Be Mine Again?

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You were visiting your best friend who had moved about five hours north from you last year. You were going to spend the Christmas with her, but you were stuck in knee deep snow, and the roads hadn't been plowed yet. 

It was starting to get dark too, and you pounded the wheel in frustration. You pulled out your phone and texted your friend you wouldn't be able to make it in time. At least it wasn't Christmas Eve, so you still had time to wait out the snow. 

You looked up the nearest hotel and found one only a few minutes away. So you fought your car through the snow and after what felt like forever, you finally saw the small building come into view. 

You parked your car and grabbed your things as you slammed the door. Shaking the snow off of you before you stepped in. The clerk at the front desk didn't seem to like having the night shift, and bluntly guided you to your room. "We're fully booked now, so you'll be sharing a room with someone." she said, not waiting for an answer before she shooed you away. 

You knocked on the door, hoping that someone wasn't asleep. The door opened and you slightly gasped. 

Your ex-boyfriend stood in the doorway with only a towel around his waist. Back in high school, you had dated Nanashima before he decided to break up with you for no apparent reason. You were heartbroken for weeks, but you eventually got over it, promising yourself that you wouldn't ever fall in love again. 

Now he was here, half naked, standing in front of you. Your first instinct was to slap him and run, but you felt like you couldn't move, his gaze freezing you in one spot. 

"Have you missed me, (Y/N)?" He asked, smirking. Your mouth hung open, and you quickly composed yourself. "No, I need a room to stay in so move." You said whilst shoving the blonde away. He chuckled at your aggressiveness. 

You were irritated easily, one wrong word would tick you off and send you into a rage. You had no idea how you managed to cope with Nanashima. 

"Care to share why you're here?" He asked. "I'm going over to a friend's house and got stuck in snow, and stop talking to me already!" You yelled dropping your bag in the corner. Your eyes widened when you realized there was only one bed. There was no way in hell you would be sleeping in the same bed as him

"It's my room, consider yourself lucky I'm even letting you stay here." He said. "You'd have no choice, and it's not like I can stay any where else." You retorted, grabbing your toothbrush as you headed into the bathroom. "Where are you going?" He asked. You rolled your eyes. "I'm gonna go kill a goddamn dragon!" You yelled slamming the door shut. 

You took a deep breath. It's only for a night, it won't kill you you thought. You brushed your teeth quickly and decided to take a shower to clear your head. As you were about to get out, you heard the door open and you yelped. "What the fuck you doing here?!" You screamed. "A certain someone forgot to lock the door. How clever." Nanashima said, a smirk evident in his voice. 

His hand appeared and moved the shower curtain back, and you held both sides of the curtain. "I'M NAKED YOU PERVERT!!" you screamed. "Shhh, you don't want the neighbors to hear." He said. "THEN STOP BEING A PERVERT!!!" you screamed. "I want my toothbrush." 

"Why the hell is it in here?!" 

"Because I brush my teeth in there."

"You could've asked!!" You yelled handing it to him. "Seeing you naked wouldn't be so bad, I've seen it all before." He said in a sing-song voice. You blushed bright red. Yes, you had lost your virginity to him when you were eighteen, which was nearly three years ago. 

"WELL I'M NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND ANYMORE!! AND GET OUT!!" You screamed. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet." he stated turning the water on. You groaned and yelled at him to hurry up. 

When you finally heard him leave, you quickly locked the door. You sighed in relief and dressed yourself in your regular clothes. The last thing you wanted to do was dress in your nightly clothes, which were quite revealing. 

You left the bathroom to see Nanashima with a box of pizza, still with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "Don't you have any clothes to put on?" You asked. "They're all dirty, would prefer for me to take it off?" He asked readying his hand. You vigorously shook your head and he laughed. 

"Pizza?" Nanashima asked. "No, I'm fine." you stated and laid on the ground, phone in hand. Of course your cursed stomach had to growl, courtesy of skipping breakfast and lunch on the way to your friend's. "Ok fine, I want pizza." You said leaning over to grab it. 

You ate two slices and took a sip of water, remaining silent the entire time. You finished and returned to your corner and Nanashima looked slightly disappointed. You laid back down as he headed into the bathroom. 

He came out again with a tank top and boxers. You looked up at him. "Don't have any clean clothes, sure." You remarked. He shrugged. "I just wanted to see your reaction." He said shutting off the lights and climbing under the covers. You put your phone away and faced the wall, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep. 

You shivered without a blanket and reassured yourself you would eventually fall asleep. Nanashima groaned and sat up. "You're going to get sick down there, come here." he said spreading his arms. "Like I'd sleep next to a pervert, much less my ex-boyfriend." You spat. 

"(Y/N), I know it may not seem like it, but I truly missed you. I miss your feisty and stubborn personality, it makes you that much cuter." He said. "I'm sure you mean every word." You said sarcastically. 

Nanashima sighed and you thought he had given up as the bed sheets shifted. You yelped when you felt strong arms pick you up bridal style and plopped you down onto the bed. "You're sleeping here, whether you like it or not." He said, draping an arm around you and you slapped it off. 

"Fine, fine! Just get away from me!" You yelled turning your back on him. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." He said and closed his eyes. You did as well, trying to figure out if he really meant the things he said.   

You were nearly asleep when you felt Nanashima nuzzle his face into your neck, jolting you awake. He wrapped his arm around your waist, securely locking you in place. "Let me go, Nanashima!" You whisper-yelled. "I don't wanna." he mumbled and you didn't protest. You couldn't bring yourself to leave his warm embrace, and you didn't realize how much you missed it until now. 

"Be my girlfriend again?" He asked in a mere whisper. Your cheeks flushed. You didn't know if you wanted to, maybe he would break you with you the next day and find some other girl. "I'll think about it." You responded, closing your eyes, only to be snapped open again when he leaned over you and connected his lips to yours. 

You didn't respond after a few seconds, and he took it as a no. You couldn't help but kiss him back and he smiled into it. You didn't want to admit it, but you missed him as well, maybe it was worth the risk to get back together with him. 

You pulled away for air and turned to face Nanashima. "Fine, I'll be your girlfriend again." You whispered as you blushed. He wrapped his arms around you again and you buried your face in his chest. 

"Love you, (Y/N)" He whispered before you finally fell asleep. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now