Chapter 16

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Calum's POV:

I was sitting on the couch my leg furiously shaking as I did my part of the plan. Diana and I had agreed already on what to do and I was scared of the reply I was going to get. If Ashton finds out he'll kill me , I'll be out of the band , sent back to Sydney and just completely torn . With every bit of faith I had , I hoped for this plan to go well.



Hey Calum! Of course I remember you. How couldn't I remember such a body, glad you texted me (;


Ha yeah , I guess I'm pretty fit.

Stop by the house you went to the other day yeah?;D


Sounds great , what time ? And what should I wear?;)


Something .... Different . Come around 9:30. Don't say I asked you to come over though alright?


I'll sneak in then ;) See ya then hot stuff.

As I read the last reply I added her into my contacts under Kat The Goddess.

Don't judge, Diana came up with it okay?

I locked my phone and threw myself back onto the couch letting out a nervous sigh. I have an hour till she gets here , and I'm scared she won't go through with the plan. Yes, we're going to tell her I'm not going to let her seduce or kill me if we don't.

I decided to try and release some stress by a hot shower. I walked down some halls and scurried my way into the shower I had in my room. I looked myself in the mirror giving myself some encouraging words. I honestly don't know why I'm so nervous , I guess you can say I'm sort of scared of Ashton. He seems so nice and bubbly ; but when you get on his bad side it's like you can hear yourself getting buried . He threatens and pushes aggressively , if you tell

him to cool off a bit he'll get even more angry.

Stepping into the steaming hot water I let the pellets hit my body repeatedly without moving myself. Diana would be good with any one of us , it's like an elimination game so far and I'm out. No matter what each of us will go through Diana and get eliminated until one stands by her , possibly he too will get eliminated. This is all so twisted very and extremely we shouldn't be like this taking a turn at her , well I don't think I count do I? Hopefully we will all be fine with this , because if not say bye to 5 Seconds Of Summer


Opening the window I let Kat in , "Hey" I smiled. "Hi" she winked , oh goodness. I dialed Diana's phone number and before I knew it she came into the room. "The hell is she doing here?" Kat hissed. "Relax , we'll explain why YOU'RE here" Diana lightly laughed. "Go on" Kat took a seat at the edge of my bed obviously intrigued by what Diana said. "Well Calum you explain the beginning" Diana whispered.


"Wow , tough stuff bro" Kat laughed, " I guess so , anyways will you help us please?" I begged. "Yeah , it'd be nice to help someone other than myself." She smiled . I let out a sigh of relief , but that little bit of anxiety still remained.

"Thank you!" Diana launched at Kat and gave her a quick hug, "Okay you guys watch tv or something for about 30 minutes when I leave . Calum erase our messages and call history." Diana got up quickly and rushed out the door. Before we could reply it shut closed. "Whatcha wanna watch?" I cooed at Kat , "eh um is Ridiculousness on?" She laughed . "When is isn't it" I chuckled letting my fingers easily glide to the buttons needed.

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