Chapter 26

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It was about a month later that one morning, I woke up panicking, until a sleepy Fabian turned over and pulled me back onto the bed mumbling something about it being saturday and that there were no classes. He proceeded to leave his arm around my waist and fall back asleep, snoring softly. I sighed before throwing my green and silver tie across the room and attempting to fall asleep until the door burst open and people came walking in.

Fabian sat straight up and tried to hide me but then realized it was Black, Remus and Potter along with a disapproving Lily.

"You oafs know we could've knocked like civilized people" Lily said shaking her head.

"Too late for that Lily bug" Potter said taking a cup and placing the kettle on to make himself some tea.

"Uh, hello, how can we help you?" Fabian said walking out in some sweatpants making Lily ogle for a second before looking up and finding me.

"How did you get matched with someone with a body like that!" Lily whisper yelled at me. I chuckled before getting up and putting on some shorts that completely disappeared under Fabian's shirt that I had been wearing.

"Quidditch does wonders for a boy's body" I said with a smile walking out and leaning on Fabian who was still standing in front of the boys. "James Charlus Potter, so help me Merlin, you better be using your own Earl Grey because I do not feel like finding more!" I yelled making Potter jump from the kitchen.

"How did you know I was in here!" I heard his voice.

"Its a female thing" I said receiving a scoff in return.

"Dippet wants to see you" Remus said directing it at me. I had thrown up all last week and had skipped out on lessons yesterday due to my back pain and intense headaches. "He said its important"

"Okay, I'll head up there" I said before turning to Fabian. "You stay here and make sure Potter does not have all of our Earl Grey" I kissed Fabian lightly before I left to get dressed.

Fabian and I had grown closer and had formed a relationship similar to what married couples have when they first start out. The whole, helping each other, kisses, hugs, and an occasional argument here and there.

I walk out as Fabian is talking to Lily about quidditch. Otherwise known as Fabian goes on and on about his favorite thing in the world while Lily drools over his body.


Up in Dippet's office, I sat in front of the older man who just stared at me with his piercing green eyes and that blasted smile.

"You wanted to see me, Professor"

"Yes, Ms. Asher. It seems that you have some news" he said his smile getting bigger. I was curious as to why he was calling me Asher when he was the one who watched as I got married so he would have called me Mrs. Prewett.

"What news?"

"That there is going to be a little one running around hogwarts in nine months" At this point he was full on grinning and it seemed like his cheeks were hurting. I simply shook my head. I could not be pregnant. I was showing the signs of it though. Back pain, that annoying vomiting. It all added up. I was pregnant. Ugh.

"You know it too" he chuckled.

"Well Ms. Asher, this is where it gets complicated" he said, his smiling leaving his face and his eyes leaving mine and looking down to the papers on his desk. "I see you have put down Magizoologist as a potential career option"


"Well with a child, it's not a very stable option because of the amount of traveling and such Ms. Asher"

"It's Prewett, and it will be a very stable option with Fabian home. He wants to open a chain of stores the sell Quidditch gear and merchandise" I smile.

"Well, that is all" Dippet said.

I let myself out and as I walking back to the north tower, I was wondering how I would tell Fabian that we had a little one coming. How would I do it. I don't want to go big with it because I don't want the school knowing but you know, he is the father.

How do I know he's the father? What if he isn't? Oh my merlin! What about that guy I shagged back in fourth year? Could his semen still be inside me? What am I thinking! Of course it's Fabian.

That evening after dinner, Fabian and I were walking back to our flat and I finally stopped and looked at him.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something growing inside me"

"What does that even mean?"

"I mean there is a tiny human inside my uterus that is growing inside me"

"You're pregnant?" He said with a smile before looking down at my still somewhat chubby stomach. He started talking to my stomach as we made our way to our flat.

"You sound like a nutter" I chuckled as he kept baby talking my stomach.

"But there's a baby!" He exclaimed lifting me up above his head before placing me on the floor again.

"And then there's something called Sanity" I laughed as we passed Elena and Gideon's flat. I stopped and knocked on the door before walking in to see Gideon spread out on the sofa in his boxers while Elena was sitting on his stomach reading a muggle novel.

"Uh hello" I said.

"Oh hey, how you guys doing?" She said looking up at us.

"What'd you do? Shag my brother until he passed out?" Fabian said poking his brother on the foot.

"No, he snuck off to the Three Broomsticks with two of his friends and drank way too much fire whiskey considering he's a lightweight" Elena chuckled once hearing Gideon moan. "Even Charlotte can hold her alcohol better than you, love"

"Thats saying something" I muttered making everyone laugh.

"Well, you two need to get out. I'm planning on making dinner because its date night. If this nutter would man up and stop acting like a baby" Elena laughed as Gideon moaned again as he fell off the sofa and landed face down on the floor.

"Bye, you two" Fabian chuckled as he guided me out and down the corridor until we reached the dark door that led to our flat.

"Now, Fabian, Ive been meaning to ask you" I said stopping him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "We're not like the others here, we're one of the only students that are required to wear fang caps. Does that mean the pregnancy will be different? Would it be quicker? If it is what would we tell people?"

"Charlie, calm down" Fabian said softly placing a kiss on the top of my head. "Its going to be okay, we'll ask Dippet later"

"Dipper seems a little sketchy lately" I said to him. "He's calling me Ms. Asher again, and he always fiddled with a piece of rolled up parchment whenever I'm around."

"Well, let's go see him right now then" Fabian said pulling me with him as he walked to the Headmaster's room.

"Xenon Pops"

Fabian didn't bother knocking, he just walked right into the room to see Black sitting in front of Dippet with a blank expression.

"Thank you Mr. Black, that is all" Dippet said with a small smile as he nodded. Black smiled at me before walking out.

"Mr and Mrs Prewett"

"Headmaster, we have some questions regarding Charlotte's pregnancy" Fabian said sitting down in front of him.

"Is it going to be different from a normal pregnancy?" Dipper smiled asking the question for us. "I'm afraid so Ms. Asher, your pregnancy is going to be much much shorter than others. Instead of 9 months, you're pregnancy should last 9 to 10 weeks. And yes, the baby will be a vampire."

I froze, weeks? Pregnancy is usually hell for 9 months, imagine 9 weeks. Everything will be quicker and I'm not looking forward to the mood swings due to the fact that random spurts of magic will occur with intense mod changes.

"I'm sorry in advance Fabian" I say as we walk out of the Headmaster's office.

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