You're Mine, Got It?

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You had recently become Nanashima's girlfriend, much to his dismay. You knew it was a dare given to him by his friends most likely. He hadn't directly told you thought and acted as if he really did like you.

You honestly didn't care what he thought of you, you never thought much of him anyway. You had overheard that he was dared to date you for a month. You didn't want to bother him so you kept your distance. After all, you couldn't let him know that you worked as a maid.

Yes, you worked a part time job at a maid cafe. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy it, it payed well and your co workers were nice. Most of the customers were as well. You just didn't like the fact that it showed that you were able to be pushed around. Not that you were particularly strong either. You were only working there for the money to pay for your otaku trips.

So you never told any of your friends what your job was and continued on with your studies. It was your top priority since you're mother agreed to let you work in the anime producing industry if you finished the last two years of your high school with flying colors.

You sighed as you left the school to take the train to work in the city. You took your seat on the train and stared out the window. This was your favorite part of the day. Where you could just fantasise about what life would be like if it bended to your will.

Soon, the train stopped at your station and you got off. You started walking from there while admiring the city. No matter how many times you saw it, it never failed to amaze you.

A few minutes later you were changed into your maid outfit and your shift was starting. On top of that, you had to study for upcoming tests and go over to Serinuma's to watch anime together.

You heard the bell chime signaling that someone had arrived. You spun around with a smile on your face. "Welcome back, Mas-" You froze in place when you came face to face with Nanashima and Igarashi. Your mouth hung open. The two of them burst out laughing and everyone in the shop looked towards the two boys.

You turned bright red and looked down. "You weren't supposed to find out." You mumbled. Igarashi had calmed down but Nana had escalated to full blown hysterical laughter. "My "girlfriend's" a maid!" He laughed harder. You sighed. "Allow me to show you to your seat.....Master." You mumbled the last part reluctantly. Nanashima slung an arm over your shoulder. "Awe come on, (Y/N), you gotta do your job, right?" He teased. "Nana, that's enough." Igarashi came to your rescue.

You silently thanked him and led them to their table. "What would you like me to get you, Masters?" You asked, still blushing. "Water for the both of us." Igarashi ordered for the both of them. You nodded and bowed slightly before rushing away. Once you were behind the curtain you slid down the wall. Why did it have to be them? You thought as you recollected yourself and filled the two glasses of water yourself.

Your favorite co worker, who had easily become your friend, asked, "(Y/N), are you feeling ok? You look a little flustered." You sent her a smile. "I'm fine, it's just that I have to serve these two boys from my school." You said. "I would help but I have a hell of a lot of people to serve, good luck." She said as you headed out again.

"Sorry for the wait, masters." You said as you set the two glasses down. Nanashima stifled a laugh as you said your line. You glared at him before taking out your notepad. "And what would you like, masters?" You asked sweetly. This is for the trip. Maybe I can find a new job after this you thought. "I'll take a plate of spaghetti" Igarashi said handing you the menu. "And I'll have two bagels." Nanashima said smirking at you.

You rolled your eyes and then you went to go fetch their orders. On the way to the kitchen, you felt someone grab your waist and covered your mouth with a hand. The person, which you assumed was a man, dragged you into the men's bathroom while you kicked and tried to punch whoever was taking you hostage.

You were let go but the guy broke off the handle of the door and faced you. He had a hood covering his face, so you couldn't see his identity. He laughed and took out metal handcuffs. "Be a good little maid and obey your master." He said. You stood still, a blank expression covering your face. You knew you should've fought back, but you didn't know how, and man looked like he had muscle.

You let him cuff you and he gripped your hips from behind. "You might enjoy this, little girl." He whispered in your ear. You felt his hand snake down to the edge of you short dress and touched your panties. You was about to move it aside and slip a finger in you when the door flew off its hinges.

You slightly gasped as you saw Nanashima standing in the doorway. "I hate to burst your bubble, but this little girl right here is my girlfriend. And belongs to me and me only." He stated firmly. Your eyes widened. He didn't think of you as a burden to his reputation?

The guy growled at Nanashima and launched himself at the blonde. Nana easily dodged his attack which sent him flying into the wall of the hallway. The guy wasn't done yet and shakily stood up. Nana kicked him in the stomach and the man doubled over in pain. "I think we're done here." Nana said as the man fell unconscious. "Are you ok, (Y/N)?" He asked. You nodded. "Why'd you save me?" You asked.

"Well, you are my girlfriend after all."

"Don't think I don't know that you dating me was a dare. It's the twentieth day of your dare, you would've dumped me in eleven days anyway."

"That's not true. I do like you."

"Sure you do. You've taken a liking into me now just because I'm dressed all girly." You argued, ready to leave the room.

You didn't even have time to process what was happening before you were pinned up against the wall by your hands. You looked at Nanashima in confusion. "I do like you." he whispered, before he shoved his lips onto yours. Your eyes widened and you kissed him back, letting him dominate your mouth with his tongue. You sighed slightly at the feeling and was slightly disappointed when he pulled away, your lips feeling cold.

"I do like you, and you're mine, got it?" He asked. You nodded, still in a daze after what had just happened. You were glad that no one had to use the bathroom.

A/N: Sorry this isn't a lemon but I promise the next chapter will be. Also please request on things you would like me to write. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now