The Idiot and the Brat

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You had a massive crush on Nozumo Nanashima. Though you didn't expect yourself to have a thing for boys like him. You were more of the calm, disciplined type. You were loved by all teachers, and most of your friends were nerds who studied 90% of the time. You loved to be thought of as the brightest student in your grade. 

It was probably the fact that you had five other siblings that turned you into such an ambitious student. You needed a way to stand out and find your own way to make your parents proud of you. And that you succeeded. You knew your parents loved you all equally, but you always thought of yourself as the smartest, since the other four didn't enjoy studying as much as you did. Though you loved all you siblings unconditionally. 

So the day came when your math teacher called you and Nanashima up to his desk after class. "Miss (L/N), we are all well aware that you have some of the highest marks in your classes." He started. You smirked and Nanashima glared at you. "And Nanashima, you know that you're grades are failing, due to you skipping classes." He said. "And that is why, (Y/N) here, will tutor you every day after school until your grades improve. In all of your classes." He demanded. Your and his eyes widened. "I will?" you asked dumbfounded. The teacher nodded. Nanashima's eye twitched, "No she will most definitely not! I have things to do!" He protested. "Oh, you mean besides studying?" The teacher asked. "That is an order, or you'll be expelled! Dismissed." He said standing up. Nanashima shoved his hands into his pockets and faced you. 

"So I'm stuck with you then?" He grumbled. "Yeah, and don't look so annoyed, it's not my fault you're the one who flunked all your tests. Plus, if you get better grades you can teach Serinuma,"  you said confidently. You may have been utterly in love with the tsundere but you learned to hide it well. 

"How do you know about my crush?!" He hissed. "Practically the entire school knows, it's pretty obvious too, dumbass." You replied. He balled his fists. "What the hell did you just call me?!" He sneered. "Dumbass. Don't deny it, idiot." You said cooly. He growled and threw a punch at you. You easily caught it and threw his fist back into his chest. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I've already mastered Aikido." You said looking down at him. He glared at you again and got up. 

"I hate you already." He muttered.

"I hate you too." Even though you felt the opposite. "Shall we start today?" You asked. "Fine, c'mon." He mumbled and you two started walking towards his house. 

A few minutes later, Nanashima opened the door and revealed a tiny blonde dancing to a song from Puri Puri Moon. "You're home!" The girl exclaimed and ran up to give him a hug. (A/N: I'm sorry if Kirari is out of character since I can't be bothered to look up the anime and study her.) "Hey, Kirari. I can't watch with you now, I have to study with this one." He said. I smiled and bent down to the little girl. "Hi there! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! What's your name?" You asked sweetly. The girl clung to her brother's legs. "My name's Kirari!" She said smiling back at me. "But Nozumo is mine! You can't steal him from me!" She yelled. 

Nanashima scratched his head awkwardly. Clearly he didn't enjoy people from school acting like this to his sister. You laughed. "Don't worry, he's all yours once we're done studying. Besides, he doesn't really like me." You whispered that last part and she giggled. 

"Kirari if you need anything we'll be up in my room." He said leading me up the stairs. The girl went back to watching her show and singing along with it. "Your sister's so sweet, why can't you be like that?" You teased. He glared at you over his shoulder. "That's because she's my sister, I love her." He mumbled. "Awe, so anyone you're not related to you hate?" You asked. For some reason, he flushed at your words. "N-no! Of course not! I love Serinuma-san too!" He yelled. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora