Love You Too

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You took out one of your many romance novels and opened to the first page. Of course you read romance manga for a reason, you had a crush on someone. That someone being Nanashima and your crush had escalated to the point where you were literally in love with him. You had met him when you first started junior high and ever since, you've fallen madly in love with him. 

The day you managed to get his phone number was probably the best day in your life. You mustered up all the courage you had in you, you two had talked before, so he gladly gave you it. And you treasured it like he was already dating you. 

The manga you were currently reading contained of the most cliche story known to date, but you loved the classic romance stories over any other. The main character, shy and isolated, bumped into probably the most popular boy at school. Him, along with being popular, was completely arrogant and refused to apologize to the girl and she quickly ran away. 

The story progressed with the guy slowly becoming acquainted with the main character and started developing feelings for her. Still feeling insulted from his rude behavior on his first impression, she rejected him. 

Later, the boy got into an accident, hit by a car driven by a drunk man. The girl rushed to the hospital to see him and to find him in critical condition. The heart rate monitor was slowly beeping as she wept tears of sadness. 

By the middle of the book, the main character was by her bedside, whispering how she never should've rejected him and how much she loved him. 

Just as she was about to leave, the boy reached for her hand and whispered, "I love you too." And they shared a kiss full of love. 

The rest of the book showed how the boy started to fall back out of love again and he returned to his past self, rude and arrogant. 

The main character however, still remained to love him, as she felt that she could loose him at any second. But a transfer student caught the girl's attention as she slowly started to spend more and more time with the new student while the boy paid more attention to another girl.  

Neither of them noticed their relationship thinning and they continued on with their lives. It got to the point where they wouldn't even glance at each other anymore and the transfer students asked the main character out, her saying yes, she finally noticing how badly her boyfriend treated her and went out with him. 

The girl the boy had been spending more time with also asked him out and he agreed. Both lovers kept their secret relationship away from each other. 

Eventually, the main character mustered up the strength to tell her first boyfriend that she had been cheating on him. Not wanting to admit that he had been doing the same, he screamed at her that she was a bitch and a dirty, lying cheater. 

She ran away crying, deciding that she didn't want to live in a world like this. It was his own fault for neglecting her, and she didn't see the reason why she was getting blamed. She had figured out about his girlfriend a while ago, and respected that he didn't want the main character anymore.

The next day, the girl didn't come to school, or the day after that, or the next week for that matter. The boy started to feel bad and he wanted to apologize. He even went over to her house but her parents just slammed the door in his face. 

He asked his friends if they knew where she went, and the boy's best friend replied with, "You don't know? She committed suicide because of you." The boy cried over his first love. 

Deciding that he didn't deserve to live, he too, slit his own throat. Determined to make the girl forgive him in heaven, his spirit left his body and joined the girl's in the light. 

You closed the book and sighed, feeling tears pricking your eyes. Every manga you read, all you could picture was you and Nanashima in the same situation. 

Your phone jolted you out of your daydreams. Caller ID: MY BOYFRIEND. Through your fantasies, you had literally convinced yourself that Nanashima was your boyfriend. It broke your heart to say that in reality, he wasn't. 

You picked up the phone and answered. "Hey, (Y/N), I have a favor to ask." He greeted. Your heart fluttered at his voice but you managed to keep your cool. "Sure, what's up?" You asked. "Do you think you can find the time to tutor me? I need help with math and history if that's ok with you." He asked. 

"Yes!" You answered a little too loudly and quickly. "See you after school tomorrow, ok?" he said and you nodded, even though you knew he couldn't see you. 

"Love you, bye." You blurted without thinking. Clamping a hand over your mouth, you interrupted his question and ended the call and buried your face in your pillow. What the hell did I do?! you thought. 

You phone beeped with a text message and for once, you wanted it to be anyone but Nanashima. With much hesitation, you picked it up and checked the message. "Love you too, babe." you read. 

A smile now permanently etched on you that seems to big for your face, you squealed silently to yourself. You couldn't wait for tomorrow's study session. 

Kiss Him, Not Me: Nozumo Nanashima x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now