Together Again.

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The next day;

Another school day,I sighed,atleast I was going shopping with Selena to get our outfits. I slipped on a gray short sleeve short that saids,'All You Need Is Love' and light gray jeams with black leather heel boots. I straightened my hair and then I I put on a gold colored jacket and grabbed my purse and then I got in Dallas's car.

"So Joe called home 8 times last night...what's going on?" Dallas raised her brow,"Oh nothing.." I looked out the window,"Sounds like you are avoiding him.."she giggled," all." I sighed,"Hmm..alright..well have a good day at school,little sis." she said,I laughed a little,I got out and headed inside to my locker.

I looked to my left and noticed Joe who was wearing a red beanie with his hair tucked in,onlysome of his hair was out,I sighed,he went over to me,"Hey..we need to talk.." Joe looked at me,I just looked at him,"You know I never want to hurt you..can you tell me what did I do?..please..I love you." he looked at me," really embarassed and Harry.." I looked at him,"Demi,I'm sorry but that dick made me mad..and jealous...I guess my jealous took over."

"There is no reason to be have me. You and me forever." I turned to him,"Do you accept my apology?" he pouted,"Of course." I giggled and pulled him into a kiss,he pushed me against my locker as I wrapped my arms around his neck,he placed his firm hands on my sides as we were making out. I stroke the back of his hair. 

"Break it up you two." a teacher walked by,I sighed and pulled my lips away,but we were still only a cenimeter apart,"You didn't straighten your hair." I smiled,"Yeah because I wanted to talk to you." he smiled," care about me more than your hair.." I smiled,"Of course. I love you." he pecks my lips. "My family won't be home Saturday bout you come over and we can watch a movie know." I wink,fixing his collar,he moaned quietly.

"Could I ever turn you down,pick the movie." he pecked my lips,I giggled,"Alright.." I smiled,"I have to kiss you.." he said and we started making out again,"Hey amigos!" Selena jumped beside us with Nick,I pulled away,"Hey Selena." I giggled,"Hey." Joe groaned,"Don't you guys ever get tired of kissing each other?" Nick laughed,"Not if she's an awesome kisser." Joe put his arm around me,"You guys made up." Selena smiled,"Yeah." I pulled him close smiling.

"Just get married."Selena suggested,"Ha! Maybe someday." he looked at me and cupped my face to give me another kiss,"God,stop it." Nick groaned,"Well I gotta get to class,I'll see you guys at lunch." I giggled and headed to my class,Miley and Harry were talking. I sat down at my class. "Guess who I have to sit in front off in Scicology." Joe texted me with a picture of Eddie.

Eddie is a nerd of our school,that's not even bullying,he calls himself that. He never bathes and never wears clean clothes. He never brushes his hair,either. His hair looks like a big birds nest. I threw my head back laughing,"Hahahahaha sowwy!! Just remember Saturday & me. ;)" I replied back,"I don't need to get an erection during school." he texted back,I smiled,trying to hold in my laugh.

I heard Harry showing  Miley some video,it was him singing or something,"Welcome class." the teacher walked," I got my pencil out,then I stood up for the Pledge Alliegence. I sat back down,and one the announcements were over the teacher handed out our assignment,"We're going to rock in groups." the teacher said.

Fuck. I don't have a friend in thid class,"But I'll be picking them for you." the teacher said,Fuck fuck! I thought,"Miley and Chelsea. Ariana and Kailen. Harry...and.." the teacher looked around,I prayed that she wouldn't pick me,"And Demi." she smiled. FUCK! I looked at Harry and he looked at me,I sighed. "Go group up." the teacher said,I grabbed my paper and headed to Harry.

"Hey..I wanna apologize about yesterday at lunch..." he looked at me,"It's fine." I smiled a little,"So what are we suppose to do?" he flipped his hair,fixing his long brown curls,"Um..We're suppose to write a play." I laughed,"Ha wow." I said,"But this isn't theatre.." Harry said,his british accent was drop down hypnotizing. "I know..but this is English so here ya go." I laughed.

He looked into my brown eyes,I blushed,"What?" I readjusted myself,"Can I just say you have beautiful eyes...and Joe is one lucky fella." he smiled,I smiled back,"Thank you Harry." I smiled,"So what should our play be about?.." I looked at him. "Vampire is the new thing this year." Harry chuckled."If you are suggesting another Twilight love story,Please no." I looked at him. "Let me just write the story and if you don't like it..pitty on me." he got out some paper and starting writing it. I smiled at him,I fixed my bangs.

"So are you and your pals joining the contest?" I bit my lip,"Yeah,we are writing our own song,how bout you?" he looked up at me,"My best friend made me join with her...we actually are writing our own song." I nodded,"That's good. I wish you guys the best of luck." he smiled,"Thank you." I smiled,"Oh and good luck to you too."


"Hey babe." Joe pecked my lips as I sat down at our lunch table,"Lunch today is SHIT!" Selena sat down with her food,"Ain't it always?" I laughed,"So in english today.." I twirled my noodles,"Yeah?..."Joe looked at me,"I had to partner up with Harry..and he's a pretty nice dude...he apologized and everything."

"Don't fall for his British acts." Joe glared,I laughed,"Calm down,babe.." I kissed his cheek.


I walked into a store with Selena,"So we need o find something.." Selena looked around,"I was thinking about Gold and black..." I looked at her,"Alright,I like." Selena smiles,"You can wear a skirt or a dress and I'll could be black pants and a gold top.." I looked at her,"Alright." she smiled,"I picked you for wearing the dress or skirt because you are more girly than I am." I smiled.

We started going through clothes.


I bought some knee high leather boots and black jeans with a tight gold latex top with a black blazer,and a gold chain. I also died my hair black,and I have no more bangs,I think I am more excited about the contest now. Selena got a gold beaded dress and some matching shoes.

"Thank you for letting me sleep over,Mrs.Lovato." Selena smiled and followed me to my room,"Hey Demi.." Selena said,"Yeah..?" I sat down on my bed,"Do you think Nick likes me?" she sat next to me,"Uh,I don't know, guys would be cute.." I smiled,"You wouldn't think it would be weird if I dated your boyfriend's brother?" she brushed through her hair wit her fingers.

"Of course not." I smiled.


Demi's outfit on the side.

Do you think Harry and Demi will become a fling?


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