Gone again.

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I woke up next to Joe,on the floor,beside the couch,I looked at him,he was fast asleep,I missed his long straight hair,that I could run my fingers through,but this shaved look,looks pretty hot on him.

Boot camp has done him justice. I kissed his nose lightly,he opened his eyes open,"Hello,beauiful." he smiled,"Hey handsome." I pecked his lips.

"Oh I got you something,I forgot to give it to you." he sat up,covering his morning boner with the blanket,he reached for his pants and got out a black box."Joe,we're only 18..." I looked at him,"It's not that,close your eyes." he smiled.

I closed my eyes and he slipped something on my wrist,"Open." he smiled. I looked at my wrist,it was a gold love cartier bracelet,"I love it...." I smiled,"I love you." he kissed my lips,he layed back down,and I traced his tattoo of my name,"Do you have another condom?" I stared at him,biting my lip.

"What kind of guy doesn't carry more than one condom,of course babe." he smiled.


"You're home! How was the date!?" my mom smiled,"It was cool,look what he got me." I smiled and showed her my cartier bracelet,"Beautiful,wow Joe..." my mom smiled,"It was nothing,it was worth it." Joe smiled.

"I'll be back,I'm going to change." I headed up to my bedroom I slipped on a black band tshirt,tucked it inside my black jeans with flip flops.I headed downstairs.

"I actually have to head off to war tomorrow...I don't know how to tell Demi..." Joe sighed,"So I really want to spend all day with her,she's what matters to me the most." I heard him say.

"What?" I looked at him,tears filling my eyes,"Demi---"

I ran out and ran away,"Demi,please!" he chased after me,"YOU'RE LEAVING ME!?! AND YOU'RE NOT TELLING ME!?" I looked at him,then kept running to our secret spot.

He kept chasing me.

"I wanted to tell you,yesterday,but I was so happy to see you and I didn't want to upset the night. I didn't want it to be this soon,but it is." he sighed,"Do you like leaving me?!" I wiped my eyes,he cupped my face,"Hell no,it kills me everytime. I wish I didn't have to go,and just go to bootcamp. I promise you I'll write you every day,every hour I can." he kissed my lips.

I put m y hands on his cheeks and kissed him with a stronger passion.

We stayed with each other all day today,we had fun time at the beach,then we made love some more at our secret spot in the back of his trunk,like our first.

It was the next day and they called his flight,I was crying like crazy. "I'll be back,I'll be fine. This will be over before you know it." Joe kissed my nose,"I hope...be careful out there..." I looked at him,"I'll try. I love you babe,I'll write you right away." he put his arms around me,he spun me around and kissed me.

"Bye." he put me down and grabbed his carry on,he started walking off,I bit my lip,watching him. He turned around and waved to me and his family. I wiped my eyes and waved back.

There he goes,he was gone.

Everything Has Changed ●Jemi●Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz