I Regret Nothing

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Your boyfriend was Nanashima. You didn't understand why he asked you though. You didn't think he really liked you either. So you continued on with your life as it was before. You didn't really care about him but it gave you chills whenever you thought about the fact that he was your boyfriend. He usually just made you do his homework and cheat on tests. It must've been some sort of bet too.

You never attached yourself to anything. You liked to be independent and keep to yourself. You didn't have many friends, none that you would call one anyway. You didn't even know yourself why you had agreed to be the blonde's girlfriend.

But you had many boyfriends in the past, all of them who had dated you for your looks. They all eventually broke up with you, or cheated on you. And you had been backstabbed so many times that you never let anyone in. You pushed everyone away, and most people judged you for being so secluded. Oblivious to that they were the reason why.

You didn't even know your parents, so you lived at a poor orphanage with kids all younger than you. You didn't mind them, but they never payed you any attention.

So you experienced an unpleasant sight when you were on your way back to the orphanage, and you bumped into Nanashima. And you never expected him to fall for Nishina Shima. They were fiercely making out in an empty classroom and it didn't look like they were going to stop.

You weren't surprised that he did cheat on you. But you felt an unexpected pain in your heart. Yes you had the pain of your heart being broken, but you didn't think it would feel like someone had shot you.

You felt something warm slide down your cheeks and you realized you were crying. You hadn't cried in a long time since you had learned to not let anyone see through your mask of emotionlessness. You tried to wipe them away but they wouldn't stop.

Why were you even crying in the first place? Maybe you actually did care about Nanashima. That couldn't be possible, since you were starting to hate him. You tried to back away slowly but you ended up tripping over a desk.

The two sprang apart and you quickly sprinted out of the room, tears still flying. You ran straight to the only place you could call home and slammed the door to your small room. You collapsed face first onto your pillow and let out all the emotions you had been holding in for years now.

You wouldn't stop sobbing, even when the owner of the orphanage owner called you down for dinner. You just wiped away your tears quickly and answered that you weren't hungry. The owner nodded and it hurt you even more that she didn't notice your tear stained cheeks.

You eventually fell asleep sobbing quietly and woke up the next morning. Maybe you could just skip school for today. You could easily call in sick and the owner wouldn't even care. So that's what you did. Your red eyes and stained cheeks could make it seem like you had a fever. The owner never even came to check on you. Nice to know someone cared.

You spent the majority of the day just staring at the ceiling. A few hours past and you were actually starting to get hungry. So you picked yourself up and headed downstairs to the kitchen

You made yourself a bowl of cereal, even though it was way past breakfast. You couldn't stop thinking about the scene yesterday. You should've gotten over it by now, like you did with your other stupid boyfriends. But somehow, you just couldn't. I'm never falling for any act again you thought.

You finished your cereal and dumped in the sink. Should I just end it all? Maybe it would be easier for everyone you thought to yourself and you decided that you would pull through for at least one more day of school tomorrow.

You went back to bed, as it was nearly the time when the other kids would be getting back. Luckily you didn't share a room with anyone. You sighed again, thankful that your tears stopped flowing. You heard the doorbell ring and you debated whether or not you should open it.

In the end you ended up trudging downstairs, still in your night outfit which contained of short shorts and a tank top. You opened the door and there stood Nanashima. You gaped, how had he found your address?

"Go away, asshole." you said and slammed the door. Before you could, he held it open with his hand. "Could you at least do my homework?" he asked. You clenched your jaw, all of the hurtful things and anger ready to spill out of your mouth.

"Is that the only reason why you're here?! Just so I could be your personal slave?!" You screamed. He didn't flinch. "Why are you so upset anyway? It's not like you cared about me or anything." He asked. "Maybe I did! And I've been cheated on so many times it hurts even more!" You screamed.

"So I'm just another boyfriend? You're a little slut, aren't you?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets. You had enough. Your hand came in contact with his cheek, leaving a red hand shaped mark on it. He stumbled back, stunned.

"You think I'm the whore?!?! I have been through so much and no one even cares! My parents are dead, I have no friends, I've had too many stabs in my back! More than one person should have!" You screamed and the tears returned.

"And now you have the nerve to ask me to do your homework now?! You men are all the same! You just use women to do what you want whether they like it or not! I'm not going to let that happen so just go die in a hole!!" You screamed.

"Is it my fault that I started to like the girl who hates me!?" He yelled.

"Oh I'm sure you do! You only like me because I'm smart and my looks!"

"That's not true! Why can't you get in through your thick head?!"

"I've been hurt enough already, I don't need another wound in my heart!" You screamed. "Just go away." You muttered as you turned away.

Nanashima grabbed you wrist, spun you around and placed his lips on yours. You froze. Was this some kind of trick? To get win you over again? Instead of kissing him back like any normal girl would, you shoved him off, slapped him again and slammed the door closed. "DON'T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!!!" You screamed through the door.

That's it, I'm done with this hell, done with life, done with boys, done with feelings you thought as you walked into the kitchen. You grabbed a silver knife as you stared at it. I regret nothing you though as you plunged the blade into your heart.

You felt your pulse decreasing to a mere thump as your vision clouded over. You smiled slightly as you collapsed. The last breath you took, the most adrenaline you've ever felt in your life, the purpose of suicide.

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon