Prey And Predator

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A/N: I'm extremely sorry for the lack of updates. I have writer's block and have literally no inspiration whatsoever. I'd really appreciate if you guys request in the comments and go into detail please so I can write a better story. 

You ducked through the hallways, easily avoiding every person who passed you. You were trying your hardest not to be seen by your attackers. You were one of the few people in the world who went unnoticed in the world and was bullied by it. 

You wished you could say this was new to you, but that would be a complete lie. Ever since you moved to this town in first grade you had been teased and made fun of. You never understood why you were the victim of so many harsh words. You hadn't done a single bad thing in your life and you mainly remained in the shadows. You were just another regular student hoping to achieve their dreams and get a good education. 

Truth be told, when the bullying first started, their words rolled off you. But by fourth grade, your predators started physically abusing you. Nothing big at first, scratching and small slaps here and there. But as the years progressed, it developed into kicking and punching until they were full out beating you. You were used to this by now, but it still hurt you physically and mentally. 

Homeroom bell rang as you dashed into class. You made it through the morning without any insults or beating being thrown at you and the teacher was already in the room which meant they couldn't do any harm to you. Unfortunately, your peace was short-lived and the first-period bell rang as students rushed to get to their next class. 

You hid among the other students as they filed out of the classroom. You kept your gaze down and avoided any eye contact. 

A firm grip on your arm pulled you out of the crowd of students and into a storage closet. Darkness enveloped you and the other person in the closet with you. 

Your immediate reaction was to curl up into a ball and cover your face. You were awaiting the first blow but it never came. "Get off the floor." A male voice said and you uncovered your face. Through the small window in the door, a stream of light illuminated his handsome features. 

Blonde hair, green eyes, one eyebrow arched in questioning, and lips pulled into a frown, he stared at you as you pathetically shielded yourself from him. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. His voice smooth and somewhat deep, you were positive he was a new student here, and you didn't know what to say. 

Since I have major writer's block which doesn't happen often, I'm going to be leaving the rest of the story up to you guys. Write the rest of this story in a private message and send it to me. I know a normal contest would use #'s in the description section but I think it'll be easier to send me the rest of the story. I'll go through every message and choose one entry. Messages are due April 7th, 2017. I expect good grammar, vocab, and good editing that will have a shot at winning. Winner's story will be published in a separate part and the author will be listed. If you'd like, the chosen winner will get to request their own prize as long as it is in reason, such as a conversation with me or pairing up with me to write a story together... etc. List any questions you have in the comments. I don't expect many people to participate but it'd be really helpful if you do. Good luck and thank you for putting up with my slow updates. 


Ok, ignore the part where I said type your story in the private message area. Instead, just type up your one-shot and then private message me the link to your one-shot. Sorry for the mistake. 

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