We're Meant To Be

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Nanashima was constantly picking on you. He would always insult you, bully you, and sometimes even physically abuse you. And you never fought back. 

You thought that maybe if it seemed like his words didn't affect you, then maybe he would stop. Your friends never stood up for you either seeing as they were just as shy as you were. 

So it was now a daily routine: Go to school, get pushed down by Nanashima, be made fun of more, be insulted more, then go to class, and repeat. You were honestly getting tired of it, but you didn't have the strength to fight back and you felt like it would be a waster effort as he would only bully you even more if you did. 

What confused you the most were the words permanently inscribed on your wrist. "Back off, bitch." was what was written. Apparently, everyone had a soul mate, and their soul mate's first words to them were written on their wrists until they got together. For those who didn't have one, their wrists were left empty. 

The thing that boggled your mind was that Nanashima's first words to you were "Back off, bitch." when you had accidentally bumped into him on your way to class. And that was the moment he started picking on you ever since. 

You were convinced that someone else would say that to you. And when they did, you hoped they were strong enough to stop Nanashima from bullying you. 

Sixteen years passed by and you hadn't run in to anybody who would say those words to you. Two years passed since you met him. You were beginning to doubt that your soulmate was even real, it definitely didn't seem like anybody else besides Nanashima would be, and he absolutely loathed you. 

Thanks to your clumsiness, you managed to run into Nanashima again. You were trying to keep your head down and avoid him all in all but that plan clearly failed. 

"Oi! You stupid bitch, watch where you're going every once in a while, would you?!" Nanashima hissed. You avoided his gaze whilst trying to get back up. 

He suddenly grabbed you by your wrists and pinned you against the wall by your wrists. You winced as he had previously hit you there, leaving bruises that hurt. Everybody had already gone to lunch and no one was here to come to your rescue. 

He looked like he was ready to hit you again, when he saw your bare wrists. Your jacket had somehow slipped off when you fell and exposed your arms. With your entire body all bruised from Nanashima, you were forced to wear long sleeves and pants to hide them from your parents. They never suspected anything bad happening to their daughter and you would rather keep it that way. You didn't need them worrying over something unimportant. 

One, there was no doubt that he had seen the words on your wrist. And two, he could see the bruises that covered your arms that just wouldn't seem to heal, even after weeks. 

You didn't understand why Nanashima seems so shocked to see your bare arms. His grip on you loosened. "Do you self harm?" He asked. You raised an eyebrow but you eventually shook your head. 

He finally released you and you regained your balance. "I-I did this?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly at the end. "Yeah, but why does it matter?" You asked. "I never intended it to go this far." He whispered. 

Your eyes widened. You weren't used to seeing Nanashima so vulnerable, you always thought that he was a heartless bully. 

"I-I thought that maybe if I pushed you away, my fate would change." he whispered as he showed you his wrist. "Why are you doing this?" it read and you took a sharp intake of breath. So he was your soulmate. 

"I didn't think it would be possible to get together with you since you never talk to anyone, so I turned to my other option." he said. You remained silent and played with your fingers. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't want to actually hurt you." He apologized. 

You wanted to yell at him and tell him that he didn't deserve to be forgiven, but the words were stuck in your throat, and you couldn't bring yourself to say that to him. He was your soulmate after all. 

"It's alright, I'll heal-" You were cut off by Nanashima's lips on yours. You melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. 

He held you delicately, as if he were afraid you would completely break if he was rougher. You could already feel the words on your wrist burning away as you pulled away. He rested his forehead on yours. "I'm sorry, I know it won't make up for everything I've done, but please forgive me." He whispered. 

"Of course, we're meant to be." You said and gave him a smile. He pressed his lips against yours again and you happily complied. 

At least Nanashima could protect you from anybody who tried to hurt you now, and you were ecstatic to have him finally accept you as his soulmate. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now