The Argument.

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The next day,I got out of bed full of depression,”Hey brother.” I sat up,”I was just going to go get some breakfast.Wanna come?” Nick slipped on a shirt.”Sure.” I slipped on a shirt and headed off to the cafeteria with my brother.

“Are you trying to win Demi back?” Nick stuffed a blueberry in his mouth,”Nah,” I shook my head,”It’s not worth it….She loves Harry..I know..” I sighed,”How do you know?”

“Because…” I played with my straw on my drink,”she use to look at me like the way she looks at him.” I sighed,biting into my breakfast burrito. “That’s bullshit. That..” he put his fork down,”Makes me mad. That totally makes me hate her.” her pointed,I sighed,”I want to leave this trip early,man.”

We finished breakfast and headed back into our hotel room.

"Hey Joe. It’s Demi. :)

Hey. What’s up?

I was wondering if you want 2 come ovr. Harry is gone.

I sighed,”Yeah,sure.” I replied.”Great! Paisley & I will be in the pool.”

I sighed again,”Demi invited me to go swimming…” I got on my swimming trunks,”See you later,bro.” I grabbed my phone and headed out of the hotel and called for a taxi. I told the driver the address.

“Thanks.” I got out of the taxi and paid him,I headed inside to the backyard. I saw Demi in the pool with Paisley,”Hey Joe!” she smiled at me,”Hey Dem..Hey Paisley.” I headed to the pool,”Are you going to take off your shirt?” she looked at me,”Know..I don’t feel comfortable with my body right now..”

“Where’s the British Bum?” I looked at her as she twirled Paisley around in her float,”Out with the lads. They are recording all day.” she giggled,”But don't you have a studio here?” I went under water real quick,”Yeah,but they like the Paramount studio the best.”

“He has good songs...he’s good..they’re good.” I nodded,making Demi smile,”They are. I remember they won the talent show in High school.” she raised her eyebrows up and down and I couldn’t help but to laugh.

They finished singing and all the contestants appeared on stage,I held Demis hand,"You guys were all good,but the 4 judges found someone great...and the winner who will get a free DIRECTION!!" the principal said and everyone clapped,Demi went up and hugged them,"Congrats!!"

I sighed,Demi should of won.

“And Selena ditched you and you had to sing to yourself. You sang some sad song,then you became all sexual.” I started laughing along with her,”Worst night of my life.” she gave me a smile,”You were good. You should of won. I think they just won because girls thought they were hot.”

“You sang with your brother.” she grinned,”Yeah,but five guys beats two guys. Plus I was a baseball player,nobody thinks a baseball player was hot.”

“I did.” she blushed,making a smiled,”That’s what made you different.” I bit my lip. I swam to Paisley,”She’s really cute.” I smiled,”Thanks.”

“I cute?” she looked at me,I chuckled,”Yes,you are.” she gasped,”Why thank you.” she splashed me,giggling,”Hey!” I laughed,I splashed her back,causing a splash war.

After spending most of the day in the pool,we had popsicles and we got back in. I even played with Paisley. Demi got her to sleep and headed downstairs,”You’re really good with kids…” she fixed her shirt,”Thanks.She’s cute.” I fixed my hair. “She kept talking about you when I got her to bed.” she bit her lip.

Everything Has Changed ●Jemi●Where stories live. Discover now