Chapter 22

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As I walk into the great hall the next morning, I notice the usual mild volume of chatter being disrupted by chaos at the Ravenclaw table. I look over to see Edward holding Elisabeth away from two boys.

"What is going on?" I ask as I walk up. The two boys, obviously younger, look at me then to my robes then back to me. They flinch and shrink a little before turning back to Edward with a hard expression.

"These two tried to place muggle drugs into Elisabeth's goblet"

I stared at the two Hufflepuff boys before pulling my wand out making them run back to their table, grab their belongings and dash out of the Great Hall.

"Thank you, Charlie" she sobbed.

"Slytherin's reputation comes in handy when trying to scare someone" I chuckle before walking over to Elena and Fabian who were laughing at something.

"Good Morning"

"Morning" Fabian said dragging the word out before laughing.

"Did you hear?" Elena smirked looking over my shoulder.

"What now" I chuckled as I sat down and loosely tied my tie.

"Sirius Black is leaving tonight for a ritzy Pureblood 'function' and the entire Hogwarts female population is jealous of his date" she said before winking at me.

"Hello, love" I heard two deep voices before feeling the bench drop down a tad on both sides. James and Sirius had sat on either side of me.

"So, babe, I was thinking, for tonight-" Black said before I cut him off.

"Do not even finish that sentence. You owe me big time. McGonagall is making me tutor you and now I'm going as your accompaniment to this function. That's two and if I get hurt at any point tonight, it will be more" I say as I place some fruit into my mouth.

"Yes, dear" he said.

"Look at that, you're ready for marriage" I said patting him on the cheek and tightening his loose tie.

"You're not even dating and you're whipped" Fabian said to Sirius wrapping an arm around Elena.

"I prefer to use the term dedicated to my love" Sirius said wrapping an arm around my waist. I grabbed his man parts.

"I'm sorry" he squealed before placing his head on the table as I squeezed tighter.

"Charlie! I think he'd like to have kids one day" Fabian said as Elena just laughed. I let go and left him in pain.

"For the love of Merlin, woman" he groaned.

"Attention Students" I heard professor McGonagall say. "Lessons are cancelled and all students should remain in their common rooms unless instructed otherwise."

I sighed in relief with a smile before McGonagall walked up to my group.

"Mr. Black, I have been notified that you shall depart the school at half one with your company."

"Will do, Minnie" he smirked before rising from his position on the bench. "Remember babe, something fancy."


I pulled on one of my black lace dresses that I only wore for fancy gatherings. I looked in the mirror and noticed there were streaks of red in my hair. I didn't know what I was annoyed about more: the fact that I have to go to some dumb Pureblood banquet or the fact that I'm going with Sirius as his fake girlfriend.  I sighed before placing my heels on and making my way up to the entrance hall.

A few minutes later, I noticed Sirius coming down the stairs in dark dress robes with his hair perfectly curled.

"You look stunning, love" he said kissing my knuckles before grabbing my hand and touching the shiny black frame that hung on the wall. The next thing I know, we are standing in front of a pristine manor that gleamed with wealth. I felt a squeeze on my hand before Sirius placed his hand on the small of my back and led me towards the intimidating house.

The door opened just as we stepped up on the stoop to reveal many of the thirteen major Pureblood families.

"Ahh, Sirius. There you are" I noticed Abraxas Malfoy, Lucius' father, say as he walked up and clapped Sirius on the shoulder. "I thought you wouldn't make it!" He let out a loud laugh before looking down to see me. "And who is this lovely lady?"

"Mr. Malfoy, this is Charlotte Asher" I flinched as he said my last name.

"Asher , huh?" He said with a smile. "It's nice to finally meet an Asher who isn't stuck in the seventeen century" the man laughed before walking off.

As the night continued, people stopped and spoke to Sirius and I as if Sirius isn't the rebellious 'blood traitor' and I'm not the Asher reject.

"Oi! Look who it is!" I looked up to see Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Black. I heard Sirius groan as he placed his hand on the small of my back trying to lead me away. "Hello cousin"

"Hello Bella" he said monotone.

"Hello Charlotte" she said with a sickly sweet smile that could make any kid have nightmares. "How is your darling mother?"

"She's alive" I murmured making Sirius smile.

"So how long have you two been a thing?" Lucius said as he twirled his drink.

I looked at him to see Sirius nod. "We've been together 6 months."

"Really? Well, would you like to tell her?" Bellatrix smirked as she stepped to the side revealing the woman I used to call my mother. Her dark hair falling down around her neck framing her small face.

"Charlotte" she said in an emotionless tone. "Why are you here?"

"Because I'm with my boyfriend" I said. "He needed an acceptable date to please his mother so I decided to go with him"

"Acceptable!? You think the disowned, disgraceful Asher rejection is acceptable for a dinner gala dedicated to Blood purity!?" She exclaimed with a laugh.

"Im still Pureblood"

"That means nothing now" she said before exchanging a glance with Bellatrix who walked up and pulled me by the hair behind her as Lucius and Avery held Sirius back.

"Stupid bloodtraitor" she said before basically torturing me to no end. Unforgivable curses? She used plenty of them. Trust me, there's no apologizing for those. She engraved traitor into my forearm leaving blood trickling down my arm. She laughed maniacally as she took a dagger and shoved it into my side. She continued to cackle before cutting herself on accident.

Oh no. Blood. I don't want anyone to know what I am. My brothers almost revealed us when they beat Sirius. I couldn't resist myself. The next thing I know, I feel my eyes becoming black and veiny and my canine teeth elongate and become sharp.


I jump on her and sink my fangs into her jugular but not even a minute later, I pull myself away and look at the girl laying on the stone cellar floor. I walk up to her and look her straight in the eyes, watching as her pupils dilate.

"You will not remember anything. You took me down here, tortured me to no end, then sent me away" I said, compelling her to forget. I looked around before grabbing my wand off the floor and running upstairs.

"Come on Sirius, we need to go" I said grabbing him and pushing through the crowd.

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