Say Something

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You didn't talk. Yes, you were a mute. No one knew that though, except for the teachers of course. That's why you were never called on. You didn't have friends, or family, you were orphaned from a young age, which is why you stopped speaking. 

In most of your classes, you sat next to Nanashima. You couldn't deny that you found him attractive. But he never even bat an eye at you. So you silently observed. You actually were a pretty smart student, since you didn't have any distractions. 

So one unfortunate day, you were silently walking out of class, blending in with everyone else. Your head was down, like usual, with your gaze on the floor, when you collided with a hard surface. At first, you thought it was a wall, but when you looked up, you saw none other than Nozumo Nanashima. 

He looked down at you and glared. "Aren't you going to apologize?" He asked angrily. You picked up your things and hurried away. You were suddenly stopped by a hand to the wrist and lifted into the air by the collar of your shirt. "I said to apologize to me!" He snapped. You would but you couldn't find the right words to speak clearly, so you let him continue to choke you, which he probably didn't realize he was. 

Tears fell down your face, as this brought an unpleasant flashback back to your mind. 

An unknown man with a mask on lifted the five-year-old you up into the air by your collar. "So what will it be? Your parents' lives or yours?" He sneered with a gun in his free hand. "No! Kill us! Kill us! Let our child live!" You mother cried. The man laughed. "Your wish is my command." He said as he shot both of your parents in the head. You screamed, cried, and kicked until he set you down and ran off to God knows where. 

You wanted to wipe your tears away before he could see, but there would be no point. At least he wasn't the one who fell you thought. Then a petite girl, with purple hair and brilliant blue eyes came running up to the two of you. She looked panicked and pushed Nanashima away from you. Kae Serinuma her name was? "Leave her alone, Nana, you should know she doesn't speak." The girl said. 

He begrudgingly obeyed and let go of you. You collapsed to the ground and coughed. Serinuma helped you up and smiled brightly. You nodded ever so slightly in response as a thank you and quickly walked away. She was the only one to notice you were mute. 

In the distance, you heard Serinuma argue with the boy. "How was I supposed to know she couldn't speak?!" He asked. "She chooses not to. And you sit next to her in class!" Serinuma replied. "You should be one to say sorry." She said. You heard him groan and walk away. 

The next day everything was back to its usual self. Everyone hurried about to get to their next class while you had already taken your seat. You felt a presence in front of you and you looked up to see Serinuma. "I'm sorry for how Nanashima was acting yesterday. I hope you can forgive him." She smiled at you again. You could see why four boys were hopelessly chasing after her.

You nodded and turned your gaze to your desk. "See you later (L/N)-chan!" The girl called out as she took her seat. She knew your name? Nanashima was the last to walk in and he glared at you as he sat down. Tsundere, you thought as class began. 

When the bell rang you waited for everyone to file out before you went. You felt a tap on your shoulder as you were standing there. You turned your head and immediately looked down again. Nanashima. He sighed. "I'm sorry, ok?" He said. You were caught by surprise and spun around. He awkwardly looked at his feet. Serinuma probably forced him to apologize. You thought. 

"Say something, would you? It's awkward, like I'm talking to myself." He said scratching the back of his head. You shook your head and turned around to walk out with everyone else. Nanashima caught your wrist again and you took a sharp intake of breath. Was he mad at you again? 

He did the unexpected. He kissed you straight on the lips. Your eyes widened and you froze. What were you supposed to do? After pushing everyone away for years, you didn't really understand humans. Was this a sign of friendship? Affection? Hate? 

After what seemed like forever. The blonde tsundere pulled away from you. "Don't think I haven't seen you staring at me in class." He said shoving his hands into his pockets. You blushed and looked away. "I like you, I know Serinuma-san wouldn't fall for me, and you're pretty cute so...." He confessed. So he only kissed me for my looks, of course, You thought. 

You felt more tears slide down your face as you tried to stop them. Nanashima panicked. "What? What'd I say?" He asked. You shook your head and ran out the door with him running after you. 

School was over so you headed for the exit, and you were an inch away from it when you were enveloped in a hug. You could tell it was Nanashima since he was so tense and awkward. He relaxed when you returned the hug and sobbed. 

"I'm sorry." You whispered hoarsely. "I'm sorry for not talking, but that's just been the best way to push everyone way." You continued. "It's alright, and I did not just kiss you because of your looks. You're smart, you're kind, you're beautiful. And I'm sorry too." He said sincerely. You hugged him tighter as you stopped crying. He pulled you into another sweet and passionate kiss. You could finally stop hanging on to the past. 

"You have a beautiful voice too." He whispered. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora