I Don't Need Your Pity

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You dipped your brush in black paint and angrily swiped it across your canvas. You had gotten into a fight with your boyfriend earlier that day and you were pissed that he had cheated on you.

You weren't upset that he did, you were planning on breaking up with him anyway. You were furious though, that he wasn't honest and didn't tell you. You absolutely hated dishonest people, you'd rather know the truth behind the illusion.

You were an artist as well. There wasn't a spot on your walls that weren't covered in paint. You could easily express your feeling through painting as you were quite secluded from reality and never shared your feelings with someone.

You were good at art in general, painting, sketching, coloring, drawing. Your personal favorite was painting though and you painted whatever came to mind. Whether it was in dreams, your day dreams, what you were feeling, anything you thought became a master piece created by you.

No tears were shed as you brushed globs of paint everywhere, symbolizing your mix of different emotions you were experiencing at the moment. Yellow because you were happy you didn't have to deal with your so-called boyfriend, red because you were angry that he cheated, blue because you were slightly upset since you now had no one else to talk to at school besides him.

Green because you were jealous of the girl he had now. To you, she seemed like she was so much better than you in every way, pretty, popular, social, and basically the polar opposite of you.

Black because you were currently thinking of all the ways to make your ex-boyfriend pay. Grey because you weren't completely sure of all your feelings along with various other colors appeared on the canvas.

Eventually, a variety of color now made their way onto your once empty surface. By far the messiest and most emotional painting you had ever created.

When the paint dried, you drew the back of a girl in the middle of the mess you created. You colored her in black and nothing else, which was unusual for you. You never left anything uncolored, much less black.

As you stepped back to admire your work, your scowl grew deeper. This was nothing like you, just a bunch of paint scattered everywhere that made you feel even madder than before.

You dipped the brush in black and swiped it across the painting again before taking it off your stand and throwing in on the ground. Still, no tears made their way to your eyes. Maybe you were trying to make yourself cry, because crying showed that you care, and your ex-boyfriend was a childhood friend of yours, somehow corrupted by his teenage years.

Completely losing yourself in the frustration, you opened the window and threw your now scribbled out painting out of it. Just as you were ready to take another brush and start a new creation, you heard a very clear 'Ow' below you.

You looked down at the source of the voice to see a blonde boy with now paint-covered clothes from your previously thrown artwork.

"I'm so sorry!" You called as you rushed downstairs and out the front door. The guy was still standing there with an annoyed expression on his face. "Are you ok?" You asked taking the smudged painting from him.

His expression softened when he saw you for some reason. "Aren't you (Y/N)?" He asked and you wondered how he knew you. You knew exactly who he was, Nozomu Nanashima and in some of your classes.

You nodded at his question. "So why exactly did you throw a painting out the window?" He asked.

"Um, boyfriend problems I guess." You said. "You mean someone cheated on you? Yeah, I know, practically the entirre school does." He said. "Did the asshole make an announcement to the school or something?" You asked.

"No, but he's one of my friends though, not anymore now." Nanashima replied. You honestly didn't feel like talking about your emotions with this guy and just wanted to forget about your ex-boyfriend.

"Do you want to come in for tea? You know, as an apology for throwing a canvas at you." You offered, trying to dismiss the current subject. "Sure, if your parents don't mind." He said and you guided him to your kitchen.

You silently prepared the tea for him while he awkwardly sat down, you were starting to regret inviting him over. "So, what were you doing walking by my house? I've never seen you pass by here." You said trying to start up a conversation.

"I was taking a different route to my house, apparently it's faster this way." He answered simply as you carried the cup of tea over to him.

"If you don't mind, would you mind telling me why you're being so nice to me? You aren't exactly known for being warm to others, no offense." You said taking of a sip of your drink.

"I don't know, I guess I just feel bad." he said cooly. Your previous anger came back. "I don't need pity to get me through life. If that's all you're here for then you can leave." You hissed while trying your hardest not to slam your cup down on the table.

You suddenly felt bad for snapping at him and you quickly apologized again. "It's alright, but that's not the only reason why I'm here. I just wanted to take the chance while I still had it since I lost it two years ago ever since you started dating your ex-boyfriend." He started and you nodded for him to continue, anxious to hear what he was going to say.

"I... like you. You've got so much talent and you just seem to be good at everything you do. I don't think you'll accept me but I'm fine with that and I'm willing to wait." He gushed quickly.

You were stunned. You never expected Nanashima to be so straight forward with you. And you weren't sure if you wanted to get into another relationship yet.

Maybe the reason why I didn't like my ex-boyfriend was because I had feelings for someone else, that someone being Nanashima you thought. "I guess, I guess I like you too." You said confidently.

He looked up at you. "Really?!" he asked and you nodded. He leaned over the table, his lips nearly touching yours and you snapped back to reality.

You put a finger to his lips to stop his actions. "Not yet, please." You said standing up. He nodded in understanding and gave you a hug instead.

You failed to notice his burning face and cursing himself for being so stupid. "You won't regret it, (Y/N)."

A/N: I know this is total shit but I have a major headache now and I felt like updating, so...

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now