I'm Yours and You're Mine

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Jealousy was never a problem between you and Nanashima. You were his and he was yours. It was the unspoken rule between you two. Plus, you never really spoke to boys besides him. 

Since the teacher had enough of her students fooling around every time they picked their own partners, the teachers decided to assign partners for a project this time. Everyone groaned, but you didn't really mind, none of your friends were in this class anyway. 

You sat at your seat, bored as you stared out the window. The teacher's voice brought you out of your daydream when you heard your name. "(Y/N) and Shinomiya." you immediately snapped your head over to the boy's direction, who was already staring. 

Shinomiya returned his gaze to the board and you could clearly see his blush and flustered cheeks. You smiled slightly before slipping into another daydream. 

After the teacher finished calling out names, you stood up and plopped yourself down in the empty seat next to Shinomiya. You've never formally spoken to the shy boy before, but you knew that he was Nanashima's friend, so he couldn't be that bad, right?

"H-hey, (Y/N)." he greeted and you nodded in return. Since your project was to show an advanced diagram of the human body, the two of you decided to meet up at your house every day after school until you finished. 

You had heard of Shinomiya's straight A reputation, so you were confident that you would manage to get at least above a 90%. 

"So I'll see you at my place? 4 p.m.?" You asked standing up again to grab your books. You could tell he was flustered for some odd reason but you couldn't place your finger on the reason. "Y-yeah, see you then!" He said as the bell rang. The majority of class had been spent planning out the project, and maybe some laughing along the way. 

At the end of the day, you rushed home to clean up your room. You with your lazy personality, you had clothes strewn all over the floor and things scattered everywhere. There was no way you could bring Shinomiya into your dump of a room. And besides your boyfriend, you've never had boys in your room. 

You worked well under pressure, and managed to get everything done in less than half an hour, leaving you with spare time to finish the rest of your homework. 

Luckily, your parents were away on a business trip for the week which gave you the entire house to yourself. And your mother wouldn't be here to constantly pop in to check on you. 

Your phone rang and you were greeted by the voice of Nanashima. "Hey, (Y/N), do you wanna go out today?" He asked. You truly wanted to go as you hadn't been on a date in god knows how long. But you couldn't just ditch Shinomiya either. "Sorry, Nana, I'm working on a project with Shinomiya and he's coming over in a few minutes." You replied. 

The other line remained silent, until you heard him mutter under his breath that sounded something like, "Damn nerd." 

"Sorry, Nana but I gotta go, I'll talk to you tomorrow." You said as you hung up. You knew he was pissed, but you couldn't afford to mope over him now as you heard the doorbell ring. 

You flashed a bright smile to the blushing boy as he stepped inside. Not much was said as you led him up to your room. "Wow, is your room always this nice?" He asked. "Yes?" you said it more like a question and giggled at yourself in which he joined. 

So throughout the two hours, the two of you worked in harmony and even burst out laughing a few times. You never knew you could have this much fun with someone besides your blonde boyfriend. 

Much to your surprise, you were disappointed when Shinomiya announced that he had to go. "I had fun with you, same time tomorrow, ok?" You said before waving him off. 

The next day, you completely forgot about your boyfriend, who you ran into that day. "Hey, Nana, what's up?" You asked before pecking him on the cheek. "Nothing for you to be concerned of." he mumbled while slightly pushing you away. He left you there dumbfounded and walked away to his next class. 

You weren't one to put much thought into anything. So you just brushed off his cold remarks as you arrived at your shared class with Shinomiya. The teacher let the class sit next to their partners for the week and the two of you set to work immediately. 

After two days, you and him and practically become best friends. You found out that you had a lot in common with him and realized how nice it was to actually have a guy friend. Of course you knew that Nanashima wouldn't be very happy with this, but it wasn't like he could control your life. 

You could clearly notice the small behavior changes in Nanashima. He stopped calling to check up on you. He stopped giving you kisses. He tried his hardest to avoid you in school. He never sat with you at lunch anymore. It was dead obvious that he was jealous. 

On the final day of your project, you and Shinomiya finished earlier than your classmates, so you spent the rest of the time fooling around without the teacher noticing. "It's been fun having you as a partner, we should hang out sometime." You said, playfully punching his shoulder.

His face flushed. "R-really?" He stuttered. "Yeah! You're a cool guy and fun to be around, here's my number, call me some time, ok?" You ask giving him a slip of paper. You saw his hands clench around the slip like his life depended on it. "You seem so nervous, is it because I'm your first lady-friend?" You teased. "N-no you're not! I have other friends!" He protested. You laughed. "Prove it." 

He opened his mouth to blurt something out, but then quickly closed it and averted his gaze from you. You laughed again as the bell rang. "See you around!" You called as you walked out of class. 

Time to sort out my angry, blonde, boyfriend you thought as the final bell rang. You ran to Nanashima's locker, hoping to catch him before he headed home. Luckily, you made it just as he was closing his locker. 

"Hey! Nana! Wait up!" You called. He turned to look at you before scoffing and turning away. Your eyes narrowed at his action. You couldn't stand it when people ignored you. 

You easily caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder. "What's wrong with you?" You asked as he turned to face. "Nothing." 

"You've been avoiding me all week, did I do something?" You asked. He rolled his eyes at you and that's when it was confirmed. He was jealous of Shinomiya. 

A smirk slowly grew on your face and his eyebrows scrunched together. "What? I have something on my face?" He asked. "You're jealoussss!" You sang. He sent daggers at you which only made you laugh. 

"Shut up!" He yelled. "Oh, so you would prefer if I just went over to Shino-" your sentence was cut off when he angrily pressed his lips to yours. "Don't you dare." he mumbled, but you understood it perfectly. 

"Chill, Nana. I'm yours and you're mine, I thought we established that." You stated. "I know, I know, I can't help it you know. I couldn't believe that fucking weakling took your attention away from me." He pouted. 

"We can go on that date now, I'm free!" You offered and for the first time in a week, he smiled back at you. Nanashima kissed you one more time before taking your hand and running out the vacant building. 

A/N: I'm thinking about turning this book into an entire Kiss Him, Not Me x Reader book. Let me know what you guys think. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now