The Girl I know

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A/N: You probably all hate me for not posting for over a year. I got my writing spark back so if I have time, I'll probably update more. This was requested by jello_beans08, and again, you guys make my day when I see you commenting how much you like my stories, it truly means the world to me. 

You sighed as you glanced at your phone. You were waiting for Nanashima to answer your text. 

You were in a long distance relationship as friends with someone you met online. You had a blog about an anime you loved and he messaged you saying that he needed your help to win a girl's heart. At the time, you gladly assisted him and gave him tips on what to say to his crush. Over the course of six months, you quickly began to adore him and became fast friends. 

After a full year, you realized that you had developed feelings for your online friend. You were currently in America with your parents. They were overseas for something business-related that you couldn't care less about. And coincidentally, the two of you actually grew up not too far away from each other in Japan. 

You desperately wanted to see Nana. You asked if he wanted to exchange pictures of each other, but he said that he wanted to be surprised if he ever met you. "If we ever get to see each other, I want it to be like we're meeting for the first time." he said over a phone call. You chuckled lightly. "Nana, there's really no chance that we'll see each other." you said. "When I get older, I'll save up enough money to come visit you." 

You smiled as you remembered your countless conversations with him. He was so adorable to you, a little tsundere. You wanted to meet him so badly, you wanted to thank him since he helped pull you out of a dark time without even knowing it. Talking with Nanashima helped you overcome your depression, and you were forever grateful for it. 

Currently, you were asking Nanashima about Serinuma, the reason why he started talking to you in the first place. That was the only thing that crushed you, you developed feelings for a boy you had never even seen before. And recently, he had been telling you more and more about this other girl that he loved. 

You fell in love with Nana's personality. The way he would become embarrassed when you teased him, or the way you could hear his smile when he talked about his little sister, and when he told you about the ridiculous things his friends made him do. You loved it all, yet you knew you could never tell him about your feelings for him. 


You smiled at your phone. He was telling you about his day, like he did every day. It became tradition now, you told each other everything. 

You: Oh my god I ship already


You: What's your friends name, i'm gonna write a fanfic


You: i'm sure you will

You put your phone down and got ready for bed. Your good mood was only short-lived as you remembered that this was all you had. You had no other friends. No one in school really talked to you, and your parents ignored you. You felt greedy. You felt like talking over the phone wasn't enough anymore. You wanted to talk to your crush face to face, see his facial expressions, hand gestures, and everything else about him. 

A week from that day, your prayers had been answered. Your parents informed you that they would have to travel back to Japan for five months to finalize some sort of deal. You were going back to your home town. 

You called Nana immediately. 

"Hello?" his voice spoke. 

"Nana! Nana! Guess what?!" you yelled. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now