You Tiny Tsundere

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Shinomiya x Reader

You hated the way Shinomiya treated you. He seem so nice and sweet to the few girls he talked to, but when  you made an attempt to communicate with him, he brushed you off and called you a slut. 

You just assumed that he was having a rough day and shook it off. You joined the nursing committee in another pathetic attempt to gain his attention. But it only resulted in him finding every last excuse to blow a fuse at you. 

You eventually left the committee since you felt like you didn't really belong there if Shinomiya was just going to yell at you every time you came in a ten foot radius of him. At least everyone else was nice to you. 

You couldn't think of a single reason why he hated you so much. You hadn't done anything to him, you've never even spoken to him until now. 

You gave up trying to make friends with him. What was the point of trying if he was just going to push you away? So you tried avoiding him as much as possible, and you never stole another glance at him again. 

You were probably the best athlete in the school. You excelled in every sport you played, but along with that, you were injured pretty often. Before you never really minded since your injuries would land you in the nurse's office where you were cared for by Shinomiya. ut he would usually kick you out for not having 'real' injuries. So you've been extra careful ever since you started avoiding him. 

Currently, you were participating in a game of basketball during gym class. None of the girls wanted to play, excluding you, and that's how you like it. You preferred that none of the bitch girls would get in your way. 

Maybe it was because you were too reckless, or maybe it was the fault of the asshole who pushed you trying to steal the ball from you. Your handle was twisted into an inhuman position and the teacher called time out. 

You were sent to eat nurse, and you couldn't say that you were find since you and everybody else knew that was a lie. 

You were dreading this. You knew that Shinomiya would just send you back to the class anyways, even if your ankle was so twisted that your foot was nearly turned at a 180 degree angle. 

You bit your lip and looked away when Shinomiya drew back the curtain. You said nothing as he inspected your ankle. You were expecting an insult to fly out of his mouth kicking you again, but he remained just as silent as you were. 

"It's not so bad." he finally said. You snapped, you didn't care if you became the bitch he thought you were. "Oh, so I can go back to class with my fucking ankle looking like this? Brilliant, I'll be one my way then." you snapped as you pushed yourself up. You tried your hardest not to wince in pain, clearly failing. 

Shinomiya seemed shocked at your outburst. As if he expected you not to be pissed after the last year. 

"There's no way you can walk like that, lay back down." he ordered. His face showed genuine concern which surprised you greatly. You knew you should've been embracing his kindness he showed this once, but you honestly didn't care about being friends with him anymore. 

"So now you care? What about the time where I fell during volleyball and cut my arm so deep I started gushing blood?"


"Or the time where I nearly broke my knee during floor hockey?"

"That was-"

"Or when I practically couldn't stand because I fell on my back playing soccer?"

"I know I was an asshole! But I had a reason to be one, ok?" he yelled. "So why were you acting like I was the biggest bitch in the world?" You asked. 

His cheeks flushed at your words. "D-do I really have to answer?" He asked. "Unless you'd rather me get you suspended from school for leaving me injured, you're lucky I haven't told the school." You said. 

"Fine. I acted like that because I didn't know hoe else to approach you. I didn't want to blurt out an insult when you first talked to me, but I just did. After that, I know you were probably hurt so I continued with the act, figuring you wouldn't forgive me." 

You let out a laugh. "That doesn't mean it's going to make it bettie!" You said and his eyes flashed with surprise. "So you're not mad?" he asked. 

"I haven't heard a proper apology!" You sang. "I don't really think I need to." He mumbled. "I won't forgive you until you do!" 

"I'm....sorry for the way I treated you." he muttered, but it was sufficient enough for you. "That wasn't so hard, so am I gonna go home now?" You asked, referring to your ankle. "I can fix it, it's going to hurt though. Like, a lot." He said. 

You nodded. You didn't completely trust him, but you weren't going to get better if you didn't do something about it. 

He counted to three, and snapped your ankle back into place. You screamed slightly as the pain slowly stated to subside. You exhaled. "You ok?" He asked and you nodded again. "You may want to go back to class." he said. 

"I think I can walk, thanks you tiny tsundere." You teased. He blushed and helped you off the bed. You pecked Shinomiya on the cheek and his blush grew while he struggled to form coherent sentences. 

"I-I, um, I'm g-gonna go t-tend to the other patients!" He announced before running away. 

There weren't any others in the room. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now