Chapter 13

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"Potter, tell me. What did Elena say?" I said during Study Hour. I walked towards his table and sat down across from him. Study hour was in several rooms that looked like the Great Hall just smaller. These rooms were scattered all over the castle but, me being me, knew that Potter only went to one.

"That dick, Andrew, has been shagging Gina for the past 9 months! That's enough time to have a baby!" He said pounding his fist on the table.

"You're saying that Andrew was seeing Gina over the summer while still seeing Elena?" I asked just for James to nod.

"Well, I say we get some much needed revenge" I said with a smirk as I open one of my textbooks which I've enchanted to have secret compartment in certain pages. Invisible to professors, visible to me and certain people I deem appropriate.

"Hello love" a familiar voice says from behind me. I feel the bench move just for Sirius Black himself to sit next to me. "I hope you enjoyed the other evening. It was amazing, love" I rolled my eyes making him chuckle and James to grow a confused expression.

"Are you shagging every girl now?" James asks. "First Evans, Now Asher?"

"No Prongs, you've got it all wrong" he said. "You must've seen the wrong red head. Lily left with Alice and Mary, I left with Asher here" Black smirked as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. His arm was slowly moving down towards forbidden areas as James was trying to explain the situation to himself. I grabbed Black's manhood and squeezed making him squeal like a little girl.

"Now, Black. Shall I say it again?" I smile as he squirms. I squeeze harder making his voice go higher. "Don't talk about what happened and Never try to touch me again!" I smile before turning back to James who smirked with an amused tone.

"Here" I say handing one of the dung bombs, some belch powder and some of my finest Bulbadox powder. "Use it wisely"

"Bulbadox powder?! How'd you get that?"

"I know a guy" I say before glaring at Black and walking out.


"Please Lily" I say as she goes around her dorm room throwing things. I duck and dodge the things she throws. I don't think she's purposefully aiming at me, I just think she throws it randomly.

"I can't!" She says throwing a book. I nearly escape the heavy book as it flies through the air.

"But Lily!" I say casting a charm on the door so nobody can hear us. "Nobody has to know you shagged Black. We can make it seem like I shagged him instead of you! Black and Potter go back to being friends which means less awkward silences and glare matches and more funny loudness like before"

"How would we do that?" She said turning around after throwing her cauldron. I caught it and placed it gently next to her wardrobe.

"I just say that I was the redhead Black left with" I say grabbing her arms and sitting her down on the bed. "Now can we stop throwing things?"

Lily nods before engulfing me in a hug. "I better be going. Black said he was going to take care of Daniels for me."

"Charlotte, remember to just take robes from the laundry next time you want to talk in my dorm" she said with a smile. I look down at my makeshift Gryffindor robes. Instead of my usual green and silver lined jumper, I have Black's Gryffindor jumper which is much too big on me along with his robes which make me look like a girl playing dress up with her father's clothes.

I can imagine what Black is going through. He is stuck in my small Slytherin cardigan along with my robes. I warned him of my small size compared to his tall build but he was adamant that he could handle it.



I can barely breath in these robes. I was fine with the tie and the cardigan because I could just unbutton it but the robes and the sleeves on the cardigan. Ugh.

The sleeves were cutting off blood circulation to my hands and the robes were much too short for me. My robes must look like a dress on Charlotte. She warned me too but it's too late to back out now.

Instead of stairs, the Slytherin common room had hallways for boys and girls. The girls, however, had a barrier that only girls could walk through. I walked down the corridor then took a turn at the seventh hall. Looking at each dorm, I finally found Daniels.

"Hey Daniels" I said smiling at the bloke who shagged Charlotte. He looked up with a confused look but smiled anyway.


"Black. Sirius Black"

"I've heard of your brother. Bit of a tosser, that one" Daniels chuckled.

"I heard you managed to shag Asher" I said. "Nice, I've been trying to get her for a while."

"Yea, can cross that name off the list" he said pulling his parchment out.

"Yea, see, here's the thing" I say. "Trust me when I say this, you don't want people knowing you shagged her, especially her brothers"

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when I was stuck in a cast and such? Well that was because her brothers found out I was joking about her virginity. They beat me up and cast a spell that makes magic irrelevant when it comes to healing injuries."

"Because you were joking?"

"Imagine if they were to hear that you actually went through with it" I say. "I think one of them is in Slytherin as well."

"Oh no" he said with a panicked expression. "What do I do?"

"Listen, I'll say that I shagged her, take the beating from her brothers, you cross her name off your list and we'll be good" I say before sticking my hand out. He did not hesitate to shake it before smiling in relief.

"Thanks Black" I nodded before walking out and back to the Gryffindor common room to see Charlotte asleep on the couch. My robes hanging off of her small frame making her disappear in the amount of fabric. I chuckle before lifting her up and going up the stairs to my dorm. I placed her on the bed before removing my shirt and changing into comfy pants. I carefully changed Charlotte without looking at anything I shouldn't have seen until leaving her in one of my undershirts and a pair of clean boxers. I smiled at my work before climbing in next to her and falling asleep.

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