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“I love you so much,beautiful.” Harry twirled me around and kissed me deeply, I giggled, “I love you too.”

“I want daddy.” Paisley glared at us, we pulled away and looked at her, “Paise,I’ll be your dad in about month.” Harry said,making me smile, “Not my real daddy.” Paisley sniffled and ran to her bedroom, my phone started ringing, “Be right back,baby.” I let go and headed to my phone, it was an unknown number,but I answered it anyways.

“Hello?” I sat down, “Demi?” the voice sounded like Joe’s mom. “Denise?” I was confused. “Hey.” she sniffled, “I’m sorry for what I said,but Joe’s in the hospital…” my mouth dropped, “What happened?!”

“He got ran over...I know you’re back in LA,but I think he’d like to see you..” I sighed,I dropped the phone and started crying. “Baby!?” Harry ran to me. “I...I don’t know what to do.” I kept crying, “Talk to me.” he took my hands, I sniffled, “ in the hospital...and...and...I don’t know what to do.” I cried on his chest.

“Why you confused?” he kissed the top of my head, “I want to stay here with you,but I also want to go back to Texas to care for Joe..” I wiped my eyes, “Go to Texas...I’ll be there soon..we’ll rent a place there..maybe you can find a place for us.”

I looked up at him,”Really?”

He smiled,”Yes. Plus,you can take Paise too and she’ll be happy.” I giggled, “You’re not just saying that so you don’t have to keep her?””

He chuckled, “Of course not. She’s like my real daughter, I have known her longer than Joe,so I love her to death. Go get packing,beautiful.”

3 hours later, I was back in Texas with Paisley,she was excited to see her father again,even when I told her that he was in the hospital. We rushed to the hospital and found the Jonas’ family. “Hey Demi!” Kevin hugged me, “OMG DEMI!!!” Selena ran to me, “Selena!...” I looked at her big baby bump.

“It’s been awhile..” she grinned, “Just 4 years…” I sighed, “Congratulations on the pregnancy.” I nodded, “Thanks!” she hugged me, “Is this your daughter!?”

I don’t want to talk. “Yeah,this is Paisley.” I smiled, “Hey cutie.”

“How is he?” I sat next to Kevin, “We don’t know yet…” I looked at the ground, “How did this happen?” I sucked in my lip, “Well...we went to a strip club..I took him there because he seemed tense..and he was drunk...and the last thing I saw he was walking out, I guess meeting a stripper outside to take her home.”

I think my heart stopped, “Oh..”

“I really want to apologize for the way I acted towards you,Demi..It wasn’t none of my business..” she sighed, “It’s fine..” I looked down, “Bye mom. Call me with the news, it’s almost 1 in the morning, I need sleep.” Nick left with Selena.

Denise handed me a black box, “I think he wants you to have it..” I sighed and opened it up,there it was a sparkly engagement ring,it wasn’t as big as Harry’s,but it was beautiful. “I’m sorry I pushed him into going to career day.” she sighed, “You did what every good parents are suppose to do.”

“Jonas?” the doctor walked out, “This is us.” Denise sat up, “Joe is going to be okay...he a little doozy right now and he will have to use a wheelchair for a few weeks,for because his legs have been broken.” the doctor read off his clipboard, “Thank you so much,doctor.”

“He’s in room 301B.” he walked off, “C-c--can I see him first?” Denise nodded her head,”We’ll watch Paisley for you.”

I got up and headed to his room.

His legs were supported on pillows and he had a head wrap, “Hey..” I bit my lip, “Demi,you showed…” he tried to smiled, “Yeah..your mom told me you got hurt,so I needed to be here..” I took his hand. “Thank you...have you left him yet?” he looked at me.

I dropped his hand, “No...I haven’t and I don’t know if I will…” he rolled his eyes, “My mom was right!” he looked out the window.

“But look at you! Going to a Strip club and taking a stripper home!” I crossed my arms, “Demi,please. That’s different.”  he rolled his eyes, “Yeah,you’re right. Taking some whore home just so you can get lucky! Ah,yeah so different. She might of had a disease.”

“But you’re here whoring around with Harry and me. I don’t see how that’s different. You’re getting two in one. One who is deeply in love with you and the other one who just hypnotized you,thinking you love him. You’re a whore too.”

I stared at him,trying not to cry, “Fuck, I didn’t mean that,Demi.”

“No,you totally mean that.. I have to go..” My voice cracked, “Demi,please…” he sighed, “Bye Joe. Sorry I even came to visit you. Sorry that I’m a ‘whore’.” I walked out and headed to the waiting room, “Come on Paise,we’re heading to a hotel.”

“But daddy-”

“You’ll see daddy later, I promise.” I picked her up, “Hotel? You can stay with me.”  Denise offered, I shook my head, “I don’t need to be in a house where Joe is. A hotel is fine. Bye.” I walked out,trying so hard not to cry.

I updated JONAS Company today too,so check it out xx

Everything Has Changed ●Jemi●Where stories live. Discover now