I Don't Need You

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Three years of a relationship and still happily together with your boyfriend. More commonly, couples would start falling apart, cheating and arguing, which was mainly the reason why you didn't want to get into a relationship in the first place. You never put too much trust into one person. 

Nanashima proved you otherwise over the last three years. And you slowly started to fall hopelessly in love with him. 

After graduating high school, the two of you managed to get the same job doing something you both loved. You were thinking that life couldn't possibly get any better. You were proven wrong. When he got down on one knee and proposed to you. 

You came close to crying tears of happiness and you agreed as he slipped the ring on your finger. 

Your wedding was to be on the first day of spring, which left you with a month to plan everything. You weren't the least bit stressed, you had your fiance by your side and that's all you needed. 

The day of your wedding came and you had everything planned out. You were ecstatic that day, your dress looked like an artwork made from heaven. Your wedding was going to take place in the garden of a mansion sometime in the evening. 

You and Nanashima had invited nearly everyone you knew, friends and family, even acquaintances were all welcome. 

You said your vows and sealed them with a kiss. The crowd cheered and your smile lit up the entire night sky. 

The party afterward was even better. You danced with everyone, even some boys whom Nanashima glared fiercely at. You always made it up with a kiss which made him blush. 

By the end of the wedding, it was two a.m. and everyone was staggering drunk much to your amusement. You wished everyone a safe drive home and they congratulated you on your marriage. 

You already bought a house for the both of you to share. He carried you in through the door and you giggled the entire time. 

You took off your uncomfortable dress and heels and changed into your nightly clothes. You cuddled yourself into your new husband and he wrapped his arms around you. 

Nanashima treated you well. He took you out on dates often, you went on vacations every few months or so, you were financially stable which was great. 

But you never expected your loving husband to cheat on you. 

It hit you so unexpectedly too it was shocking. He never showed any signs of cheating. He always came home on time, he still showered you with love and never pushed you away. 

You just happened to be scrolling through Nanashima's phone since your's was dead and taking forever to charge. The phone beeped with a message. 

Not one to invade someone's privacy, you didn't click on it, but you could clearly see some number you didn't recognize. Completely abandoning your privacy rule, you opened up the message to the unknown number. 

"Can you come over tonight?" it read. 

You weren't phased at first. You thought that it was just an old friend asking to reunite so you called your husband. "Nana, someone's asking for you to come over!" you yelled. 

He appeared in your shared bedroom in an instant and snatched the phone out of your hands all too quickly. "It's just a friend, mind if I go?" he asked. "Sure, just come back home tomorrow if you're staying the night." you said. 

He gave you a quick peck on the lips and grabbed his things. It wasn't likely he was going to sleep over, so you decided to surprise him and wait. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ