See You In The Next Life

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You've never heard of the name, "Nozomu Nanashima" until a near death experience just a day ago.

Apparently, rebirth was a real thing in life, and after every death, a soul was transported into another body, continuing to live a new life. This had been going on ever since mankind was created and you had only just found out.

You didn't know why you were the only one in the universe who knew about this, you were sure that millions of people had near death situations but you had never heard of anyone talking about rebirth before.

And when you found yourself in a hospital bed with doctors surrounding you and needles sticking in your arms, you were surprised to know that you couldn't remember the past week.

Apparently, the police found your bloodied body strapped to a metal table, you basically dead, the slightest pulse and breath were the only signs that showed you still had a chance to live.

The person was never found, so you could never be completely safe. Judging by the scene, you had been kidnapped and tortured, no signs showed why you were specifically tortured though and the police were still trying to figure it out.

Despite the dangerous situation, you were just happy you made it out alive, barely though. But you couldn't bring yourself to take it seriously, as you thought that you wouldn't run into your kidnapper anytime soon.

So you continued to live your life as if nothing happened as soon as you left the hospital. Since you didn't know your parents, you didn't really have that many people worrying about you which kept a low fuss.

But the thing that disturbed you the most, was the moment before you blacked out, you could see every single minute of your life, and the last life you had.

Every memory you contained of your two lives flashed before your eyes. It went by in a blur but you could remember everything.

Apparently, you've had countless lives, but you could only remember the last one you had. And you had a soulmate.

You couldn't confirm that the man had been your soulmate, and any research online went to waste since you couldn't completely trust the internet, and you had nothing to base your facts of off.

What shocked you the most was that the guy in your past life had a striking resemblance to a boy in your school, none in your classes though.

Maybe not the exact same looks, but he acted the same way and your gut told you that he was the same person.

You decided to keep your little flashback a secret. You knew Nanashima wouldn't ever believe you considering his personality. So you kept your distance from the blonde and pretended that you saw nothing.

Of course you knew that God hated you for some reason and you heard a male voice's muffled screams for help. Your head snapped in the direction and you could've sworn you saw legs being dragged out of sight and around a corner.

You couldn't deny that it sounded like Nanashima's, and if he really was your soulmate you couldn't let him get hurt.

So you quietly rushed down to see your kidnapper pointing a gun at the poor blonde. You stopped yourself from gasping and tried to quickly come up with a plan.

You could see the man about to pull the trigger and your mind was split. You may not of known Nanashima in this life but he was your lover in the last, and you decided you still loved him.

And as you read in your fanfictions, a loved one was worth giving up your life for them, and that's exactly what you did.

Time literally slowed down for you as you stood in front of Nanashima and pain exploded in your stomach.

You collapsed but you felt no regret of your actions. You were glad you were able to save another life.

In the next second you could hear sirens and could barely see the man getting pulled away and arrested.

Nanashima was kneeling over you, and to your surprise, tears were falling down his face. Did he know about the two of you?

"Why'd you save me?" He asked. "We're lovers, I kinda had to." you laughed slightly but it only made him cry harder.

"I knew too, my mother told me when I was a kid that rebirth was possible and I believed her, but my memory was jogged too and I know you too." he said.

You could make out the ambulance and the paramedics that were ready to put you on a stretcher but you already knew you wouldn't make it.

"We've never met in this life but you that I love you, right?" He asked. "I know, I love you too, I'll see in the next life, Nanashima." You whispered.

The world started to fade out and you could feel warm droplets on your face. You only hoped that you would remember him when you were reborn again.

A/N: This is probably my worst piece and the shortest too. But I barely get any sleep now, I moved into a new house, I had wifi issues, and I'm stressed about my new school, sorry. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now