Chapter 14

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The next morning, I felt a body up against me again. I did not want to open my eyes to see the person because last time, I wasn't pleased. I turned over and put my hand under my head just to feel a bare arm which lead to a bare torso. Keeping my eyes closed, I kept moving my hands around. I found more bare chest. I moved my hand up to what I would think is a face, I wouldn't know, I refused to open my eyes.

"Okay, babe. You can stop now" I heard a deep voice that indicated it was Black. I opened my eyes to see him laying next to me with my hand on his nose. "Could you kindly move your hand?"

"Why am I in your bed?" I said looking around to see the curtains on his four poster bed were closed. I narrowed my eyes at him because I heard from Remus that if the curtains were closed, that meant he had a girl over.

And everyone knows what that means.

"Because you fell asleep in the common room last night and I decided to be a gentlemen and carry you to bed"

"Did you convince Daniels?" I said, worried about the answer. Black smiled and nodded, wrapping his arm around my back bringing my face into his chest.

"I did. Therefore, we had some fun the other night" he smirked raising one eyebrow up and down. "If you want to do it again, I will happy to oblige." He said leaning down to my neck. I swatted him away before sitting up and looking down at my attire.

"Did you change me!" I whisper yelled. He raised his hands in surrender before whispering.

"I didn't look at anything. If I did, I wouldn't be in bed, I'd be in the bathroom with some lotion" he said, his smirk growing.

"You are foul" I said getting up out of bed to see the other beds were empty with only one being made.

"Hey guys!" Potter says bounding into the room. He takes in my appearance before handing Remus some galleons.

"What was that for!"

"Oh nothing, you just looked kinda cozy with our pal there" Potter said high five-ing Black.

"I took care of Ockerman" he smiles. " he will be in the Hospital Wing for the next couple months due to his spontaneous outbreak of boils all over his body."

"You used the Bulbadox powder?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He said with a smile.


"Did you hear?" Elena said running up to me at breakfast.

"About Andrew? Yes, yes, I did" I smirked proudly. She looked at me with suspicion before waving it off.

"Now, the real stuff" she said sitting down across from me. "What is up with you and Black?"

"Listen" I started just for Elena to squeal, attracting the attention of the entire Great Hall. "Thanks Elena"

"You fell for him"

"I was drunk off my arse and I couldn't tell which way was up" I said making her nod. She giggled before running off to sit with the rest of the quidditch team. I sighed as I was alone again. Fabian had gone home with his brother, Gideon, because his aunt and uncle had been found dead with a dark mark located above.

Sometimes I wish I was in Gryffindor but then I'd end up like Sirius Black. Hated and on the brink of being disowned by our own family.

"Look! It's the post!" A random kid yelled. I looked up to see Sage flying down with the signature black envelope containing a letter from my parents.

She landed gracefully and began nibbling on the abandoned piece of toast on my plate as I read the letter.


Your father and I wanted to inform you that we have found a suitor for you and that he is of the purest blood and the best family. Headmaster Dumbledore will excuse you and your suitor from classes for the next two days so you can meet and get to know each other.
You will be required to engage in affection and loving gestures towards each other and you shall wed the summer after you graduate Hogwarts. He also attends Hogwarts. He's been given a second chance by his family.
This meeting shall take place as soon as you finish reading this letter.


Your Parents

I looked up to see the Headmaster looking in my direction before sending Slughorn towards me.

"Ms. Asher, your parents have requested your presence" he said gesturing for me to go with him. I nodded before getting up and following him to Dumbledore's study.

"Ms. Asher, I'm guessing you've received a letter of why you will be excused from lessons for the next two days" Dumbledore said, a hint of pity in his eyes. "You will be escorted to a neutral area by me and required to stay there alone with the other participant for the allotted time. Understood?" I nodded, keeping my eyes toward the floor before getting up and grabbing onto Dumbledore's arm and apparating.

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