Chapter 5

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"Charlotte! Why are we running?" Lily said once we were up around the Ravenclaw common room.

"I took Fabian and Zac's wands" I said holding up two wands. Lily gasped before giggling.

"Charlotte!" I hear Zac's voice get closer. I gasp before running off.

"Oh hello Zachary" I hear Lily behind me. I look back to see Lily pinned up against a wall with Zac leaning over her. Please don't let his attractiveness get to you, Lily. Fight it. 

"Hello, love" he smirked. Zachary Daniels was easily one of the most attractive boys in the school. If he wasn't a Sixth year, all the younger girls would be throwing themselves at him, but since he is leaving in a year, it's only the fifth and sixth year girls. "So Lily, have you seen the other redheaded vixen."

"No, I haven't" she says. "I was about to look for her but then decided to just look for McGonagall instead"

"Are you sure you haven't seen her?" His smirk grew. "Because I bet, Potter would love to find out that you've accepted his date offer."

No. Lily. Don't do it.

"You wouldn't"

"Where is she?"

"Ugh. She went that way." She said pointing down the stairs away, the opposite way, from where I actually was. Zac smiled before hugging Lily and running down the stairs.

"Thank you, Lily!" I whispered hugging her.

"You better be" she muttered a hand was placed over her mouth. That hand belonging to Zac.

"Looks like Potter has a date this weekend" Lily physically groaned before being dragged off somewhere after Zac snatched his wand with a smirk.

I was grabbed from behind by Fabian who snatched his wand before handing me over to another pair of arms.

"Thank you, Fabian" I heard his voice. I turn to see long strands of dark hair.

"You traitor! You betrayed me Fabian!" I scream as I'm carried away.

"You'll thank me later!" I hear him chuckle. "I want an invite to the wedding!"

"I hate you"

"Don't be like that, love." Black said as he walked through the portrait.


"Why is it that I'm beginning to spend more time in the Gryffindor common room then my own?" I ask Lily who just glared at the floor of the boy's dorm.

"That's a good question" she mutters before kicking a sock.

"So Evans, James heard you've accepted his date offer. Brilliant!" Black came in with the biggest grin.

"I never accepted any offer"

"Well Zachary Daniels said otherwise making my mate so happy" he said as Potter came walking in and went straight for Lily. He engulfed her in a hug making her squirm.

"Now, Ms. Asher"


"You are coming with me"

"I'm not going anywhere" I said turning away from him and crossing my arms. "Besides, I want witnesses around when I kill you."

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