it to me.

"Smell" I said opening the small vial of pink. He took a deep breath before smiling.

"I smell berries, the forest, and coffee" he said before taking another deep breath. "Might be a weird combination but I love it. Now smell"

I leaned forward and inhaled slightly. My mind automatically knew the answer and I was talking before I even knew what I was thinking. "I smell cologne, chocolate, and dog treats" I laughed before sitting back in my seat.

"Now, True Feelings?" He asked.

"Same time?" I said. He nodded before counting down.

"I think I'm falling for you" I said, covering my eyes.

"I'm in love with you"

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