Chapter 2

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It's weird how one person, that you've never really said a word to for about four years or so, decides to send you a text. You know what they say about when guys text you, it means that he was thinking about you.

Jayce Reynolds was thinking about me, and I don't know if I should be flattered or not. The reasoning could be just to make amends for what his stupid friends did.

I texted him back, "thanks for that."

I know a simple reply to the most popular guy in my grade is probably the worst thing I could do, but I really had nothing to say. Even though girls would practically kill for Jayce to text them, it really didn't seem like anything special. He probably just wanted to be that guy who stood up for helpless girls who couldn't stand up for themselves.

Suddenly, a tap caught my attention. I looked around my room to try and see what it was.


Another tap rang through my ears. It began to get repetitive.

From my peripheral vision, I saw something hit my window - a pebble to be exact.

I walked over to the other side of my room, and opened my window. Down below was a boy with brunette hair that seemed to match mine, a friendly grin on his face, and a hand filled with little rocks.

"Colton," I said, smiling down at my next-door neighbor, who just happened to be the one out of the two people that were actually my friends at school.

"Hey, can I come up?" He asked, cupping his hands around his mouth to project his voice more.

I nodded, opening up the window as wide as it could go so he could climb through.

Now before you get any ideas, Colton and I don't like each other that way. You see, him and I have been best friends since the first grade, we met Lillian in sixth grade and it has always been the three of us ever since.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like Colton isn't good-looking, because believe me - damn he is. But I never saw him as nothing more than a friend, and his feelings are mutual. He's had his fair share of girlfriends here and there, but not once has he ever taken advantage of them; you could say that he was sort of like Cameron when it came to the opposite sex.

Colton always did this though, whatever the case may be; he'd always come over to my house, which was right next to his. He'd climb the tree that happened to be right next to my bedroom window, and just jump in. We told each other everything, and I'm not saying that I was closer to Colton than Lillian, but we definitely had our moments.

"So what's up?" I asked, as he came through the window.

He dusted off his hands on his jeans, and sat on my bed, "I just wanted to ask if you were coming with Lillian and I to the game on Friday."

"And texting me wasn't an option because?" I flatly asked.

He laughed a little, "Climbing up to your room is always more fun, besides it makes me feel like one of those princes in fairy tales, except I feel like I'll never truly find that one princess." His tone of voice became lower as he ended his statement.

Here's the thing about Colton, although he was very attractive, and had girlfriends before - he never seemed to be genuinely happy with either one of them. He always thought that he'd find the perfect girl, fall in love, and live happily ever after. He was just like the naïve girls at our school, except he was never taken advantage of. And to be honest, all the girls in our school only went out with Colton because of one thing, his looks. And he knows that which, is why he's such a hopeless romantic.

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