Chapter Thirty Nine : Well Done

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Ajani Turner

"I feel like every time I try and do business with a new organization I end up killing everyone, it's like they don't like living" I said sharing a look with Johan who nodded his head agreeing. The man tied to the chair was someone irrelevant that I'd let get away with doing stupid shit like stealing money because that's how irrelevant he was but after Khan was murdered by someone he probably deemed irrelevant I decided to take a new approach.

Johan handed me the machete and I swung it cutting into the mon's throat. Blood preceded to spill out from the wound and from his mouth while his eyes opened wide. Taking a step back I swung it again adding more force nearly decapitating him causing blood to splatter all over the place and Carter grabbed my hand before I could swing it again.

"Bwoy you're lucky, all it would've taken was a likkle mistake and your hand would be no longer apart of your body" Julez commented. Carter looked at me as Johan pulled me out of the room leaving the cartel to finish the man off.

"It'll be okay gyal, there's always other people we could kill. But we should let them handle the irrelevant people" Johan said as I pulled my hair up. There was nothing much really to say and I excused myself and went into my office and shut the door.

I paused for a moment as I walked towards my desk and didn't bother acknowledging the shadow in the corner. I heard the footsteps but didn't have to look up to know who it was.

"Khan use to do annoying stuff like that. Just wait in the shadows for me to notice him, even though you don't want to be like your brother. You still remind me of him a little bit" I comment looking up at Kyle who placed his hands on my desk and watched me.

"I regret us not hooking up sometimes, gyal it could've been amazing. That crazy type of love" Kyle said as he smiled and looked me over. I raised an eyebrow before I sighed and took a seat in my chair.

"I don't. I know you didn't come here to flirt with me so what do you want and why aren't you in Jamaica putting your brother to rest? I would kill to be there but I'm banned" I said and Kyle shrugged his shoulders.

"We didn't like each other very much I thought it was obvious? Khan is dead and the only thing I regret was not doing it myself. But since you wanna give up the cartel so bad gyal, give it to me" Kyle said as he rubbed his chin and I laughed before stopping abruptly

"You aren't getting the cartel" I responded and he glared at me as if it was suppose to be intimidating. I stood up as he walked around the desk and he shoved the chair to the side before getting into my personal space.

"I think you should think about it a little more gyal, you don't want to make a rash decision out of grief. I'm you're easiest way out" He whispered and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

I removed the pocket knife from my pocket before opening it up and he continued to stare at me before taking a step back growing unsure on if I'd stab him or not.

"Bwoy you aren't as stupid as I thought" I said simply as I looked down at the blade I was holding and Kyle yanked my door open bumping into Johan. They both eyed each other before he dismissed himself.

"Why is he here? Shouldn't he be making arrangements or is he going to make fadda do that alone?" Johan questioned.

"The way he's acting fadda should do it alone, but on the bright side if he does go to Jamaica he might annoy fadda enough to the point he gets stabbed in the esophagus" I explain and Johan nodded his head like he was taking in my words.

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