I am what you need.

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I found a hotel perfect for Paisley and I, Paisley was still mad at me because I didn’t let her see Joe,but I had to promise her she would see him tomorrow,even if I didn’t want to. “Night baby.” I turned out the light and pulled the covers over me.

The next morning I woke up there was a knock on my door, I groaned, I got up and headed to the door,there he was, Joe was in the hall in a wheelchair, “I can’t stop thinking what I said to you..I’m really sorry for what I said..” he looked at me, I sighed. “I’m done with you,Joe…” I sighed.

“Don’t say that,Demi. I love you, I know you love me.” he looked at me, I rolled my eyes, “Not anymore...no I don’t.” I swallowed. “Fuck it, I know you do. I know you don’t love Harry. He’s not good for you, I am. I know I am. I know I’m being selfish,but dammit Demi, I love you and I am what you need. I’m the father to your daughter.”

“Don’t give me,” I shut the door and walked out in the hallway with him, “Don’t give me that shit. You weren’t there.” I glared, “You weren’t there for the pregnancy,you weren’t there when I was in labor, you weren’t there to teach her how to potty train or her first word. You weren’t there, but Harry was. He’s more of a father to her than you are. You are just beginning to be in her life. I’m marrying Harry in a month,and you can’t stop me, Joe.”

He looked at me and sighed, “I guess I’ll just leave you alone.” he kissed my hand and pulled away, “Bye Demi.” he wheeled away, I watch him get farther and farther. I sighed and headed back inside.


It has been a month later and today was my bachelorette party. I haven’t spoken to Joe since,but I didn’t invite him,since I invited Nick.  Right when I was getting ready for my party, I had to run to the bathroom and throw up, “Shit.” I mumbled. “You okay,Dem?” Selena rushed as fast as she could because she was still pregnant. “Yeah..I need you to go get me a pregnancy test..” I looked at her, I knew it wasn’t nervousness, so pregnant was the first that came to my mind.

“Uh,yeah sure, I’ll hurry.” Selena left my house quick, I sighed, I hope it is Harry’s if it is positive,but my gut is saying it’s Joe’s.  I sighed and sat on the couch, this isn’t good. This will ruin the party and everything.


I was out bowling with my brothers. I was invited to Demi’s wedding tomorrow,but I’m not sure if I could go and watch her marry someone that isn’t me and seeing her all happy. “Are you going to go to the wedding?” Kevin sipped his beer, “I don’t know,bro..I really don’t want to go...she can’t make me go…”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t go. The girl you love marrying someone else and you have to pretend to be happy? That’s just hard to do.” Kevin padded my back, “Yeah, I think I’m not going...but I’ll write her a note..I think that’s a good thing to do.” I sighed.

“Then you can close that chapter and move on to another girl that loves you dearly.” Kevin gave me a smiled, I shrugged, “If I can love again.” I got up and headed to bowl my turn. I grabbed my ball and threw it across the alley. Sadly I only hit 6 pins, so the second time I got a spare. Which wasn’t bad but Nick was beating our asses.

I was not looking forward for tomorrow.


Everything Has Changed ●Jemi●Where stories live. Discover now