Betrayal and a Killing

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"Nana, you are being so impossible right now!!" You screamed at your boyfriend. He rolled his eyes and turned away from you. 

Currently, the two of you were over at Nanashima's house to hang out. You had had a rough day at school and you wanted to disappear into your boyfriend's arms. Then when he went to the bathroom, you saw a text light up his phone. You didn't mean to peak at it, but you swore you saw the words "I love you." so you took a closer look. 

You saw that the text came from an unknown number. Tears impulsively formed in your eyes. Before you could investigate further, you heard Nana come out of the bathroom. 

He saw his phone in his hand and his eyes grew angry. 

"What are you doing with my phone?!" he asked as he snatched it away from you. You wanted to think that the text was a misunderstanding, that maybe that number texted it to the wrong person, but your gut told you otherwise. Nana's reaction wasn't helping either. 

"Who was that?" you timidly asked. "It's not your business." 

You grew angry at his words. "Not my business? Nana, I'm your fucking girlfriend for fuck's sake, I can't just ignore that you're cheating on me." you said and sat up on the bed. 

"You shouldn't be going through my phone! What kind of girlfriend does that?"

"What kind of boyfriend cheats?" 

"Well it wasn't my fault that you're such a boring person!" he yelled and you shut up with that. You stood up and walked out of the room. He didn't try to stop you. 

You grabbed your jacket and left his house with tears streaming down your face. Nana had given you a ride that day so you had to walk twenty minutes back to your house. And with your luck, it started to downpour as soon as you left the house. 

You felt like your life couldn't get any worse. You still hadn't calmed down from your argument and you just wanted to be home already. 

You thought you heard footsteps behind you but you decided not to turn around. 

Suddenly you were thrown to the pavement. You looked up at your attacker. A tall man with a hood covering his face. He pointed a gun at you and your face paled. 

"Give me your purse." he said. His voice was low and sent chills down your spine. With a shaky hand, you tossed him your purse. He rummaged through it until he found your wallet. 

With a smile, he tossed your bag back to you. Without warning, you heard a gunshot go off and then a wave a pain flow over your stomach. 

The man seemed to disappear and you wailed in pain. It was getting harder to breathe for you, and you knew this was a fatal wound. 

With the last of your strength, you reached for your bag and pulled out your phone. You had a difficult time dialing Nana's number and holding it against your ear. The call ended as quickly as it started. You heard the robotic voice tell you to leave a message, so you did. 

"H-hi, Nana. I guess you're still mad at me since you're not picking up. I hope you live a happy life. I'm sorry for being such a bad girlfriend. I shouldn't have went through your phone and you were probably annoyed with how annoying I am. I wish you had just told me you wanted to break up though. I think that would've made everything a lot easier. Just know that I love you with all my heart and I'll never stop. I love you, bye." you ended the message and let your hand rest. 

Trying to keep your voice steady sapped most of your energy. You didn't want him to know that you were bleeding out, you hoped that he wouldn't ever find out and that he could just live a happy life with whoever he wanted to see. 

You vision was fading in and out, your breaths were coming out in pants. You knew this was the end. You smiled knowing that you had left one last message for your boyfriend. With that, you closed your eyes for the last time. 

A few hours after you had called Nanashima, he began to feel guilty after saying all the hurtful things to you. He wanted to apologize, he would dump his other girlfriend and try to win you back. He knew he had close to no chance, but he wanted to try. 

The next day, Nana went over to your house. He had a feeling that something was very, very wrong. He knocked on your door and waited for an answer. Maybe she's still asleep? he thought and knocked again. Your parents were overseas for a few months so you lived on your own for the time being. 

He decided to call you. You didn't answer. He tried again, and again, and again with no answer. Now he was really worried. You always answered him when he called you a lot, mainly because you couldn't stand the ringing and vibrating of your phone. 

He decided to listen to the voice message you left him yesterday. 

"H-hi, Nana. I guess you're still mad at me since you're not picking up. I hope you live a happy life. I'm sorry for being such a bad girlfriend. I shouldn't have went through your phone and you were probably annoyed with how annoying I am. I wish you had just told me you wanted to break up though. I think that would've made everything a lot easier. Just know that I love you with all my heart and I'll never stop. I love you, bye."

Something was very off with your message. Your voice sounded strained, like you were in pain. And he knew that you wouldn't ever apologize to him when it clearly wasn't your fault. 

He decided to go back home and rest. He turned on the TV and flipped to the news. He read the headlines: 

Teenage girl found dead on the side of the road. A bullet was found in her stomach where she was fatally wounded, police say that the girl was robbed and shot...

Nana couldn't listen anymore. He knew it was you, the girl who was killed. 

He fell into despair, he refused to talk to anyone, and he listened to your last voice message every day. He couldn't cope with the fact that the last things you felt was utter betrayal. 

A/N: Sorry it's so shitty. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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