The Weekend.

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"You know,don't let any strangers in." my mom said,I was holding Joe's hand."I won't..We'll just be watching a movie." I smiled,"Alright,see you guys later." my mom smiled walking to the car with Eddie,"Remember to use protection." Dallas snickered,I hit her arm,"BYE DALLAS!!" I giggled.

"Sooo.We're finally alone." Joe smiled,I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips,"What movie do you want to watch?" I smile,stroking his back of his straight hair,"The one where Joe takes off Demi's clothes and seduces her." he smirked,I laughed,"They haven't made a movie about that...How bout...Curious Case of Benjamin Button?"

"Is that the movie of the old dude growing younger?" Joe raised a brow,"Yeah." I smiled,"No. That's a weird movie.Forgetting Sarah Marshall?" Joe smiled,"Fine." I led him to the living room,I slipped on the dvd and sat on the couch,Joe slipped my legs onto his lap,I pecked his lips. I pressed play and we began to watch the movie. I placed a blanket over us. 


"That was a funny movie!" Joe chuckled,I smiled,eating popcorn,I put the bowl down and got on Joe's lap,I started kissing him passionately,he lifted me up and carried me to my bedroom,I start sucking on his neck,slipping off his shirt and threw it on my floor,he pounded me against the wall,kissing me roughly,he slipped off my gray tshirt,I ran my hands through his dark brown straigt hair.

I wrapped my legs around his waist,he started kissing my neck,finding my sweetspot. "Mmm." I smiled as he unhooked my bra,he threw it on the ground,then he laid me down on the bed and crawled on top of me,he slipped his hand inside my sweatpants,he started rubbing me outside of my thong,I moaned softly.

His lips as explored my breast,I bit my lip as he bit my nipple softly,he messaged the other,then he switched often.I undid his pants and slipped them down,revealing his erection,I smiled and started rubbing him outside of his black boxers,his lips met mine again and kissed me eagerly. I slid down my sweatpants,revealing his hand on my clit,I moaned in his mouth.

I felt his tongue slip in my mouth,we fought for domiance,he slid my thong down,he licked his fingers then he slipped two inside of me,pumping them,I moaned,I cupped his face kissing him roughly, he began to pump faster,"Oooh!" I moaned,I then slid my hand down his body and slid his black boxers down,making his erecton hit my soft skin. "Joe..." I moaned,"I want you.." I threw my head back,making him suck on my neck.He pulled his fingers out and cleaned them,he slowly slipped his member in me.

He started pumping in me fast and hard,I moaned,grabbing a ball of my sheets,"Fuck,baby.." Joe looked at me with pure admiring,I kissed him roughy. He pumped evern faster,making him pant,I moaned as loud as I could,I arched my back,"I'm almost there baby.." he reassured me,"Same..Come on jj...JOE!!" I screamed as I felt all of him inside of me. 

He began to go slowly,but harder,I moaned as I felt my walls tighten around his member,"Ooh fuck!" he cursed as he felt me spill all over his member,he continued and as I moaned I felt him come,"Ooohh.." I closed my eyes.

He pulled out carefully and laid next to me,putting his arm around me,"Shit..." he said,trying to catch his breath,I smiled and kissed his cheek,I looked at him and he seemed be zoned out,"Babe..what are you thinking about?..." I shook him softly.

"Career day is in a few weeks...what if I don't find a career path that I want to have?..I'm worried Demi..I'm worried that I'll be one of those losers who don't go to college...and can't get a job.." he sighed,"Joseph Adam Jonas is no loser...I'm sure you'll find the perfect career..maybe a professional baseball player,who knows,but you'll find the right one...for us..for our family some day." I smiled.

"You want kids with me?" he looked at me,"Of course...wait..shit,you don't?" I looked at him,"Of course I do." he rolled over,kissing me. I suddenly heard a car horn,"Shit,they're back!" I got up and threw his clothes at him as I quickly put my clothes back on,I ran to the living room,pretending we were watching tv. 

"We're back!!" my mom chilled,"Hey mom." I headed downstairs,"Everything was okay?" my dad asked,"Yeah,we were just watching a few movies." I smiled,"Awesome." my mom smiled as I heard Dallas snickered,I glared. "Well,I better head home,I got church and baseball practice tomorrow,thank you guys for having me over,bye babe." Joe pecked my lips. "See you Monday." I smiled. 


"Mom,a friend is coming over so we can  work on our project,so I'll be using the backyard." I yelled form my bedroom,I slipped on a black flowy cami top with black jeans and black heels,I fixedmy hair,the door  rang,"SOMEONE ANSWER THAT!!" I yelled.

"I got it." my dad said and opened the door,"Is this Dementria's house?" Harry asked,"Yeah,I'm Mr.De La Garza." he introduced,"Harry..Harry Styles." he said,"Come in." 

I headed downstairs,"Hey Harry." I smiled,"Hey Demi." he smiled back,"Let's go to the backyard.." I led him to the back,"Nice pad." he smiled," Thanks."I smiled as I sat down in the lawn chair,"So I copied the script for you too. Here." he handed me the script.

"I'm Evanna?" I looked at him,"And I'm Radcliffe." Harry smiled,"Here's the plot. One Mermaid is the king's daughter. She meets a merman that'st a slave and they fall in love." Harry smiled,"That's it?" I giggled,"Yeah.Should we do it in English or American accents?" he looked at me,"I think it'll be cooler if we do it in English accents." I smiled.

"Alright." he smiled,I stood up.

Evanna: I'm so sick of living this sad sad life...
Radcliffe:What do you mean princess?
Evanna: I want to live like the others,I want to have feet and walk on land,no have a fin and be in the damn ocean.
Radcliffe[cups Demi's face] But Princess...if you're leaving us..[Looks her in the eye]

He has very cute green eyes..

Evanna: But I'm depressed're a could you possibly love a princess like me?
Radcliffe: Who cares if I'm a slave..You're a beautiful princess with a kind heart,how could I possibly not love you?

" saids,we kiss?..I don't feel comfortable kissing someone who isn't my boyfriend,I'm sorry." I looked at Harry,"How about I put my hand over your lips,then I put my hands on my hand?" he looked at me,I shrugged,"I'll be good with that." I smiled. "Alright." he smiled and we continued rehearsing.


Can I please get some more comments on this chapter? I only got 2 and I want to know if you guys like it or not :c


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