Chapter 14

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Luke's POV :

I woke up with my head pounding crazy . With every move I made it hurt even more , no more drinking for me ! I got up and raided the bathroom's medicine cupboard . I took out two pills , Advil in specification . Walking to the kitchen I grabbed a water bottle and took the pills . The mess we had was horrible , it's 2:51 pm and they are all still asleep . Aha! I got a plan . Carefully walking over to my first prey I crouched down . "Oh Michael your so hot , and you make me so ... Mmmmm." I whispered girly and sexily holding back a laugh . Michael stirred in his sleep , next thing I knew he was holding me by my shirt and staring into my eyes ."I swear I'm going to fucking kill you if you do that again , not cool Luke." He whispered angry . "Oops now shh I'm going to do it to someone else . Get up lazy turd." I crawled to Diana , hmm what to do with her . "Diana , I love you kiss me babe . " I whispered grabbing her face. "Luke , I heard you talking to Michael you guys aren't good at whispering now shut the hell up and let me sleep !" She whispered yelled . "Damn , fail." I let go of her face . "Get up though we have to clean it's going to be 3." . I pointed them towards the kitchen for the next plan. "Alright we both know Calum likes you Diana . So I'm going to lay down next to him holding onto his torso while you whisper 'Calum babe i love you , kiss me right now ' . Then Michael you will pour water on him if he attempts to kiss me okay ? Diana after you whisper to him in his ear back up and just watch we don't want him grabbing you okay? " I was still whispering after they agreed we began our evil plan . I laid myself next to Calum and held onto his torso . He stirred a little but didn't wake up . "Calum babe I love you kiss me right now " Diana whispered into his ear quickly backing away . Michael stood there with the water . "Huh?" He said eyes still closed . I pointed to Diana to whisper again . "I said kiss me Calum ." She said in his ear then backing up once more . He leaned down toward my face still not opening his eyes . Michael poured water on him and we all laughed really hard . "What the - "he got up quickly , startled obviously . Calum looked around seeing us all laugh and muttered "I fucking hate you all" before walking off to possibly change . Surprisingly we didn't wake Ashton with the noise . I told them the altered plans and we went at it . I held onto Ashton's torso laying down next to him . "Ashton you're hot " Diana whispered . "Oh thank you Miley " he giggled . I held back a laugh , "So Ashton would you like to take this to my hotel room?" Diana asked holding back her laugh too . I roamed my hands around his torso to make it seem real oh gosh I feel awkward about this . "Hell yeah , let's go " he laughed and grabbed my hand . "You have a condom?" Diana giggled. "Of course I do Miley , of course I do ." This was lasting longer than I thought . "Oh the things I'm gonna do to you Ashton " Diana whispered again . "Whoa , I think you made my friend happy" Ashton muttered . I looked down and sure enough he had a boner . Well that's awkward . I slapped him the face . "What the fuck Miley !" He yelled sitting up . "It's Diana and Luke not Miley , Ashton . " I chuckled . "Oh my glob . I was getting happy because you guys were messing with my dreams?" Ashton looked down then back up . "Yeah , that's a great way to start your day . " Michael was just there laughing as hard as , maybe, Ashton's dick . Ooh! I'm just funny this morning -afternoon-

Haha ."Anyway turds let's begin cleaning!" Ran to the garbage bags and handed 2 to each person . "Bump them tunes Lukeee" Calum whined . I plugged my phone into the stereo and my playlist began .


It was about 6 when we finished cleaning everything , and I mean everything . We sat down cuddled into each other on the couch with blankets. As The Possession began I looked beside me ; on my left Ashton , to my right Michael , Diana in the middle and Calum on the end . What a great group we are .


Michael's POV:

After the movie ended Diana was laying on my shoulder asleep . "I'll carry her up" I whispered . Picking Diana up bridal style . The boys nodded , Calum most hesitant but I carried her anyway. I don't want this Diana thing to get in the way . If anything I want a brother sister relationship .. But I doubt any one of us four can stay just friend . One of us will be like her brother , the other her best friend , one her lover and the last one just her friend . As we finally got to the top I strolled down to her room. Laying her down I pulled down the covers then back up to her . She then started to stir , "Mmm , Michael ? Is that you?" She mumbled "Yep." I said popping the 'p' . "Lay down with me , let's talk about random stuff I'm not into sleeping this early " , "Well okay " I muttered laying down next to her .

"How was your day?" She cooed . "Erm well I cleaned a lot so I guess it was pretty bummy and yours? " I chuckled. "Same as yours , Michael? What happened the other day . When we - almost ... Uhh... Kissed " She struggled whispering the last word . "To be honest I don't know , I was drunk but I remember it clearly . Maybe it was just an almost mistake , but we didn't so that clears it pretty much . What do you think happened ?" I replied . "Same , but how? Why? And why didn't we ?" She whispered with a tone of confusion . "How: We were close to each other's faces. Why: my drunk ass asked . Why not : I didn't want to hurt Calum , but I think you have much more to ask why not when you're the one who turned . " it's true when our lips were just touching Diana turned her head and began to clean up the mess.

"I don't know ... I just don't know how I feel for Calum . I like him then I like him as a friend , and its a never ending repeating cycle . " And without thinking I propped myself up quick and leaned in kissing Diana . She kissed back a bit but I pulled my face away , "Do you feel guilty or in anyway regretting why you kissed back?" I asked seeing if my strategy would work . "Yes , oh my gawd I have to keep this a secret from them. Especially Calum! And you do too! Why!? Wha-" she was babbling but I cut her off . "Diana! You like Calum, you feel guilty" I smirked getting up from her bed . "What? What do you mean?" She asked obviously confused . "It wasn't anything at all I kissed you as a strategy ." I spoke getting near the door . "You fucker" she muttered , and I smirked again . "Thank you , and a very good night " I laughed closing her door and walking down to my room .

"That took a while!" Ashton shouted . "She woke up and wanted to talk . So we did ." I rolled my eyes . I hate when people assume things and I'm pretty sure they assumed we did something .

"Good night guys !" I laughed finally reaching my room . Good night.


Diana's POV:

Holy shit! Michael and I kissed ! What!? Oh my . I swear he and Calum are my favorites out of the band . And Michael just kissed me . It didn't mean anything of course but still! I'm fan girling ! I can't breathe ; inhale , exhale , inhale , exhale. Whoa never thought this would happen , is this a dream? I shouldn't be going on like this I mean it meant nothing just but like ahh! I don't know . Wow . My thoughts were interrupted by a knock . "Who is it ?" I yelled . "Calum can I uhm come in?" He asked , awh what a cutie . "Yeah it's open " I shouted . "Hey , oh my it's a little dark in here " he said finding a way to my bed . He sat on the edge and smiled at me . "Hi " I smiled getting up and plugging in my Christmas lights that went around my room . "Is that a little better ?" I laughed sitting back on my bed . "Definitely , anyways I came in because I was a bit bored and wanted to hang out before I went to bed . " he scratched the back of his neck . "Oh yeah of course . Come here ..." , I patted the spot next to me, ".. I don't bite . " I laughed . He joined in on the laughing , laying himself next to me . "So what's up buttercup?" I laughed again being the awkward person I am . "Nothing much " he chuckled . Well this is awkward . I laid on my side to get a better view of him , he did the same . "Whatcha wanna talk about?" I cooed. "Nothing ." He simply stated looking me in the eye . "Nothing then why are you here ?" I questioned . "To do this ." Was all he said before he placed his hand softly on my cheek and leaned in . Before I knew it his lips were on mine and they were moving together in sync . What a day , I kissed my two of faves . I pulled back and smiled looking into his chocolate eyes . "Whoa"

hey Calum and Diana ehh (((;

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