Chapter 25

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*Sirius POV*

"What!?" I exclaimed as I read the letter Asher had sent me asking if I would be her witness for the 'ceremony' tomorrow morning. "Why is she getting married so soon?"

"Elena told me that Dippet is making all the people who are of age and that have been matched are married as soon as possible so they can start "Raising the population" if you know what I mean" James said with a wink and a smirk.

"Well, I guess I'm going tomorrow" I said putting the parchment down and scribbling a reply before giving it back to her grey owl and watching as it went flying out the window.

"Man, you have it bad, mate" Remus said, shaking his head.

"Oh, bugger off"


*Charlotte's POV*

I woke up early the next morning and just sat in bed for the longest time, thinking about how I could've gotten myself into this situation.

"Come on Charlie" I heard Elena moan as she went to get dressed.

After showering and all that, I decided to put on one of my off white dresses. I never wore it unless to things that I didn't really pay much attention to. A few minutes later, Elena came out wearing one of her "I don't care dresses."

"There you are" Dippet smiled as we walked up to see him standing there with Fabian, Gideon, Black and Alia Jackson. We nod before grabbing on to Dippet's arm and side apparating. After the feeling of being sucked through a tight tube, I opened my eyes to see the giant welcome hall that is the Ministry of Magic. The six of us followed closely behind Dippet as he took turn after turn finally ending in front of a large black door that had MMA of the door.

"Come children" Dippet said before opening the door and allowing us in. A quiet large man stood in between two tall pillars the led to three steps. 

"Hello Mr. Howard, this is the second round of couples" 

"Ahh, yes. Who is going first?" 

I was pushed forward and Fabian was pushed behind me. I stepped up onto the step and faced Fabian as Mr. Howard began the 'ceremony.' I pretty much zoned out the entire time thinking about how I don't even get a say in who I marry. Like whats the deal with that.

"You may now kiss the bride" What? when did that happen? Fabian leaned down to my height and our lips met. It felt weird yet nice, but then again getting kissed by an attractive boy is always nice. Unless he's a nutter or a douche then no, but Fabian isn't either of those.

I pulled away to see Fabian with a small smile before walking down the steps with his hand on the small of my back. I noticed Elena and Gideon walk up there and do the same thing. I felt a nudge next to me so I turn and see Black in a nice button down and trousers. He smiles as if says congrats. I nod my head before looking down thinking of how little of a ceremony it was and how rushed the time had been since I found out I was getting married. My mind also kept thinking of how odd it was that my letter could change people because I had read Fabian's and Elena's and theirs hadn't said that. It was as if the minister kind of half assed it with my match. 


A few weeks later, I was sitting at one of the tables in the Slytherin common room studying for Care of Magical Creatures when I felt Fabian and Lily standing next to me. I looked up to see Fabian with a big smile, his fang caps only slightly noticeable because he had put them on wrong this morning. How do I know? Because Dippet is now having all the married couples live together in the same dorm. Our dorm is in the North Tower but I still like to come down to the Slytherin common room every chance I get. 

"I got you something babe" He smiled while Lily was practically peeing her pants. Fabian pulled a small black velvet box out of the pockets of his robes which opened to reveal a beautiful ring with a small shiny gem in the middle. Modest yet beautiful. He slipped it on my finger as I gasped at how cold it was sliding onto my finger.

"I thought we should have rings if we're going to do this right" He chuckles before saying bye to Lily who had witnessed the whole thing and was sad to have to leave so suddenly until she realized what he was alluding to. 

That night Fabian and I did something that I would have never done with anyone unless I was drunk. And I guess I enjoyed it, a little.

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