Chapter 21

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The next day, I woke up and immediately went to the toilets and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My face was still puffy and a little red from having a breakdown. I stood for a second just looking at myself, letting the events from yesterday sink in.

I've been disowned.

I don't have a family.

"Hey, Charlie" I heard a voice through the door. I opened the door to see James shirtless and in sweatpants standing next to Sirius who also wasn't wearing a shirt but was in his trousers from last night.

"You okay?"

I slowly nodded before going and finding Elena. I walked into her room to find it empty. I walked out into the hallway to see James next to me.

"Ellie went to The Warren for the next couple days"

The Warren is the name of the Prewett's house. Fabian, Gideon, and Molly live there with their parents but Molly is moving out to go live with her fiancé Arthur Weasley. They're going to name their house The Burrow.

"Why is she there?"

"She said Fabian invited her" James shrugged before taking me downstairs. I saw a big Christmas tree with multiple gifts underneath. I never celebrated Christmas because my mother thought it was a waste of time and that it taught children to expect free things.

"I got disowned on Christmas Eve and I didn't even realize it" I said staring at the tree. Sirius threw his arm around my shoulders and led me to the floor right next to the tree. I was still in my dress from last night which made it awkward to sit down without giving the boys quite the view.

"Where are you parents?"

"They're on Ministry Business for the next two weeks so it's just me and the house elves"

"Well Prongs, it's your house. You go first" Sirius smirked.

After the gifts, the boys decided we would go to a local cafe for some tea and lunch. So after getting dressed in our muggle clothes and grabbing some muggle money along with some galleons and our wands, we left. We know we're not supposed to use magic outside of Hogwarts but you can never risk it.

There was a sign on the door that said 'No Dogs Allowed.'

"Sorry, you can't go in" I smirked standing near the door.

"I can go in. I'm a rebel" he said smirking before walking through the door triumphantly.

"You're an idiot, that's what you are"


*skip to le train*

I stayed at James' house the rest of break and just tried to comprehend what I'm going to do after school. As I walked past students telling their families goodbye, I spotted Elisabeth, Edward and Charles. Edward looked up and saw me and smiled a small sad smile before being slapped across the head by my mother.

I continued walking until I got to the train and dropped my trunk off. I got onto the train and stopped as I realized I was subconsciously walking to the compartment that my siblings and I sat in. I felt tears come to my eyes as I realized I'm not allowed to call them my siblings anymore.

"Hey Charlie" I heard from behind me. I saw a big mess of curls that belonged to Elena, who wore a sad smile before engulfing me in a hug. She dragged me into an empty compartment as I broke down crying. "It's okay. You're staying with James and I from now on."

I heard the door open and close. I felt Elena look up and sigh.

"Charlotte" I look up to see Edward and Charles standing there. Elisabeth was behind them crying. I noticed Edward has a bruise on his neck and Charles was avoiding putting weight on his leg. "We miss our sister."

"I've been disowned. I'm no longer your sister." I said, my voice cracking at the end.

"You'll always be our sister, no matter what mother says"

"Well, I'm a traitor to her. I'm just some girl now" I said looking them in the eye.

"You know, Charles got disowned yesterday. He's been living next door" Edward said slinging an arm around the taller boy.

"The empty flat next door that nobody's lived in for years?" Charles nodded with a smile before speaking.

"You could always live with me. I'm only going to be there for a short while before I graduate and go off to France."

Charles had a love for Curses and Curse-Breaking. Once he graduated, he was going to France to work and train to be a Professional Curse-Breaker.

"So I'm going to be alone in the flat?"

"You can have that Gryffindor boy you're always around move in?" He said a smirk developing. "He seems to fancy you a smidge."

"Sirius Black is not moving in with me" I said stubbornly.

"Fine, maybe that Gryffindor girl you tutor can move in" Edward said with a roll of the eyes.

Once we arrived back to the case, some students went up to their dorms and reunited with the students who had stayed for the holiday, others aka Fifth Years went straight for the library but I decided to collapse on the frumpy couches in the common room. I stared at the fireplace, framed by silver stone. I turned to look out the window and saw that it wasn't trees and grass but murky water and seaweed. I sighed before grabbing my Muggle book, Othello, and deciding to read.

"Charlotte" I hear about an hour later. I look up to see two boys standing in front of me. My hair turned dark purple because I was nervous and a little annoyed. I don't like people. One boy had bright red hair, like my natural hair color, and blue eyes. The other was dirty blonde with bright green eyes. They both wore Slytherin robes like me but their robes seemed really new. They either took extremely pride in keeping the seams or they were fake.


"Hi, I'm Thomas Jefferson" The blonde one said. The other one rolled his eyes and elbowed him.

"And I'm Alexander Hamilton" he smiled. "I'm at your service sir... I mean ma'am"

I rolled my eyes at them. "Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton?"

"James Potter and Sirius Black, how stupid do you think I am?" I said, closing my book and crossing my arms. They both bowed their heads.

"We just wanted to spend time with you"

"No, that's not at all what you wanted. You need me to do something."

"We need you to be Padfoot's fake date" James said.

"What" I almost screamed.

"Padfoot has to go to a "function" and he's required to bring a 'suitable' date" James said. "And you and I both know if he brings Charlotte Asher, influential and top of her class Slytherin, he won't be tortured."

"Have you forgotten I was disowned?"

"They don't have to know"

"You're an idiot. News travels. Especially in the Pureblood community"

"Just make something up" James said before turning to leave.

"Wear that black dress. It looked stunning, love" Sirius whispered in my ear before following James out.

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