Relieve Me, Please?

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(A/N: Also sorry if I don't get the neko part right because I've  never done a piece with a neko. This will be a Neko! Nanashima x Reader Lemon.)

You knew about nekos in your town. You've always thought they were adorable. Even though they went into heat every year. The only part that scared you slightly was that they would basically rape the nearest person to relieve themselves from the uncomfort. 

You had been dating Nanashima for about five months now, and you were both really happy with each other. Though something about him seemed off. He would always wear the same hat every single day. The same black beanie. 

You had asked him about it before but he had just told you that his hair was extra sensitive and would turn dry in even the slightest ray of sunshine. But he still kept in on indoors as well. You didn't want to pressure him into telling you, so you shrugged it off. 

Nanashima had been acting strangely today. He kept squirming in his seat and clawing at his thighs. He hadn't been paying attention in class, well, less than he usually did and he only mumbled a 'good morning' to you instead of pecking you on the lips and giving you a small hug. 

"Are you feeling ok, Nana? You seem a little off today." You asked. He violently shook his head. "N-no I'm fine! Really. Just a little jittery." He said quickly. You eyed him. "I'm always here for you if you need any help." You said. He stared intently at you after you spoke. 

You kissed Nanashima on the cheek as a goodbye and started home. He looked like he was having a mental battle with himself as you left. You hoped he would be back to his normal self tomorrow. 

When you arrived at your house, you were surprised to see Nana leaning against your front door.  What freaked you out the most was that he never passed you on your way home. "Nana? What are you doing here?" You asked confused as you went to open the door. "There's no one home now right?" He asked quickly trailing behind you. "Except for us, no. Why?" You replied setting your bag down on the table. 

Nana shut the front door and locked it tightly. You raised an eyebrow at him as he began panting. "Promise not to freak or hate me after this, ok?" He said. "Why would I ever hate you?" You asked. He pulled off his hat, and revealed the most adorable pair of black, pointy cat ears. He then pulled his matching, fur tail out of his pants and swung around. 

"You're a neko!" You exclaimed. He nodded slowly and looked to the ground. You came up to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. "Don't be ashamed, I think you're adorable!" You said with a sweet smile. "Really? Please don't hate me..." He muttered the last part. You were about to ask him what he meant when he picked you up by your ass and slammed you against the wall. 

"I'm in heat, and I need relief. Can you help me?" He asked with the most adorable eyes. You were a cat person and you knew all about them. You even had a few when you were little but they all died of age. Your family didn't have the money to buy a new one but you had experience with cats being in heat. (A/N: It basically means that the cat is ready to have kittens and is very uncomfortable for a few days. I don't know if the relief is doing 'it' but it's just an idea I had.) "How?" You asked, even though you knew the answer very well. 

"Relieve my pain. Please?" He asked. You were only sixteen and you were going to lose your virginity. "If it's to help you, then sure." you said. Nana smiled and kissed you passionately, shoving his tongue into your wet cavern. You moaned slightly and he pulled away. "I'll make it fun for you too." He whispered and picked you up again and carried you to your room. 

He kicked the door closed and laid you on your bed. You silently thanking god that your family wasn't home yet, and wouldn't be for another hour or two. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now