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I was at the airport waiting on my flight,”Joe!” Nick ran to me,I turned around,”What are you doing?” I raised a brow,”I want to come to LA with you. I wanna see Demi. Selena wanted to come,but she’s working.” I crossed my arms,”No.”

“Yes,please.” Nick begged,I rolled my eyes,”Did mom send you?” I glared,”No..” he looked at me,”Yes.”

I groaned,”I’m 22. I can go alone. I grew up alone.” I sighed,”She’s just worried,because you just got home..” Nick looked at me,”I had a great time at the party,but now I just want to see my Demi.” I glanced at him,”Let me go,please..” Nick sighed,”She had to move to LA for a reason. I want to know.” he gave me a smiled,I sighed,”Fine,but if you bug me,I’m buying a ticket home.”

They called our flight and we gave the girl our ticket and we headed to the plane, “I’m so excited to explore LA.” Nick sat down  beside me,”So how far along is Selena?” I asked him,”8 weeks.” Nick nodded,”Awesome.” I gave him a smile.

Three hours later,we finally got to LA,we headed to our hotel,”You’re lucky I got a two bed hotel room,or you’d  be sleeping in the floor.” I check in,the hotel desk gave us our room key and we headed up,”Damn,this a good room! Too good for one person!!” Nick flopped onto the bed,”So are you going to start looking for her today?” Nick asked,as I changed into black shorts,a white shirt and tennis shoes,”I’m going to go jogging,I’ll start looking tomorrow…” I grabbed my sunglasses,”Later.”

I started jogging around town,I came across the park,I looked over and saw this girl bending over,I had a great view of her big ass in those jeans she was wearing,she finally stood up straight,she had long wavy black hair. She was pretty cute. She turned around with a little girl,her eyes locked with mine,she gave me big smile,she picked up the little girl and headed over to me,”Joe?!” she looked at me before taking off her sunglasses,I almost choked.

“Demi?” i looked at her,she gained curves,she looked even more beautiful than she was in high school. “You look good.” I gave her a smile,”Thanks,you look good too.” she touched my muscle,”That’s what war does to you.” I laughed,”When did you get back?” she looked at me,while holding a squirmy girl,”Well,I got the base two days ago,but I actually got home today...we had a party for me and I found out you moved to LA,so I just had to meet you.” I smiled,she looked down,”Well,this is my...um..niece,Paisley Logan Lovato..” Demi introduced,”She’s 3.”

She looks bigger than three.

“It’s nice to meet you,cutie. So why did you move to LA?” I crossed my arms,”Um,how bout you come over to my place tonight for dinner and I’ll tell you.” she gave me a piece of paper with her address,”Alright,can’t wait..I’ll see you tonight…”

I headed off and continued with my jog.

By the time I got back to the hotel and showered,it was time to go to Demi’s. I slipped on black jeans and a red plaid shirt,”Do you want me to come with?” Nick sat up,”No...she invited over to her place...I think we’re going to reconcile the four years we missed..” I fixed my shirt.

“Great...I’m going to go to a club here,I heard LA has rockin’ clubs. Good luck bro.” Nick padded my shoulder and left,I left right behind him. We both got separate taxis. I gave the driver the address.

“Thank you.” I paid him and got out of the car,I stared at the house,it was big,not a mansion size,but something I wouldn’t imagine Demi be living in by herself,but maybe she is staying with Dallas because her niece. I headed to the door and knocked.

Demi came and answered it,she was wearing the same thing she wore when I saw her at the park,but without the brown cardigan and black scarf,”Come in.” She smiled,”Nice place.” I walked in,”Thank you.” smiled,”Paisley say hello.” Demi demanded,Paisley dropped her dolls,”Hello.” she waved,”Hey Paisley. What you cooking? It smells good.” I smiled,”Shrimp Linguine Alfredo. I hope that’s okay.” She tied her hair up in a ponytail.

“It’s great,I haven’t had real fo---”

“Oh,hello Joe!” Harry walked out of the kitchen,”Harry?” I looked at him,now I’m confused. “Hey Lad.” he put his arm around Demi,giving me a smile,I knew what was going on. “Hey Harry,how are you?” I tried to smiled,”I’m good,I never been more happier in my life,how are you?”

“I’m living.” I nodded,”Where is Dallas?” I asked,scratching my head,”Dallas?” he looked at me,then Demi gave him this look,”Oh right,because Paisley is her daughter...yeah,she’s in Texas..She couldn’t take care of her….” Harry nodded,”Oh,right. I understand.”

“Well,I have to check on the shrimp. Dinner will be ready in a few.” Harry headed back to the kitchen,I looked at Demi,”Um….Harry fiance’...” she fiddled with her fingers,”Oh….well congrats..” I faked a smile,”Thanks.” she grinned,”Come help me set the table.” she smiled and led me to the dining room.

I  think I would rather of died in war then to be alive and heard she’s engaged to the British Bum. It would hurt less.

Dinner was finally served,Demi and Harry were sitting next to each other and I was sitting next to Paisley. I twirled my fork around my noodles,”So you never told me why you moved to LA.”

Demi chewed her food,”Well,Harry wanted to become a singer...so he moved here with his band...and I didn’t want to leave him,so I moved with him.” she sipped her champagne,I nodded,”Do you have a record deal?” I looked at Harry,”I’m trying,lad.” he nodded.

“Please call me Joe,we’re not friends.” I shook my head,”Who’s in your band? Is your music good?”

“Niall,Louis,Liam,and Zayn.” he nodded,”Well,we won that talent show remember?” he snickered,”The guys from high school? What’s the band name?”

“Yeah,glad you remember them.” he nodded,again,”We’re called One Direction.” he grinned.

What a stupidass name.

“Well,I want to hear some of your music.” I sipped my drink.

After dinner,Harry took me to his recording studio in his basement while Demi cleaned up the kitchen and put Paisley to bed. We showed me some of his music with his lads. “They’re actually pretty good.” I put my hands in my pockets,”Really?” he grinned,”Yeah.”

“Thank you,Joe! Demi likes them.” Harry and I headed back upstairs,I just nodded my head. “Well,I should get back to my hotel..” I yawned,”Oh okay,it was nice seeing you.” Harry shook my hand,”You too.”

“Bye,Joe. Call me up when you want to hang tomorrow. Harry is going out with the lads and Paisley has daycare.” Demi handed me her number,then she hugged me,I barely hugged back,”Alright,bye.” I headed outside,I got a taxi and I wasn’t feeling on messing with Nick so I told the taxi driver to take me to a club.

I entered the club and ordered myself a beer as I walked some stripper dance,I licked my lips,she hopped off her stand and started giving me a lap dance.


I headed to the bedroom. I changed into my pajamas and then I went and took out my contacts and rubbed off my makeup and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror,I raised up my shirt and traced my ‘Joe’ tattoo with my finger,I sighed.

I heard Harry come in,I pulled my shirt down,he kissed my ass then up my body,my ass is his favorite asset of mine,I smiled,”Hey you.”

He wrapped his arms around me,”Hey gorgeous.” he kissed my shoulder blade,”I think you should tell Joe about Paisley.” his british accent lingered in my ear,”I will,soon...but I didn’t want him to have a heart attack..” he chuckled,”I love you,love. I’m glad you’re mine.” he pecked my lips. I giggled,” I love you too.” I kissed again,”I know what you want.” he picked me up bridal style and carried me to our bed.


*prepares for hate*

I’m ready..lol.


Everything Has Changed ●Jemi●Where stories live. Discover now