Chapter 20

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"Charlotte, how was your little vacation from school" my father said from behind his paper as I walked in.

"It just began"

"I mean the one with that boy from the Black family" he said looking over the top of his paper.

I had been home for about 2 days and my parents are trying to be subtly nosy about what happened between Sirius and I at the cottage.

"Nothing happened, father" I muttered as my mother came bustling through the door and placed food on the nearby dining room table.

"Come, sit" she said before hurrying back into the kitchen. I noticed Charles and Elisabeth coming down the stairs while Edward walked toward the table with his nose in a book. I sat down next to Elisabeth.

"Mother has found me a suitor and we are set to wed when I turn 16" she said looking up to me with her dark blue eyes. Elisabeth is my younger sister. She is 14 and in Ravenclaw with Edward.

I place my arm around her shoulders giving her a side hug as the doorbell echoes throughout the manor.

"Company is here!" I hear my mother from the kitchen. I get up and dust off my short black dress. My mother required Elisabeth and I to wear dresses when we were at home to show what a true lady would look like. My dress was straight black with lace sleeves going down to get past my elbow. I head toward the door and sigh before opening it. On the other side was Walburga and Orion Black.

"Hello" I said with a fake smile.

"Hello Charlotte" she says with a stern face.

"Please, come in" I say, curtsying as the men walk by. My parents are very old fashioned and they require us to perform all the behaviors as such.

"Orion! Nice to see you again" My father bellowed as he put down his paper and walked over the table. He shook Mr. Black's hand before they sat down on either end of the table.

"Sirius why don't you sit next to Charlotte" My mother said with a smile she was trying to contain. Sirius greeted my mother with a kiss on the knuckles before thanking her and walking over to the chair next to me.

"Hello, Gorgeous" he said, unfolding his napkin and placing it on his lap. "You look stunning this evening"

"Thank you" I said before looking to where my sister had to sit next to Regulus.

"What was with the curtsy?" I heard Sirius mutter as he fiddled with his silver.

"I'm required to curtsy when men enter the house as a sign that I respect their presence" I say as my mother sits down next to Mrs. Black.

"Now, children. The Blacks are here to discuss Charlotte and Sirius' futures" My mother beamed from across the table. I saw Charles tense up next to me and I felt a hand on my thigh. I look next to me to see Sirius' hand on my thigh. He squeezed it while acting like he was paying attention to what our mothers were talking about.

"They should have at least 5 kids" Mrs. Black said before looking at me.

"I'm not having 5 kids" I said crossing my arms. The ends of my hair began to turn dark red, meaning I was angry.

"Charlotte" My mother said.

"No, I'm not doing it. I'm already mad that you're choosing my life choices for me. Now you're telling me how many kids I'm having" I said getting mad and letting my temper show. "Are you going to be there to watch the conception too? To make sure we're doing it right?"

"Charlotte Asher!"

"Don't patronize me mother. I want to make my own choices in my life! I want to be myself not the robot you're trying to make me be!" I said standing up from the table. "You're trying to make me into the submissive little housewife like you are! Well I don't want to be part of it" At this point, my hair was dark red like the color of fresh blood and my eyes were pitch black.

"Charlotte, sit down" my father said. "We will discuss this later"

"No, she's right. Mother is trying to make us into perfect little housewives that don't question anything!" Elisabeth said.

"Elisabeth! How could you!" My mother said.

"They're right. You two make them curtsy when men walk into this house" Sirius said. "The 1850's called, they want their mannerisms back"

Charles and Edward stood up said something supporting us.

"Fine. You leave me no other option" My mother said. "It's obvious that Charlotte is the Trouble child in this family"


"Therefore, Charlotte, you are no longer part of this family. Your portrait will be burned, your face will be removed from our family tree and you are not permitted in this house again" my mother said before turning toward the others.

"Anyone else?" She said it as if she was grounding us not kicking us out of the family.

"Fine, if that's what you want" I said before going upstairs, packing my belongings and leaving without another word.


Sirius' POV

"Do you realize what you just did?" I exclaimed once the door closed. "You just disowned one of the most influential, intelligent Slytherins in the entire school. She could make anyone do anything. People fear her, people respect her and most of all people obey her" I said before turning and walking toward the door.

"Don't you dare Sirius" I heard my mother. I looked back before walking out into the rain.

"Come on" I said walking towards my house to collect my stuff once I saw her sitting on a park bench stone faced.

Once I had collected my things, we went to Prongs house. It was about 2 in the morning when we got there. He lives in Godric's Hollow, that's where the big wigs live.

I knocked on the door as I held Charlotte close. She kept her head down making her bright red hair fall in her face. I knocked again this time receiving a response.

"Sirius?" James said from inside. He wasn't wearing a shirt and was in his boxers. "Charlie?"

"Hey Prongs"

"Come inside" he said pushing us inside. "What happened to you two?"

We told him the recap of how Charlotte lost her temper big time like blood hair black eyes big time. Then I told them about my little rebellion.

"So you went all 'Muggle Monster' and you went all 'Don't Hurt My Girl?'" James said.

I nodded as Charlotte lifted her head. Her hair was slowly turning dark blue. You could see at its roots. Her eyes were turning purple and were becoming glassy.

"My family hates me"

I watched as her face, which always seemed so clean and elegant, break. She never wore makeup so you always saw her acne but she didn't care. Her face always had an elegant yet carefree appearance but that was long gone as the girl in front of me fell apart at the seams.

"They hate me, they really hate me" she sobbed out. I wrapped my arms around her wet body and held her as the sobs shook her body.

"No, they don't. It's okay Vixen" I said. Prongs looked at me with a weird look.


"She's a sly, cunning female fox" I said. "Why not?"

I felt her shiver and begin trembling as she calmed down. I rubbed circles on her back before lifting her up and carrying her upstairs.

"I guess you can sleep in your own bed with her" James said passing by the room that I usually slept in. "We'll figure something out in the morning but for now, go to sleep." He said before yawning and walking away.

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