You Will Be Like Me, Insane

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You had graduated college recently to become a successful therapist. You wanted to help others with depression and suicidal thoughts as you had experienced the same thing during your high school years.

Even though you were new at the job, you were one of the best they had, and you were often called down to the prison to interview criminals and find out why they had become them in the first place.

So you were hired to interview Nozumo Nanashima, who you remembered went to high school with you, he dated Serinuma for a while during your last year of high school. You heard that she had broke up with him and got with his best friend, Igarashi.

Later, after you had all graduated, you hadn't heard anything about him after that, and now he had apparently become a murderer and thief, a pretty good one too.

You arrived at the prison, signed yourself in and unlocked Nanashima's cell. He sat at a desk, his hands locked tightly behind his back. He had changed since high school. His hair had grown out slightly, messier and had several scrapes and bruises on his face and body.

"What do you want?" He asked gruffly. Still the same tsundere. "(L/N) (Y/N), I've been assigned to ask you a few questions." You stated. He squinted at you. "I know you, you're the one who stole Serinuma from me." He said.

"I believe that was your friend, Igarashi."

"Was it? My mind's been meddled with." He said. You took a seat across from him. "You became a murderer because she broke up with you?"

"Why would you like to know?"

"It's my job."

"What would do if I took your job away from you?"

"Your body would be six feet under."

"I highly doubt that. But if you must know, yes."

"You killed your friend?" You asked and he hummed in response. You continued asking him questions as to why he stole as well as killed.

"Can I ask you something for a change, doc?" He asked. You nodded. "Do you enjoy being with me?" He asked. You thought for a moment. You didn't hate being with him, you even had to stifle a laugh once or twice. But you didn't exactly love to be with him either.

"Sure." You replied quickly and he grinned. "Do you feel bad for me? That I have to stay in this hell hole for the next twenty five years?" He asked. Sure he murderered a few people, and stole from multiple industries, no one really deserved to stay in a small cell for twenty years. "Yes. But I can't help you if that's what you're asking." You said.

His smile quickly turned into a frown. "Well, if you're not going to help me, I'll make you help me.

He swiftly got up, jumped and swung his arms under, putting his chained hands in front of him now. He grabbed you by the collar of your jacket and pulled you up to his eye level.

"You will do as I say or I will break these chains and strangle you until you're begging me to let you go, am I clear?" He hissed. You nodded without saying a word. You weren't afraid of him, but you didn't underestimate his strength either.

He let you go and you smoothed your jacket down. "You will tell anybody who asks that someone else had to take the cell and you are moving me to another room, understand?" He asked. You nodded once more and opened the door for him.

You stepped out first and checked the hallways quickly, hopefully no one would ask you why you had a criminal in tow. You led Nanashima out and towards the nearest exit.

Luckily, the cell wasn't far from the exit, but security cameras would definitely catch you. But it was either help the man or get yourself killed by the man.

Just as you were nearing the exit door, another doctor nearly ran into you. "Hey, (L/N), what are you doing with this one?" He asked. You stuttered for a second before replying, "Oh, um, I was asked to continue my session in another room."

The doctor squinted at you. "That's the exit, the open room is over there." He pointed in the other direction down the hall. "Oh, r-right, I just blanked out, we'll be on our way." You said quickly as the doctor hurried in that direction, muttering something about not letting a newbie handle someone like Nanashima.

Nanashima pulled you over to him. "One more stutter like that and you're done for." He whispered. You opened the door with your card and held it open. "This never happened." You said about to shut the door. But he slammed it back open.

"You're not getting away from me, doc. The cameras would've caught you helping me, you'd be fired either way. You're coming with me." He said dragging you behind him. "And what am I supposed to do? You gonna keep me hostage or something?" You asked. He didn't answer and just snapped the chains that bonded his hands together.

You flinched slightly, you didn't expect him to be strong enough to break metal though. He grabbed your forearm and ran with you. A few seconds later, you heard the familiar sound of sirens. Nanashima ran faster with you and pulled you down a bush.

"Do you really think hiding in a bush is going to save you!?" You hissed. He clamped a hand over your mouth to shut you up.

You heard the sirens die down and you got back up. "Well, it's been fun but I think I'm gonna go home now and find another job." You said and started to walk off. You felt something grab your forearm and then suddenly something warm against your lips. Your eyes widened but you couldn't help but kiss him back.

You pulled away for air and he looked into your eyes. "You will be just like me, a criminal. My personal assistant who will do exactly what I tell you to." He said, smirking at the end.

You didn't exactly like this now. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now