I'm Kissing It Better, Problem?

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You were best friends with Nozumo Nanashima. Which surprised you honestly, you didn't have the best looks, compared to your fellow otaku Serinuma. You were also an otaku and you honestly thought that he would ignore you. 

You couldn't tell if he thought of you as the same, since he usually remained emotionless to everyone he interacted with. Either way, you should've been happy that you had such an amazing life. But you thought of Nanashima as more than a friend. Yes, you had fallen for the badass, blonde. 

You knew he would never think of you the same, since he was too busy chasing after Serinuma. You couldn't blame him though, who wouldn't want the girl as their boyfriend? So you started comparing yourself to her, you didn't have her looks, you didn't have her personality, you had a temper, you spent most of your time in your room, reading manga and watching anime, much like Serinuma, but she was never judged ever since her transformation. 

The two of you went way back. You met in kindergarten an have been best friend ever since. You two were introduced to anime and manga and you both immediately fell in love. You've been through everything together, expect you've never been as heavy as her. But you were friends with regardless of her appearance, she was a great person with a wonderful personality, something that most guys couldn't see these days. 

So you resorted to cutting yourself. You had heard of it since some of the anime you watched, the characters self harmed. You tried it one day, just a small cut, and you've been hooked ever since. You knew it wasn't healthy for you, but it honestly helped with the emotional pain, the fact that Nanashima wouldn't ever look at you the same way he looked at Serinuma. 

You slowly became depressed, but you never showed it. You had become a master of hiding your emotions, you laughed, you joked, you smiled, and you held it all in until nighttime, where you let everything out. No one knew about your problem, and sometimes, you just wanted it all to stop. To stop the pain of love, to stop the lying to everyone, to just stop living. 

Sleep was the best time of your day. When you were asleep, you couldn't feel anything. You couldn't think anything, you couldn't do anything. You wondered if that was what death felt like. 

You were walking to eat lunch with all your friends. You become aquatinted with the rest of the boys who were chasing Serinuma, and they eventually became your friends. You were grateful for them, and part of the reason you kept your emotions to yourself was that you didn't want them to think that you were cutting for attention. 

"(Y/N)! Hey (Y/N) wait up!" Nanashima called running up to you. You loved days like these. Where  he was full of life and not just cold to everyone who talked to him. He grabbed your wrist to stop you and you made the mistake of wincing from the pain. You cracked. Baka You thought as you mentally slapped yourself. 

"Are you ok? Did you hurt your wrist?" He asked. "Um, no, I just fell yesterday and landed on my wrist." You lied quickly. He looked at you funny and pulled you to the side of the hallway. Nearly everyone had already left to eat lunch, leaving you two in the hallway. He slowly pulled your jacket sleeve up and you avoided his hard stare. 

The various cuts and scars showed and you felt tears well up in your eyes as he ran his hand over them. "Why? Why do you do this to yourself?!" He yelled. You flinched but you didn't think he noticed. "You're supposed to tell your friends these things! That's what friend are for, right?" He yelled. You let a single tear slip. Friends. That's all we are. At least he thinks of me as one you thought. 

You felt his lips on your wrist and you looked at him. He took off your jacket and dropped it on the floor. You were wearing a tank top so he could see all the scars you gave yourself. He kissed every last one, barely grazing your skin, making sure not to hurt you anymore. "What are you doing?" You asked, your voice hoarse. "I'm kissing it better, problem?" He replied. Nanashima made his way up to your neck, you hadn't made any cuts there but he continued to kiss you up your collarbone, neck, jawline, and finally to your lips. 

He attached his lips to yours into a sweet, gentle kiss. You never imagined that he could be so gentle and romantic. Time seemed to stop as you continued to kiss, your hands rested on his chest and his softly held your wrists. 

"Don't do it again, understand?" He asked. You nodded and took your hands off his chest. "Care to tell me why you cut in the first place?" He asked. "Maybe another time, I'm hungry now." You said picking your jacket up and slipping it on. You didn't feel like telling him, you felt like it would make you seem selfish. "You'll tell me later, alright?" He said. You nodded again and walked to the lunchroom hand in hand. 

"I'm always here for you."

A/N: I'm sorry if this was cringey but it was just an idea I had.

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now