Q and A With Nanashima

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A/N: This won't be a oneshot, just questions and answers considering Nanashima, these are totally my ideas and opinions btw.

Does he worry about what he'll look like in the future?: Secretly, he does, he thinks he'll grow out of his good looks when he's older but he doesn't let on.

Does he hog the blanket?: You didn't expect him not to, but he cares so much about you that he makes sure to cover you properly before you two go to sleep.

Does he eat your uneaten pizza crusts?: No, honestly, the both of you hate the crusts, most of them are so hard to bite into and chew them properly, plus they taste like badly made bread.

Is he likely to cry over a sad book or movie?: He's not likely to cry over anything, but he will cry over you.

Does he talk trash when playing videos?: Hell yes. He's really competitive with anybody and hates losing. He'll usually brag that he'll win, a little part of him is destroyed when you win, you'll make it up to him with a peck on the lips.

Would he accidentally set the kitchen on fire?: No, since his parents are away most of the time, he has to cook for his little sister and he enjoys cooking meals for you.

Would he throw you into a pool?: As much as he loves you, he enjoys seeing you pissed off as well. He'll always kiss you afterward as an apology.

Would he be the one to kill spiders?: He wouldn't do it because he wants to, he'd only kill them because you're afraid of them.

Is he a night owl or an early bird?: He's a night owl, you go to sleep early and he likes to watch you (not in a stalkerish way)

Is he a cuddler?: Yes, but never in public, he doesn't like to show that he only shows his vulnerable side to you.

Does he wake up first?: No, he'll usually stay up and wake up after you.

Is he possessive over you?: Both of you are equally possessive over each other, you and him get jealous easily.

Is he more dominant than you?: To your dismay, yes. You would rather be the one in charge but whenever you do try, he'll turn the tables on you.

Is he ticklish?: Whenever he does start tickling you, you can never fight back, since he unfortunately, is not ticklish like you are.

Is he the one to find excuses to hold your hand?: Yes, he's too stubborn to admit that he does though.

Who uses more social media?: You obviously, you love to post couple selfies and even though not that many people follow you, you love doing it anyway. Nanashima always questions your social media though.

Was it love at first sight?: Nanashima doesn't believe in love at first sight, but you do and that's what you think happened.

Is he the harder worker?: He actually is, he loves you so much that he wants you to spoil you rotten, you don't want to become a brat, so you always sneak some work in when you can.

Is he the one to go in for the midnight kiss on New Year's?: Hell to the yes. He loves to be rough and loving at the same time, he'll most likely be making out with you by the end of the night. Then escalate pretty quickly.....

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now