Boot Camp.

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Joe's POV.

I entered to the camp,I was escorted to my bunk bed,I threw my suitcase on my bed,"Hello there." a guy popped up from the top bunk,"Ah! hi." I looked at him.

"I'm Tyler.,I'm from Nevada." he stuck his hand out,"Joe,from Texas." I shook his hand,"So do you have any girls back home?" he sat up,"I got a girlfriend,we've been together for a year's was really tough leaving her.." I sighed,"How about you?"

"I got a wife and 2 kids." he said,"Wow." my eyes widen,"How old are you and why did you want to join the army?" I asked,"I'm 34 and I always wanted to serve my country,I just didn't know when." he nodded,"What about yourself?" he asked.

"I'm 18 and this was the only thing that appealed to me.." I sighed,"That's interesting..I can be a father figure to you and a friend figure." he said,"Thanks." I smiled a little,"Not to be selfish or anything,but I'm really want to finish this boot camp so I can go home and be with my girlfriend before she heads off to college."  I sighed.

" know you have to shave that set of hair of yours,right?" he climbed,"Yeah,I don't min--"

"EVERYBODY LINE UP!" the drill sergent blew his whistle,all of us lined up,straight, he went and observed all of us,"What's your name?" he looked at me,"Joseph Jonas,sergent sir." I stared straight,"Are you aware of your hair?" he dropped his whistle necklace.

"I am award,sergent." I said,"Well,I expect it to be shaved before dinner,am I clear?" he asked."Yes,Sergent sir." I saluted to him,"Well done,cadet." he walked off,I took a breather,Tyler looked at me and gave me a thumbs up."I saw that Cadet Walker. 25 push ups,now!" the sergent said.


"Dinner is at 7. Be there or no dinner." he blew his whistle and left. I went to my bunk,"I'll let you use my razor." Tyler pulled out his razor,"Thanks man." I took it from him and headed to the bathroom.

Demi's POV.

"Demi,there is a guy out here wanting to talk to you!" my mom shouted,I ran downstairs,"JOE!!!" I ran to the door,but it was just Harry."Oh,what are you doing here?" I crossed my arms,"I came to apologize for my actions from 2 days ago.." he sighed.

I looked down,"You're forgiven...I mean you're a happens." I shrugged,he chuckled a little."You busy tomorrow?" he leaned on my doorway,"No,why?" I smiled,"The boys and I are going all day to Lost Pines Trails,would you like to go? As friends of course." he smiled.

"Yeah,sure,I would love to." I smiled,"Pick me up?" I bit my lip,"Yeah,we'll be here to pick you up around 9 in the morning." he smiled,"Alright,cool. See you tomorrow." he waved and left,I shut the door.

Joe's POV.

"So what's your family's name?" I sat on my bed with Tyler,"My wife is name Paris,my oldest is 10 and her name is Delaney and and my youngest is 6 and her name is Sophia." he gushed,"Those are beautiful names." I smiled,"Do you think your girl and you gonna settle in the future? Because people might say marriage is a bad thing,but I haven't been happier." Tyler smiled.

"We're 18...5 days apart actually...but I really see her being my wife and the mother to my children." I smiled.

"Do you have a picture of her? I'll show you my family." he got out his wallet,I pulled a picture out from my pillow case,"This was halloween last year,High School Musical was big,so we dressed up as Troy and Gabriella." I showed him. "She's a gem,here's my family." he showed me a family picture.

"Ha,they're adorable!" I smiled,"Thanks." he smiled,"We better get to dinner,I'm starved and don't want to miss it." he got up,"Same,I hope the food is good here." I followed him to the cafeteria.

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