The Girl In The Sky (Part Two)

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You were back up in the sky after that event. You father screamed at you for being so reckless, and you couldn't even argue with him, your mouth was frozen shut. 

Your father soon left after that, the tears returned and spilled into the water. Luckily, he hadn't lectured you about what you had done with Nanashima, and that seemed to be the only good thing about your situation. 

Despite the yelling you received, you didn't regret escaping from your help. You had a small glimpse of freedom, what it really felt like to be free. Or human pleasure at least. 

Nanashima promised that he would break you out again, no matter how long it took. But it had taken him millions of years to do so, would even be here in another millennia? Nonetheless, you had to trust him, that was what a relationship was all about, right?

So you waited, you didn't know how much time passed as your father stopped coming to visit you and telling you the date and time. Probably still pissed at you. 

Dreams were your worst nightmare now. Even though you did have dreams before you were kidnapped, they definitely didn't show Nanashima. Normally, you would've been happier to have some type of form of seeing him, but he physically abused you in your dreams, and it honestly started to frighten you. 

Something had seemed off ever since you returned. The sky didn't seem to change color anymore and the only thing you dreamt about was him. But the strangest thing, you could've sworn that the water was slowly rising. 

It freaked you out. Throughout the duration of your life, you've never seen it like this. Before, it only covered some of your torso, now, practically your entire body excluding your head was submerged. 

You were wondering if you could die like this. You wouldn't exactly mind, you doubted anyone would miss you, your father was already pissed, nanashima could just find another girl, and you knew no one besides them. But at the same time, you wanted him to break you out so you could spend the rest of you life with him. 

You wondered if the reason the water was rising was because you cried so much. Nonstop, the tears fed the crystal waters. Maybe if you cried enough, you'd put yourself out of your misery. 

You were nearly done with waiting. After getting a taste of freedom, you wanted nothing more than to be a normal human being. 

The more you cried, the more the water rose, now just skimming the tips of your ears. It was getting harder to breathe, and you were starting to lose hope tat Nanashima would ever come back for you, your dreams definitely didn't help with that thought. 

What felt like an eternity later (which it could've possibly been), you were now having more trouble to breathe, taking in deeper breaths and half praying this could be your end. 

With the water now reaching your chin, you tarted to feel numb. Was this an effect of the water? 

By now, you lost all hope that Nanashima would come back. You hoped that he found someone else he could be happy with, but at the same time, you didn't want him to. You loved that fact that he only took interest in you and no one else. You loved that fact that he was the only one to make you feel so good. 

You were scared to go to sleep now. You were afraid that if you did, the water would consume you, and all you wanted was to see your demon lever one last time. 

You tried with all your willpower to stop your tears from flowing, but it seemed physically incapable to do so. 

Had of your head had been submerged already. All that remained above water were your eyes and nose. 

Your tears were now replaced with the crystal water, and you couldn't force your eyes closed. The water stung, and you weren't sure how much longer you could last. Was your father that pissed that he would let his own daughter die? 

The water was now just below your nostrils, and every breath you took clogged your nose slightly. 

You were just waiting for death now, and you often fantasied about it now. You had nothing to live for. 

You could feel yourself slipping away. Your body was numb, your vision became blurry, and you were almost positive that you were bleeding, from what you didn't know but your limbs started to hurt. And breathing did as well. 

You took your last breath, and held for as long as you could. Your lungs were screaming at you to take a breath. As you were ready to pass out and die, you saw a familiar black dot speeding towards you, the sea one yo saw so long ago. You wanted to smile, but you couldn't, your lips were frozen in a thin line. 

As the dot started to come into focus, through your blurry vision, you knew without a doubt that it was him speeding towards your heart. But you didn't know if he would make it in time. Your lungs felt like they would burst at any second. 

You didn't want to die anymore, you wanted to live your life with Nanashima, away from your prison, away from your father, and away from this hell (ironic right?). 

You could tell Nanashima was spending towards you as fast as he could, but you already knew he wasn't fast enough, even if he was traveling at the speed of light. 

The world was facing in and out, he was starting to disappear from your vision. 

The unexpected jab in your heart went nearly unnoticed as you suddenly started free falling again. 

You couldn't breathe anymore, and you could just about see him through the corner or your eye. You didn't have the strength to turn to him, or do anything for that matter. 

He appeared in your view, shaking your shoulders vigorously, as if it help your condition. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Snap out of it! I'm here! I rescued you just like I promised!" You faintly heard him yell. Had the water affected your ears too? 

You wanted to kiss him. You wanted to hold his hand. You wanted to thank him. But you just couldn't. "You're too late, Nana........"

A/N: I promised that I'd give my best friend a shoutout once I hit 15,000 reads. Thanks for so many reads btw, she's an amazing yaoi lemon writer. 


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