The Girl In The Sky

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You were the daughter of God. Yes technically all humans were made by God but you were his literal daughter. You were an angel, and acted like one too. You made a promise to your father that you would spend eternity, stuck in water.

You couldn't move, you could breathe and your hair flowed in water just fine, but no matter how hard you tried to move your body, you couldn't.

You never understood where you actually were. All you saw was a sky that changed colors often, from pink, to orange, to blue, to purple, and occasionally grey. For twelve hours you counted, the sky would turn black.

You were submerged in water, only part of your torso and your face left dried. Your father visited from time to time, but he only gave you empty praises. You knew you were doing it for your father, and his so-called 'humans'. You felt like he cared more about them than his own daughter.

Sometimes, you would get so lonely and bored that you would cry. Your father told you that whenever you did, it would rain on Earth. The worst part, that was when you slept, instead of the sky, you would be able to see the 'humans' from above. You actually admired their works and found their way of life interesting. You couldn't understand what they were saying though, most of them spoke English and you spoke an ancient language no one understood.

So the same routine everyday, wake up from your dream, stare into space, watch the clouds go by, go to sleep. You knew you had to do this for your father though, and that he wouldn't let you out of your promise to him.

It was daytime, and you were staring up at the sky as usual, trying to convince yourself that spending your time in the crystal waters wasn't as bad as you thought. You had time to think about what life would be like if you had it your way, but you knew it would never happen, but you had a right to dream, right?

You sighed, as you felt tears forming behind your lids again. The sky turned grey as you let them fall down your cheeks and into the water.

As you were crying, you swore you could've saw something fly past you through the sky, but you repeatedly told yourself not to get your hopes up, as you did in the past, and that left you shattered and hopeless.

The black dot reappeared, but it seemed to be coming closer to you with each passing second until you could clearly make out what it was.

You saw black flames, black armor, black helmet, and a glimpse of blonde hair. You assumed the figure was a guy, judging by it's shape, you weren't even sure if he was a human like the ones you've seen in your dreams.

He was small, like the humans, unlike you where you spread across the entire world. But he wielded a white sword and was flying towards you fast. He seemed to be aiming for your heart for some reason, and you wondered if this guy was a demon.

Your father had warned you about demons, they were the enemy of him and you. He reassured you that they couldn't reach though, due to the barrier the atmosphere provided on Earth, demons lived underground, sometimes on the planet if they wanted to. But never in the air, they would surely die. He never told you why they were so terrible, so you never believed him and thought they were just like any other living thing on Earth.

You were unable to stop the guy from plunging the sword into your heart, and you never expected the small weapon to inflict such pain to you. You let out a strangled cry as the sky turned darker, the clouds thickened as you hissed in pain.

After what felt like another million years, the man pulled the sword out of your heart, leaving the small stream of blood to color the water around you. The plain white dress you wore slowly started turning red as well, matching the now red waters surrounding you.

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now