He'd Be Proud Of You

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You were a professional dancer. Taking an interest in the sport when you were five, and started attending lessons every since. Since then, you came a long way. You were the top in your dancing school, you had competed in countless competitions and had won every single one of them.

You danced with a passion that drove your viewers' eyes to you. It was nearly impossible to look away from your graceful movements.

But of course, with every successful being, came a rival. Yours: Nozomu Nanashima. The two of you were constantly at each other's throats, trying to out dance the other. You ahted how he thought that he was the center of the stage when there were obviously better dancers than him. Sometimes, your arguments got so heated that you two were literally nose to nose with each other. And an adult had to pull you apart so it wouldn't get physical.

Though you loved dancing with all your heart, you weren't completely competing just because you loved the sport. Your family was financially unstable, and by competing, you would earn money depending on the rank you placed. Which was nearly always first.

The day came when your private teacher signed you up for partner dancing. Of course you blew a fuse. You didn't like interacting with others and prefered to keep to yourself. But your teacher protested, saying that you could earn more money by doing this. You had told her about your poor situation, and she had understood that you need the money to support your family.

So anyone could imagine your reaction when you realized you were paired up with Nanashima. And his too. You were both yelling at each other, your instructors, and anyone else around you. "I REFUSE TO WORK WITH THIS ASSHOLE RIGHT HERE!!!" You screamed. Your teacher just shushed you and told you to work it out with him.

"Ok, clearly we need to settle our arguments and work together, so should we start with an apology?" You asked putting a hand to your temple. He smirked. "Alright then, I accept your apology." He said. Your eyes snapped to him. "Who said I was the one who had to say 'sorry'? You're the one acting like you're better than me." You snapped.

"Well, at least I don't dance for the money." He retorted. You froze. How had he found out? As far as you knew you had only told your instructor about your poorness.

"I do love dance! I love expressing my emotions through movement! And what do you dance for, hm? Are you just trying to prove that you're better than me?!" You screamed. He didn't flinch at your outburst. "And what do you know about my personal life?! You can't judge someone just like that!" You continued.

"Sure. Just like you dance better than me." He said sarcastically. That hit a nerve. You never wanted anyone to find out, much less your rival. You turned on your heel and nearly sprinted away, trying to hold in tears.

The next day, you weren't at practice, much to Nanashima and everyone's surprise. The day after that you didn't either. You never showed up to school too. As much as he hated to admit, he was worried about you. Did it have anything to do with what he had said to you a few days earlier?

Currently, you were staring at the ceiling of your room. Why? You had just found out that father had died in a car accident after your most previous argument with Nanashima. For the last few days, you spent all day in bed. Without eating or even sleeping, no matter how much you tried.

Your mother was in the same condition, but she was forced to go to work for long hours with little pay. She didn't mind you staying home, she knew the pain you were going through.

Your cheeks were constantly stained, every time you thought you had stopped crying, another wave of fresh tears fell freely, soaking your pillow.

Your father had a huge impact on your life. He had been your teacher for a little while before you decided to get a professional to teach you. He had been the one to motivate you before every competition and he was your inspiration, as he had also been a dancer growing up. Now, with him gone, you doubted you would ever get back to dancing.

A week later, you still hadn't gotten over it, but you knew you couldn't keep missing school. But you refused to let anyone see you vulnerable, so you kept it all in. There were times during the day where you were filled to the brim with tears, and you kept faking a yawn, lying to your friends that you had been up late practicing.

You decided to attend your lessons once more. Knowing that your mother couldn't work enough to pay all the bills in time. Luckily a competition was coming up soon, and you were sure to earn good money if you won, with Nanashima.

He didn't seem as arrogant as before when you went, but when he did, you remained stone-faced throughout the entire practice and every snarky comment on your dancing. Occasionally, you thought you saw a look of guilt spread across his face every once in awhile, but he would return to his usual cocky smirk.

You caught on quickly to the dance, probably because the dance symbolized loss, and you could relate easily. The dance was supposed to represent the loss of a loved one, and the shock and grief experienced after. The music nearly brought tears to your eyes, and you excused yourself to the bathroom, which surprised everyone since you never took a break during practice.

You locked yourself in one of the stalls before letting your tears fall. You ever expected the loss of your father to impact you so greatly, but death was a natural part of life, and he was eventually going to go through it.

You composed yourself, wiping away your tears and washed your face, trying to hide your puffy eyes. Dad wouldn't want me crying. I'm going to win that competition for him, and every single one I compete in you thought determined.

You opened the door to the girl's bathroom and stepped out. And you nearly collided into a body if you hadn't caught yourself. You looked up to see a familiar face that you hated. "What are you doing in front of the girl's bathroom?" You asked. He looked down at you as he was a couple inches taller than you.

"None of your business." You snapped.

"I am your partner after all, don't I deserve to know?"

"Tch, with your attitude, no."

"You don't seem like yourself, even your dancing says it." He said. You were taken aback. You didn't see Nanashima as a person to notice emotion in dancing. "Yeah? Well you're not finding out either way.

He sighed and quickly grabbed your wrists in his hands. He forced his lips onto yours, catching you by surprise and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. You squeaked in surprise but you kissed back to your surprise.

He let you go and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I do care about you." He stated bluntly. Your face was now a newly discovered shade of bright red. You looked down at your feet. "My dad's gone." You whispered.

You were pulled into an embrace and you hugged back. Letting the tears soak his shirt, you let out all your emotions. "You know he'd be proud of you. Having such a beautiful and amazing daughter must be nice." He said. You smiled slightly. "We're going to win the competition in honor of your dad. So that means you have to get it together, ok?" He said. You nodded and pushed yourself away from him.

"Why are you being so nice all of the sudden?" You asked. "I don't hate you, I've actually admired your dancing ever since we met, and that's what drew me to you. I wanted to impress you by beating you, and I guess you took it the wrong way." He blurted. Nana turned red as he realized the words that flew out of his mouth. You smiled a real smile for the first time in days, and you never thought your rival would end up being your boyfriend.

You could say that you won many partner dances after that, each one ending with a kiss.

A/N: Don't tell me it's cliche, I'm well aware. I've said this many times but please request as I'm running low on ideas. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin